Saturday, March 15, 2025

President Hichilema expected to participate in Mining Indaba in South Africa


President Hakainde Hichilema will this week be attending the Mining Indaba scheduled to take place from May 8th to 11th , 2022 in Cape town, South Africa.

In a press statement made available to the media in Lusaka yesterday, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Stanley Kakubo said President Hichilema will deliver a key note speech at the Mining Indaba on Monday, May 2022 at 09:00hrs local time.

Mr. Kabubo noted that the keynote speech will be entitled “A New Dawn for Zambia’s mining sector”.

The Minister said during the event, President Hichilema is also expected to engage both potential and current investors, and other partners to advance conversations relating to efforts to re-establish Zambia as a world class mining destination.

Mr Kakubo stated that the Head of State will also outline to the would-be investors the potential that the Zambian mining sector has to play a catalytic role in promoting industrialisation, job creation and inclusive growth in the country.

He explained that the President is further anticipated to hold bilateral meetings with regional heads of state that will also be in attendance.

The Minster said the Africa Mining Indaba is the world’s largest annual investment event for the mining sector and Africa’s largest gathering for mining operators, investors, governments and service companies.

Mr Kakubo further stated that participation at the event is part of government’s campaign to revitalise the sector as it works to increase production revenues and jobs.

He noted that the 2022 Mining Indaba is being held under the theme: Evolution of Africa Mining: Investing in the Energy Transition, Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) and Economics.”

Mr Kakubo said President Hichilema’s participation presents a great opportunity for Zambia to market her rich mineral resource and investment potential to the international mining community.

He said the President understands the key role that the mining sector will continue to play in accelerating economic growth through harnessing available opportunities.

Mr Kabubo further added that President Hichilema’s participation in the mining Indaba is projected to unlock opportunities for investment, reinforce bilateral relations with other countries within the region.

He said the President will be accompanied by Minister of Finance and National Planning, Situmbeko Musokotwane and Minister of Mines and Minerals Development, Paul Kabuswe adding that they are expected to return to Zambia on 11 the of May 2022.


  1. Is this Indaba necessary for the president to attend. Edgar was sending Ministers and Permanent secretaries.

    AFRICOM member Hakainde

    • You can tell that this August 12 victim is bruised like one Kaizar. There is no cure but pretend you are okay

  2. Also wondering whe the President has to go there, too much traveling. Does he enjoy the limelight olo bwanji?
    Let me just add that we are literally just giving away our minerals without any logical tax. Everything is tailored to suit foreigners in our country.

  3. The president is the best man to deliver the speech…………

    Lungu could not even talk to the press, that’s why he did not go anywhere near investor forums………

    The presidents attendance and participation at this even is eagerly waited………

    Investors what to hear it from the horse’s mouth ……….

  4. So he has no Ministers…the demagogue President is such a crook now going to negotiate mining deals with criminal Anglo America…..Vendetta is also there…HH finishing off Zambia

  5. @PF Cadres: Henry,Chiza & Saulosi: No.1, who is Zambia today is capable of a proficient sales speech as HH’s(In the fields of Mining,Agriculture,Economucs,Accounting & Business) who? mention one,Perhaps Chibamba Kanyama but he is not in GRZ.Aba basala esp ministers niba ngwengele. Your minister of Mines cant even talk the way HH would and on the same topic ka. When HH speaks,investor listen(White/Black or whoever you are) They all listen-Watch from his visit to Washington to Date-all his meetings he draws ears & attention. No.2,Edgar Lungu didnt ve to go to these meetings because he wud go there to say what exactly? 3.HH can afford to fly everyday for 50yrs,cos didnt he jst tell you that he is donating his salary & didnt the presidents accounts mention that everytime HH travels budgeted…

