Vedanta Resources Limited, the company that used to run Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) has said that it was allowed to resume
running the mine again, it is committed to investing a USD 1 billion towards capital mine development and other infrastructure to increase KCM’s integrated production from the current 50kt to 100kt per annum, and a further potential increase to 200ktpa in the medium-term.
In a letter addressed to President Hakainde Hichilema, Finance Minister Situmebeko Musokotwane and a number of other stakeholders including the Mine Workers Union of Zambia by the Group CEO, Sunil Duggal , the company said further said that it commits that upon return it shall implement a 20% salary the increase across the board and a one-off payment of K2 500 within 3 months of the return that after the technical forensic audit of KCM has been completed, and that it shall again review the workers’ conditions of service to ascertain whether there could be room for further adjustments.
The company also proposed to support hospitals, clinics, and schools, provide scholarships, and livestock, and promote youth development programs, training and sports development including football sponsorship, adding that these programmes shall be established by a Special Purpose Community Trust which will be managed jointly by the mine and community.
Vedanta also said that it is committed to paying KCM suppliers (specifically small suppliers) up to USD 220 million which was due as on 21 May 2019 when the Provisional Liquidator was appointed, adding that it is the intention of Vedanta to ensure that Zambian small businesses are prioritised in its supply chain.
The company also said that KCM will put in place a procurement program that, having identified appropriate Zambian small businesses, will avail them with support and medium-term contracts so that they can grow with KCM.
The company concluded in the letter by stating that it looked forward to engaging will the Government of Zambia, ZCCM IH and all other relevant stakeholders on the conditions of Vedanta’s return to KCM.
Not here in Zambia
Let them go for good.If HH makes such a disastor 2026 is near.We can’t allow imperialist to control us.We know they are not paying taxes but again to give them a mine that will mark the end of the puppet in the name of HH.
LT, why are you frequently erratic with your grammar? Any on to Vedanta, they should never be allowed anywhere near KCM, all they have spewed here are poor lies.
Meanwhile hh is in South Africa selling off our national assets for his own benefit. Privatisation 2.0
Why didn’t they do all these when they were running the mines. Under five government might accept.
Hakainde has sold ZSIC flats in Ndola. Rumour has it that he wants to buy the flats.
Why all of a sudden you want to look like the responsible investor ???
If an Indian offers you such sweeteners, just know there is something too good to miss at KCM………
There must be hundreds of billions of dollars in that mine…….
We want all the profits of that mine for zambia …….
#5 – @Henry
Henry April 18, 2022 At 7:31 am
” I have a brother who works for this firm. He called me immediately he saw Zambian officers. They were not even allowed to enter the building. No investigation was done.”
kikikikikiki we Zambia being auctioned to the highest bidder…scramble for Africa reloaded
A man beaten more than once by the same snake is a f00l. Let’s wait and see, now that Milingo isn’t in the picture
The timing of this letter is perfect! Our man will be in Joburg to attend the mining indaba. Who advised Vedanta? It looks like an inside job. Nipano tuli
Can trust that chap in the photo on a clean desk pretending to type on someon’s laptop for a photoshoot? Trust an Indian at your own peril…7 years ago they promoised $10 billion investment but delivered zero
Investing $1 billion in a poor country where people live for $1 a day…we must be very blind as Zambians and the same so called investors laugh at us….why cant we manage our own resources …..De beers, Vandetta, Anglo American all these parasites wants to milk Africa dry….and HH should stop his nonsense…stop entertaining thieves
Ichikwaka bacimwena kumapalanya. Twofold, Vedanta dribbled Mwanawansa, got the mine at a song and cheated on revenues, made billions and left liabilities; HH, his UPND went to bed with vedanta before he came into power, Vedanta sponsored their campaigns, HH promised to give them back KCM. Going back into history, though it just brings sad tears, the mine had enough resources needed to address our economic problems, it was driven by Zambians with the slogan Ubuyantashi before Mwanawansa was dribbled. UPND, even if you are captured, or it is in your businesses interest, do not bring back vedanta. Zambians do not be spectators. Praise singers, this is not the time for hero worshipping.
