Saturday, March 15, 2025

Arrests will not silence me over matters of public interest-Nakacinda


Outspoken Patriotic Front (PF) member of the Central Committee in Charge of Information and Publicity Raphael Nakacinda has vowed that arrests will not silence him over matters of public interest.

Featuring on a Hot FM radio show on Monday morning, Mr. Nakacinda said even if his life was in danger he would still speak the truth and justice for the people of Zambia.

Mr. Nakacinda has been arrested at least three times in the last six months over comments he has been making in the media especially against President Hakainde Hichilema.

Last December, Police in Lusaka recorded a warn and caution statement from Mr. Nakacinda for the offence of defamation of the President following his arrest and detention at Chelstone Police Station.

Police further arrested and detained Mr. Nakacinda in January and April over similar offences of proposing violence and defaming the President.

“Our jobs as opposition is to raise issues that have public interest and to that effect the reason why those in government have spokespersons. At the state house, government and even in the Ministry of Information they even have cadres who are also spokespersons. Use them; let them speak on behalf of the government. Ours is to speak on behalf of the Zambian people. If I hear that Mr. Hakainde Hichilema in Cape Town he has sold-out to imperialists in terms of the mining rights. You want me to come here with evidence? If I get that information I will blow it so that the Zambian people know that we have been shortchanged again. These puppets of imperialists, this is what they have done,” Mr. Nakacinda said.

“That is the job we are doing. Of course it is a risky job, we are being threatened. Right now as we speak Mr. Moderator (radio presenter), a team of UPND cadres plus some disgruntled police officers and other security agencies who have been put together to start head-hunting individuals and among the people who are on the list is myself and I want to say to Mr. Hakainde Hichilema. Even if you arrest us, even if you start now wanting to temper with our lives we will not stop speaking on behalf of the Zambian people. We have done it before; we will do it now because even if you decide to take my life I can assure you and cut my body in one thousand pieces. Each piece will still speak for justice; each piece will still speak for the truth, each piece will still speak for the interest of the Zambian people. That is why we offered ourselves for service in this regard,” he said.

On the same radio programme, Mr. Nakacinda declared as a hoax the United Party for National Development (UPND) government’s crusade against corruption.

Mr. Nakacinda alleged that the executive led by President Hakainde Hichilema is meddling in the affairs of the judiciary thereby defeating separation of powers.

The immediate past Minister of Water Development further condemned President Hichilema for firing High Court judge Joshua Banda and for suspending judge Sunday Nkonde of the industrial relations division for alleged gross misconduct.

“I think it is important as we proceed, some of the concerns we have in the so-called fight against corruption. For me today one of the things I came to express as we continue to zoom is the risk that the judiciary or the threat that the judiciary is faced with from the executive. So far we have my uncle Honorable Vincent Malambo who is chair of the JCC (Judicial Complaints Commission) and he is also chair of the LPC, the Legal Practitioners Committee responsible for disciplinary processes at LAZ (Law Association of Zambia). In this case when it comes to lawyers that is how come most of the lawyers nowadays are timid even to take up some cases because there is a slaughter house that has been created at LAZ to deal with perceived nonaligned lawyers toward the ruling party,” Mr. Nakacinda said.

“Even in the judiciary, there are predetermined positions toward specific judges and also a predetermined position toward specific courts. There is a position to get rid of certain courts. That is the way the ball is playing is that the Minister of Justice who is a partner to Honourable Vincent Malambo in the same law firm Malambo and whatever are called. They are partners. So they are playing this game and mind you my uncle Honourable Vincent Malambo is just that really I am a little disappointed is one of the people I felt that would rise above regardless but so far it is a bit challenging because I expected him to declare interest,” he added.


  1. The long held view in UPND circles is that no Tonga shall speak against the great leader. So as Tonga saying what you say, you’re really a pain in his back side. You really know how to get on his nerves. His bitterness will one day consume him.

  2. This boy went to radio station did the whole show without any trouble…can you imagine that under PF of Lazy Lungu were heavily armed cadres stormed radio stations. The end is near for this one I see him serving a long stretch in prison no wonder he is hallucinating…the only one getting rich off these foooooools is lawyer Makebi.

  3. Let’s not tell lies. HH was allegedly chased once but after checking he was running away from empty threats. This was during Sata’s time, Frank Bwalya also had the same treatment. Afterwards HH was freely moving from Radio station to Radio station carrying ka pamela and saladi yomipisa

  4. Very brave young man. We are with you my brother. We shall overcome.

    Hh is stil upset about all the losses he took. He is now president and whar we said has come to pass- he is inexperienced and failing. So he takes it out on opposition. Let him come for me. I have a lot of dirt on him from my OP days

  5. Imagine what would have happened to you if you were in UPND and PF was in government. Nakachinda, enjoy your new found freedom of speech. When a farmer works hard, even the birds of the forest enjoy. They have food and so have the birds of prey.