  6. ……..Budgeted travel money keeps coming back. So whats your complaint imwe vi dirty cadres? Next time,by the end of this year,I want someone here to bring a list of all the travels by Lungu and all travels by HH. All of them ,side by side, and then lets compare their total costs then finally lets calculate what deals were signed there and what benefits.e.g Lungu went to America with a private jet full of Musicians and brought back more debt-to pay musicians(until today Kalandanya is still being sued) ,HH went to the same country with 4 delegates,on a public flight and come back with 1billion US. Hahahahahhaha

  7. For a. Country like Zambia and similarly like Botswanas President. Attending,it’s a good opportunity to speak to minerals Investors looking for both inferred and non inferred resources to mine and hopefully process across and around the local industrial mining zones It’s a very important event to attend and like others what is important is to realise Investments pledges for this growth sectors especially lead by copper Original Investors and minning companies and not franchises companies of value like FQM Lundin or imperial metals of such because the value of copper from 2021 to 2030 for electric vehicles is positively Strong Having a strong presentation on minerals and assets will be appealing it’s about minerals outlook minning and processing in Zambia and why

  8. #1 and 2 Why is it a surprise to you? In a nutshell what do you expect from a man who less than a year ago agitated the nation that fuel in Zambia was the most expensive in the whole region but as soon as the State House were opened for him he declared that fuel in ZAMBIA was the cheapest in the region. Spaks and Oranges have forgotten of deliberately….

  9. Wewill be eating snook at the water front as we participate in minning event and contribute positivity virtually as already have It’s a good event. But what is important is the Investments proposition because there are new and many investors with capital outlay to Invest in Zambias minning and industrials often this capital is ultra and most of those attending could be hearing first time and first hand You have World-class Investors and Investments in copper and batteries or critical earth metals So attending is what thing and present a case good enough is another So if Presidents are attending to market resources that includes oil and gas then Zambia should take the opportunity and be competitive for capital but we will need quickly new Investments and real Investments for the copperbelt

  10. Deja Vu – Your comment doesnt make sense at all…I thought you were knowledgeable enough to know how crude oil was procured and the status on the market. Anyway some of you just post comments to get some readers excited for likes…when we say something you turn around and say we dont live there so we can not comment. During the covid-19 pandemic fuel was cheap as chips, oil producers were literally giving it away PF never reduced it you were quiet never did I see your comment on here but today you are here moaning like a toddler…you not cheating anyone..really laughable.

  11. Deja Vu – Your comment doesnt make sense at all…I thought you were knowledgeable enough to know how crude oil was procured and the status on the market. Anyway some of you just post comments to get some readers excited for likes…when we say something you turn around and say we dont live there so we can not comment

  12. During the covid-19 pandemic fuel was cheap as chips, oil producers were literally giving it away PF govt never reduced it but pocketed the change you were quiet never did I see your comment on here but today you are here crying profusely like a spoiled toddler…you’re not cheating anyone..really laughable.

  13. During the covid-19 pandemic fuel was che ap as chi ps, oil producers were literally giving it away P F govt never reduced it but pocketed the change you were quiet never did I see your comment on here but today you are here crying profusely like a spoiled tod dler…you’re not ch eating anyone..really laughable.

  14. Yaa except that the taxation and fiscal environments must be strong if Zambias fiscal revenues from the price of copper and other resulting from those Investments realisations it should also be seen that a preformed minning sector is a multiplier to other sectors of the economy
    also and could significantly impact on fiscal revenues and result in reduced Budget deficits and performance of other Budgets better than this 2022 Yes the budget measures this 2022 could have seen a lot of capital Investments by the current on the copperbelt and solwezi to signal productivity beyond Current lower than expected potential

  15. I dont even know why we attend this so called “Mining Indaba” every year for last 10 years … its of no importance to us we make the tax policies not the mines so what is the President going to do there? Is he going to get calenders? Read the same speeches about Corporate Social Responsbility…we are still waiting on this govt to cancel mining in Lower Zambezi NP. The mines already know where to explore and invest…this is just a ground for sowing the seeds of corruption.