#5 – @Raca Henry Vadenta Ltd promises to pay (small scale suppliers) up to $220million that was due on 21 Aprill 2019. This is how PF regime dupped small scale suppliers. Let Vadenta Ltd sort out these suppliers, their money is long overdue, delayed by PF regime thefts through crooked Milingo Lungu. Vadenta is not welcome in Zambia anyway as stated by many on this plat form.
Zambia for Zambians and India for Indians. Go invest in India, Vedanta!
KCM never made a profit the whole time they bought the mine.
They were liquidated because they could not be trusted. To Zambians, this is what they failed:
1. Remit dividends to ZCCM-IH
2. Pay suppliers
3. Observe sustainable mining. (Pollution of Kafue river.)
4. Pay miners a living wage
5. Create a nursery for mining boost at Nchanga open pit
6. Chililabombwe KDMP flopped under their watch.
7. Run down once prestigious Nchanga South hospital, reducing it to a meagre clinic status
8. Sidelining local contractors, removing them from BUYING registers, prefering Indian connections.
9. Failure to pay local supliers, sometimes after 120-150 days!
10. Neglected general mine recapitalisation choosing externalisation and self aggrandisement of Vedanta owner.
#15 Mulongoti Machayi
May 8, 2022 At 4:54 pm
“KCM never made a profit the whole time they bought the mine.
They were liquidated because they could not be trusted. To Zambians, this is what they failed:…….”
That was under lungu………..
Everything he touched , he messed up……
Since Vedanta appears to offset the old faults and the government already looks to have given KCM back to legal owners, what remains is what Zambians will do to Vedanta if all these promises are not met? Has Vedanta repented of their sins. Are we going to see Vedanta a liked citizen in Zambia? If Vedanta is rejected, do we have a good replacement? Will there be another litigation?
Let’s hear what the Zambian court says.
I am saying this because the South African court ruled in favour of Vedanta against GRZ who arbitrarily liquidated the firm.
UPND is not privatising KCM, but giving it back to legal owners.
The only Copperbelt mine owned by GRZ is Mopani, a free for all to take, where Canadians already showed unflinching interest.
Get behind thee Sat@n. Such are the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness.
And you may cost the current government at the ballot.
$33 million gone with the wind in luapula under PF vs $1billion capital injection or investment into KCM.
PF criminals and Zealots should shut their beaks. Let others speak.
Judas Iscariot …no wonder he committed suicide
@16_Spaka May 8, 2022 At 5:05 pm
KCM was bought at the price of USD25 million?? in November 2004 with 51 percent shares. In 2008 , shares moved up to 79%. How did they increase shareholding if truly the firm was in red?
I wonder whether Lungu was president thenin 2004, was he?
The next thing to hear or discover is that someone has shares in KCM…
True we need Investments and Investors of value working with zambians o er the long-term creating industrials around copper and critical earth metals especially that copper and other electricity metals and electric vehicles batteries It important to simply review the capital reinvestments stratergies of parent and see what is ahead It’s not in the best interest of Zambias minning sectors. And industrials We look for other people and avoiding repeatedly repeating the same mistake These amounts can be raised by any from copper productivity at kcm and to meet suppliers and employees remuneration anyone at current copper yields can do that and even better if he Invests in productivity These will feature for short_term to recovery losses and little reinvestments I will be very surprised…
It’s will be a mistake find other people to Invest in kabundi
@8, LOL. Wanisekesa boi! I remember Henry lying and I challenged him to tell me the number of floors the building had, or at the very least, the security company offering services there, he failed. Kudos for the remainder!
I ask Zambians now, HH, being pro capitalist to a fault, may just give back the mine to Vedanta, on the premise of ‘ensuring stability for foreign investors blablabla’ or alternatively, the mine will be given to a western company.
My humble view, let government take full ownership of the mine. Under the guidance of Milingo Lungu, the mine has made over a billion in revenue (and Milingo isn’t the best person to possibly run the mine).
Please get our own people to run the mine, refine and export the copper.
Do we need outside intervention for this?
I currently…
@8, LOL. Wanisekesa boi! I remember Henry lying and I challenged him to tell me the number of floors the building had, or at the very least, the security company offering services there, he failed. Kudos for the remainder!
Also, this text is an extract from an original comment which is under moderation. Short situation; forget Vedanta, forget other foreign companies, run the mines yourselves! If Milingo Lungu brought in 1 billion dollars in profit for a mine under liquidation, how much more would we make if we operationalize it with full government support? But no, you wanna go with mineral royalty.
