By Bowman Lusambo
We are told by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation that President Hakainde Hichilema will spend four days in Cape Town, South Africa attending the Africa Mining Indaba.
The Head of State is due to address the gathering on Monday at 09:00 Hrs.
As someone one who attended the Indaba as Copperbelt Minister on a number of occasions, I wish to place it on record that having an entire President at the Indaba for four days is not particularly a good way of managing the President’s time.
The Indaba is a great event for portfolio Ministers and Directors and other technolocracts. At the Indaba, it would be foolish for a President to commit to anything without subjecting the issue to a Cabinet resolution. President Hichilema should quickly learn that government does not operate quite like a limited Company. If he uses the Cape Town event to over promise (like he always does) his imperialist friends who are after our mining assets, he will find difficulties in implementing those promises because government operates on a different framework.
From my experience, As important as the Mining Indaba is to mining development in Africa and across the world, having a President at this event for four days which is meant for Ministers at best is demeaning the office Mr. Hichilema occupies.
For a man who campaigned heavily on prudent utilization of public resources, spending four days in a very expensive city does not show frugality.
The key question should be, what will President Hichilema be left to do in Cape Town after he is done with his Key Note speech by midday on Monday?
A bit of sight seeing on the Table Mountain? A tour of Robben Island perhaps?
Cape Town is a hugely tempting City especially if one’s stay there is being paid for by the tax payer but we should point out that keeping the President and his entourage in the Mother City will cost the treasury a fortune.
For a man who recently took a near one week break from home to stay at his Kalomo farm, President Hichilema appears to be a man for the soft life. His laissez-afire attitude towards work is unmatched.
I am not sure Zambians voted for a President who will be going on vacations every two weeks with just 10 months into his administration. We call on President Hichilema to immediately cut his Cape Town vacation immediately he is done with his Key Note Address and return to Lusaka.
Here at home, President Hichilema has a mountain of problems requiring his full attention and sight seeing should not be a priority for a man who has not even delivered a single election campaign promise, 10 months into office.
Wait for the lumbani madoda, the praise team to respond to you my friend,
Mr. hon Bowman Lusambo is a very dull man. It is better for Bowman to stop ranting to expose his foolishness and not knowing how to create wealth. No wonder he was saying that, the constituencies has been given too much money. This show how he doesn’t understand how wealth of the nation is created
This ***** was released too soon from jail. We have work to do after these thieves raped the county of its resources.
Indeed why would an entire President stay that long at a business indaba? Mwisho nemo nshilemonapo bwino lukoso apa. When your President intends to stay that long in the Oppenheimer country bit’s a source of worry. May be he’s gone to adjudicate between Vedanta and Anglo
When Lazy Lungu was going to Swaziland to play with teenage girls you didnt say anything today you are here getting your chola boys to write you articles Bowman. You say from your experience as if you are a seasoned civil servant for the last 30 years …really laughable..are you not one of the Provinicial Ministers who went to China for two weeks all paid for by the Chinese and what happened after is evident for all to given the richies you have amassed illegally. Bowman you have too many court cases on your hands spend your time on them.
“For a man who recently took a near one week break from home to stay at his Kalomo farm, President Hichilema appears to be a man for the soft life. His laissez-afire attitude towards work is unmatched.”
This has irony written all over it …Bowman telling HH7 that he has “laissez-afire attitude”…really laughable, these are the guys who used to declare public holidays every month. Bowman do you want to why I call your God Edgar Chagwa Lungu – Lazy Lungu? These PF guys are so detached from reality if this article was written by Sean Tembo I would agree with every word …I can not ignore a hypocrite Bowman.
Mr LVSAMBO, you are judging others based on your own experience. This article has achieved 2 things: 1) You have bitten Mr.Mwamba, as I was expecting him and not you to comment and 2) you have shown to the Zambian how incompetent you guys were. Why was ECL sending people like you to attend such Indaba when your motive was to sightseeing, tour of Robben Island, and also visiting POSH night clubs? You have 3 Presidents who are attending, why would you demean such a gathering to suit your needs? This article is so empty and hollow, surely coming from an empty tin. BTW, although you condemn HH, the following is true: 1) slim entourage 2) all his external visits have beared some tangible results – USAID, EUROBOND negotiation, MOU with Rwanda, Angola &DRC, and now QUANTUM 1.25bil USD investment.
General Kanene – That is PF for you even when they just keep quiet they are making noise…he is forgetting that Lazy Lungu hired a commerical aircraft to jerry people to a UN conference in Washington even singers …the man used to fly anyhow to RSA all we would see is that flight 9j-one was in Joburg for 48 hours. As I said if this article was written by someone else I would agree not these thieves who put Zambia in debt due corruption, greed, laziness and incompetence. A man who used to live in a two room shack 6 years ago today he has several houses with one with Zebras and impalas in the backyard…he even was renting out a mansion owned by Zamtel for his girlfriends which he never paid.
Vendetta is coming back so background work must be done. Offshore account numbers may be exchanged.
From the time HH was sworn in,have you ever head him go to Mfuwe on a “working holiday “?
That , coming from a PF thief & looter my friends!