  16. Privatisation round 2. This f00l only became president to come and sell more of our resources for kickbacks.

    Tarino I have told you before we only moderate people who post f00Iish lies here. Change your style of blogging and you might not get moderated. You are a useless upnd cadre

  17. @6, I take exceptional offense at being called a PF supporter. If you take offense at people questioning the UPND government, search within yourself and see how different you are from PF supporters.
    It should not be an offense to ask why the President keeps traveling, this will be his fourth trip to SA, including a private trip earlier organized by this same organization. Secondly, our mining tax is illogical.
    Pointing out the above should not label me as PF.

  18. Tarino Orange. Yangu! So the time you were campaigning crude oil had a different formula? Actually your answer doesn’t make sense. I personally knew why the price was high. I have friends from both PF and Upnd and each one had an explanation…. one friend from Upnd actually a graduate analytical chemist was convinced that Edgar and company were getting a cut from fuel companies thus pushing the price up. I’m sure Edgar is now getting double the cut than before.

  19. #17 It’s only PF supporters who can see what is going wrong… anyone who goes hungry because of high food prices and high transport fares is a member of the PF.

  20. Deja Vu – So tell us why do you think fuel and food prices are suddenly high? You talk as if you have just woken up from a 15 year coma…tell us instead of beating about the bush and talking gibberish.

  21. Deja Vu -“It’s only PF supporters who can see what is going wrong”
    No Its because they are in denial they have never apologised for getting the country into huge debts, can you imagine former Secretary to the Tresuary who arrested last week for signing off close $34 million for a school in Luapula that is still at foundation level. If PF had won they would have simply released another $33 million to cover this, like they did with ministers illegal pay and social cash transfer debacle….all this adds up to billions of dollars lost due to CORRUPTION. And you are there asking daft questions like a small innocent boy.

  22. We voted for HH to push Zambia’s agenda, he should be going for such important events all the time, even if it means every week. The mines had collapsed under PF because Edgar was sending very incompetent ministers. And this President is cost conscious, he travels with a very lean delegation

  23. HH, please follow your program, we wont have chaps on Lusaka Times dictating when you should travel or when you should not

  24. Falao – Please dont cheat yourself that the mines collapsed under Lazy Lungu…come rain or shine the mines will always make money in Zambia in fact it was easy to get away with a lot of tax evasion under the PF and most of the cabinet ministers were in their pockets. The HH7 attends these pointless trips the more he exposes his team to the smooth talking Mining Executives. Look at Vendenta wanting KCM back …you know they will be at this function probing for weakness in HH7’s team.

  25. The mines had totally collapsed under PF producing less than 800,000 metric tonnes a year, Congo DRC is pushing 3 million metric tonnes

  26. @19, so it seems. I hate our politics and cabbage brain supporters of politicians, if you challenge the government you are opposition and bitter.
    There is no room for objectivity, everything must be supported, ni parliament yaku China olo bwanji?

  27. He is going there for his businesses interests. Glad he will not be a president forever and there after, he will account for todays action. He should realize, yesterday is gone and tomorrow is forever.

  28. @29 and 31. This is what happens when presidents fail to declare their assets, we don’t know who he is acting on behalf, his personal interests or those of the country?
    HH is worth half a billion dollars currently, he is making sure we all know he doesn’t get a salary but may be traveling to all these places at government expense and making his own money.
    We complained when Lungu refused to declare his assets in the 2021 elections, because within one year (2015-2016) his net worth grew by over 200 percent.
    Why should we not ask the same of HH?

  29. Chiza Chirwa – Do you seriously think Lazy Lungu and ECZ would have allowed HH7 to file nomination papers without declaring his assets? C’mon you know why ECZ never released that information because someone has been increasing his net worth like a pig’s weight in a cake shop.

  30. Always using Lungu to defend the impossible and justify Crystal clear corruption. Time is, among other things, the best teacher. He can not be great by fooling about.

  31. @33, Tarino AKA Kaizar, because ECZ worked on behalf of Lungu, we should now subject HH to the same criteria?

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