What a funny coy smile the gentleman has; just reminds me of the sweet bearing child catcher in the film “Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang”! Who used sweets to lure unwary children into servitude. Unbelievable! – these guys won’t give up, will they? Just proves they were really raking it in! Why can’t we do this ourselves…and rake it in?
#plant a tree please.
Its high time that we do things on our own…these racists won’t do us any good except we take it upon ourselves. Alot of people on the copperbelt are still living in abject poverty and yet that place has been dug and dug for years and made $billions for a few selfish tax evaders.
When you see an Indian man begging to come back like this just know that KCM was a cash cow for these crooks at Vendenta ..easy money as their vile founder Anil Agarwal would call it …they have more respect for their cows than they have for black man who is at the bottom of their ghastly caste system. The money is gone now ..nomore laughing at us so they dip in there pockets for a change and want to just get through the door. I know for sure that rat Anil Agarwal will be at the mining indaba wanting to talk to HH7 and his ministers bearing gifts.
We don’t want your money! the fact that this man is fighting to get back into Zambia should ring alarm bells. We don’t need these crooks.
@19 Independent
You walk around with so much hate in your heart….easy up my dear friend this is just Politics,,,we have Kaizar Zulu, Spaka, Tarino, Chiza Chirwa, TIKKI, Nostradamus De JaVu etc all these guys just get on each others nerves just for fun….nothing serious…
Ok let this mine be run by Zambians if Zambia is to improve. This can be done on partnership basis
You should hear how Indians laugh and make fun of Zambians…..Ziko ni yanu koma ndalama nizathu….Zambia is your country but money belongs to us…..and I heard another indian say ” Munthu wakuda afuna kudya na kuvala na kumwa moba kwasila “…..All a black man wants is food clothes and drink beer…that’s it”…..
These are crooks and will only be entertained by their fellow crooks. Epo mpelele!!
My brothers and sisters… this is an already done deal…they may come back through a proxy or some subsidiary.
I think it is important to put things in context – 1. HH is trying to get the economy working again, this require capital and risk takers. 2 He needs to do this rationaly without giving the impression that he is giving-into “imperialistic” demands. 3 At the same time, he needs to please the voters, the majority of whom don’t economical/policy/strategic direction required to achieve the desired results,
Tough ask, be strong HH sir
The gov has the every reasons to find a valuable Investors to secure kcm and jobs for many years to come the amounts in 1 billions Dollar at current copper any reasonable responsible investor will abitrage to spend that and recover over an annual produce of copper find another not these in bitcoins now with stiff capital structure it’s fake promise maybe out of pure play methods and not They have no capital plans long-term for sustainability of kcm only a a social quick cosmetic dollar mezzenine cake or is it a carrot with sugars find likes of FQM not struggling group capital !!!!
Vedanta should show capacity by first buying toilets at city market from LCC.
In the mines firms and industries could be private but what should be for Gov is that the benefits of the mines and market prices should be for the benefit and be harnessed for all in an ESGs manner Payments of Taxes and royalties should still remain a form of way of financing social and gov expenditures This should be the key and must be seen on a broader level for the good of the country and the social sectors there in chingola This proposal should be read and understood in it’s broader context as to the impact on Zambias economies and revenues for long-term sustainability also the benefits to be accrued accrued must be seen broader This proposal is not right in this case also
The Guptas should not be back they were chased from South Africa always find a way back but never changes old ways They have no long-term plan for the mines and towns
Zambians failed to benefit after chasing the
Owners of KCM.Milingo and his colleagues
Benefitted.From been bitten by the Zambian
Gupta’s to Milingo Gupta’s.
I have never seen a company so divisive. There is no damage control here.
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, so the saying goes.
How many times has Vedanta promised heaven and yet failed to deliver even earth?
Simple question would be why they have not done all these wonderful things that they are promising all these years?
What has changed? They were not paying taxes, not paying suppliers, not honouring investment pledges, not supporting community projects projects, just externalising money.
Surely, why do you want such an entity back to your country to come and continue the same?
Anyway, looks like upnd wants to book an early ticket out of power.
Looks like upnd wants to book an early ticket out of power by entertaining these crooks. Tikambako chabe, nizanu.
Some people are wicked….