Saturday, March 15, 2025

FAZ unveils over K200m budget for 2022


The Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) has disclosed its budget of more than K200 million for the year 2022.

And an international auditing company, AMG Global, has passed the FAZ books of accounts during a report from the auditors.

ZANIS reports that speaking when he presented the budget, Football House Head of Finance, Owens Buntele, said the projected expenditure for 2022 was K214 million.

He said the bulk of the support will come from FIFA, which will provide 21 percent of the support while the KoPa brand will provide the next discernible source of income.

Buntele said FAZ targeted to raise K48 million from KoPa merchandise sales that hopefully could capture one percent of the Zambian population.

He said the other support was expected to come from sponsors such as SuperSport, mobile network provider MTN, ABSA Bank, TopStar and UEFA.

Buntele disclosed that the projected surplus will amount to K1.3 million.

He also announced that FAZ will aggressively pursue other income generating avenues in the next financial year.

Buntele said part of the targeted areas of expenditure are 22 percent for infrastructure, 15 percent lower leagues, 11 percent Zambia Premier League and 10 percent senior men’s national team.


  1. And how many Land cruisers for overpaid football administrators? And no budget to pay off the Chipolopolo coach when he gets inevitably sacked?

  2. Under Great Galu news like this was a secret because he would have dipped in to send to his muzungu wife in RSA whilst she is distracted he can play around with girls in hotels in Zambia.

  3. I just dont understand how FAZ is getting a large chunk of funding from FIFA when football is the biggest sport in the country..we should be getting the largest chunk from just merchandising alone given that you have your own brand.

  4. Jay Jay Tarino just shut up whether news is secret or not has won Zambia nothing for close to ten years! You losers

  5. Trump – To you someone can steal your wife, sister and your daughters as his concubines provided he comes back with AFCON trophy you will be very proud of him!!

  6. FAZ as an affiliate of the National Sports Council of Zambia is under obligation to submit its Financial Reports to the Council every year just like all sports associations. It’s only NSCZ that can tell us if FAZ didn’t have any excesses. There’s sill the issue of the stolen computer saver which was an inside job, I’m sure ACC are just waiting for Andrew to leave then they pounce on him. FIFA grants FAZ US$40,000 every year but that is just a drop in ocean. Govt spends more than what FAZ has stated in its budget just on the senior national team. If they can raise that kind of money why are they begging Elvis Nkandu to employ the coach? Don’t mislead people. FAZ can’t even afford to host visiting teams and pay allowances to players

  7. Iwe Chi Jay Jay aka Tarino so Kalu grabbed your wife and sisters? No wonder this age long gripe. Look for another wife and counsel your sisters. Kalu just spilt your milk

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