“……….As someone one who attended the Indaba as Copperbelt Minister on a number of occasions,………..”
God have mercy………..
Is this the type of people lungu sent to represent zambias mining interests ????
I shudder to think what lusambo went to represent or talk about there…………..
#6, #3 – @Tarino Orange,
Totally, agree with you and could have expressed better !
#10 -@Spaka,
Iyeeee…imwe….just imagine ! And he is here even boasting about it….only a knucklehead can do that.
A whole president taking himself to a mere indaba because even he cannot trust his own ministers. Such a failure. He is busy partying there with his masters
“Cape Town is a hugely tempting City” A bit of sight seeing on the Table Mountain? A tour of Robben Island perhaps? no wonder nothing tangible came out of the visits you took.
F–k you hard in the ass Bowman. It is not you who wrote this article, you hired someone
Just explain to as how you got rich in four days.
There has to be a good reason why the only other President present at the indaba is the host President, the President of the number one Copper producer in Africa , DRC, is not there. If its a meeting more suited for the technocrats then our President should have sat this one out or returned home after his speech. Getting our President engaged in detailed discussions leaves little room for oversight later, those investors in future can simply say “we agreed with your President in principle in Cape Town”.
Now it has become normal for HH to use tax payers money for his personal travel disguised as official government trips….Typical African Politicians….remember Omar Bongo used to fly prostitutessss from France to Gabon on government expenses…and the lumbani madoda will still be dancing
For riff raff illiterates like B0wm@n, when I mean “Bar” I don’t mean ku Tavern, so D1rty th1eving illiterate B0wm@n, shut your corrupt trap & only open it once you reach Himbokaila correction Centre!
Alebw3lelap0 theliz no!!
Ni chikuny0nge season apa.
Selah iwe’ kabwa, New Dawn ib0mbe!!
#17 Joe Blogs
May 9, 2022 At 11:25 am
“There has to be a good reason why the only other President present at the indaba is the host President, the President of the number one Copper producer in Africa , DRC, is not there. If its a meeting more suited….”
The president of DRC will be there………
Which rational person would…………
Commission we comming banners of himself around the capital city ?????
Commission banners of himself and his family around the capital city, wishing the founding president KKs family well………
Only a moron would that………….
Ok people let’s hit the reset button and imagine this article was not written by Bowman. And without comparing to anybody because comparisons tend to throw people off reasonable debates, reject to examine the issue raised, and morph into blind loyalty. Where is the president’s mind by staying 4 days in Cape Town? Does the president realize these are the same issues he fought and preached against? Where is our Bally sure and the objective stance for transparency and reasonable spending he made us believe the country desperately needed? Politicians are hypocrites.
#22 – @OlympusHasFallen,
There will be 4 other presidents there, think about it, don’t you see any chance that HH might have bilateral discussions with those other Heads of States? Unlike previous attendants from Zambia, who spent time sightseeing, this man has told you , he wants to Market (from the term “Marketing”) Zambia and attract investors. And as it normally happens, there are behind doors discussions directly with the investors. This doesn’t mean he will be signing contractss, but instead to understand the investors and be able to sell what Zambia can offer. That is standard in business circles, I don’t see the reason why people are getting mad with that.
Spaka – The President isn’t attending its only his Prime Minister who will in attendance…DRC President can’t leave his castle to go see miners when they can come to him its his country with the resources.
HH is using his time far better than dishing out stolen money in stadiums(stadia) the way the author was doing when he moved from MMD die hard to PF bulldozer, and one wonders what such a light weight in politics was bull dozing
Praise singers at work
Zambia’s economy is essentially => => => Zambia’s copper mining. Having the final decision maker on scene has immense value. Mining is a capital intensive industry, and it helps for investors to know that their investments are supported and appreciated at the highest official levels in whatever jurisdiction they choose to park their money.
@26 Garlic
Praise Singers Lumbani Madoda….we have die hard Lumbani madoda here on LT….Spaka,Tarino Orange,General Kanene and the other moron Step aside….these are cult followers of HH…..if HH tells them to drink a gallon of sulphuric acid today…they will drink 2 gallons of sulphuric acid instead….they’re sick in the head
@26 Garlic
And the majority of these so called Lumbani madoda praise singers live in extreme poverty…and yet they’re cheering on someone wasting their resources with nonsensical personal business trips disguised as official trips…Spaka and Tarino Orange are both under UK welfare..
General Kanene lives in a homeless shelter in the USA…Tikki is a street kid
Kikiki……you made my day, ati the homeless shelter. Nope…I am doing very very well my friend, I have lived on continents unlike you. You introduced yourself as a Newspaper Reporter, then it was Uber Driver, then fimo….fimo …. That’s quite a good indication of your instability, not me.
Take care of your doctor wife, if at all it is even true…….iwe kama mbala we.
HH please just do your work, the bruised victims of August 12 will stop at nothing to discourage you, little do they know that the 2.8 million is now 3 million
If elections came again today we will repeat the August 12 feat, we will just play the recording and the Justice at ECZ can just re announce the same. Bravo UPND for the way you are managing our affairs, and if HH needs to stay for one month at the mining Indaba in Cape town, we will support because we know how responsible he is