  6. Nakacinda makes the mistake of thinking that there are people actually listening to what he has to say. Well, I got news for you: apart from the UK based imposter Stup!d KZ there’s NOBODY that is even remotely interested. By all means, keep on babbling on, the world is moving on!

  7. And HH is playing into this morooon Nakachinda’s tracks …..please stop arresting this makaka it seems like he has nothing to do…who employs this fulwe….Zambia Police please leave this jackassss alone…he enjoys being arrested and the attention he gets…these days people will do anything just to be in the news… wonder I abandoned my Journalism career…..just way too many wannabe journalists out there and they can’t tell whether someone is doing it for the cameras….am better off driving UBER than dealing with Google educated Journos

  8. He still has some money for Police cell food, bonds, lawyers and courts. Give him another two years and he will be a praise singer….kikiki. His defecation to New Dawn will be on Newspaper front papers and everywhere on social media. I have seen this movie before. I’m keeping tabs.

  9. @ #9 Patrick, which freedom is he enjoying when he is already facing two charges? This narrative being constantly spewed by praise singers should stop. How many people people went scot-free insulting ECL day and night? Did you ever see Savior Chishimba harassed at any one time? Your perception of freedom of expression under the New Doom is seriously flawed. Your New Doom government is proving to be very deceptive on a lot of issues so far.

    Your small god will realize soon that he passed the chance etch his name in the country’s political history when he had almost everyone (including myself) clapping for him a few weeks after being installed. Now he is all over the place not sure what he wants to achieve, and yet the masses remain gob-smacked with the swift u-turn on most of his…

  10. Much as you can not be silenced, nobody is actually listening to you. So decide whether you will continue talking or not. The risk is that you are becoming irrelevant by the day

  11. People are intrested in economic solutions………

    Not these cheap court politics………

    Zambians have moved on………….

    If you don’t come and talk about economic and development solutions, you are wasiting your time………….

  12. #10  Anthony Bwalya UPND 
    May 10, 2022 At 10:43 am

    “@ #9 Patrick, which freedom is he enjoying when he is already facing two charges? …….”

    One of his charges he must prove is that HH met judges at his house to influence them………….

    What is wrong with him proving what he alleged ????

    Lungu was called mutawewe and had people thrown in jail…………

    Lungu was called a corrupt theif everyday , but did not bother challenging that allegation , he knew why…………..

    Even the allegation of lungu and his inner circle stealing mukula by environmental journalists was not challenged by any one……….

  13. Nakachinda was sponsored to divide monze district into two in exchange for a ministerial position. He is MANGANI . He worked closely with Hibeene Mwiinga, Higvie Hamududu and paul moonga to divide monze into two. Hamududus party PNU was sponsored by Edgar Lungu and now it has no funding. MANGANI Nakachinda has no career history but gets paid by being arrested . There is nothing else apart from politics that he can do since he has no sloid qualifications and career experience. THESE ARE FACTS ALL WRITTEN HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. If Nakachinda and his mate Tayali want police cells and final serving jail to be part of their lives, who are we to prevent them. Jail is waiting patiently.

  15. This Nakachinda is a fuuul. He is barking in PF now because he is surrounded by WEAK PF Leaders like LUbinda, Mwamba, Mundubile,,,,,,,
    Lubinda, will not stand. PF will not vote for Mundubile or Mwamba. That leaves CK as the strongest candidate for PF President. And CK doesn’t like Nakachinda. so Nakachinda, be warned, enjoy being a celebrite now, if you get locked up and CK becomes PF President, then you will rote in chimbokaila alone, don’t count on CK. You are a tonga and CK hates Tongas. Fake KZ hates Tongas and you included. There can be only 1 president at a time, please respect HH Presidence, it’s his time. You will be locked for nothing…..Bazakutaba ba PF

  16. Which public interest is he serving. We the public are not interested. He is only interested in getting arrested so that he can keep appearances in the public eye otherwise he will be forgotten and will only be remembered as the only minister who served the shortest time in the PF government.

  17. Iwe fake Anthony Bwalya UPND, you were expecting an appointment and didnt get it. Whichever way you belong to the AMELIKANS, those boys who dont know how to speak English. Ifwe sikulu, twafikilefye mu glade free.

  18. Anthony..- Do you know who Savior Chishimba is? He connected to Royal family that’s why he was untouchable…did you not see how radio and TV stations were threatened from hosting him?

  19. I used to hate PF and their unthinking minions but after seeing the mistreatment of this Nakachinda guy I’m leaning towards sympathizing with him. Why is HH using an undemocratic law defamation of the president to persecute this little fly? It just goes to show HH is consumed by vengeance

  20. @The Mule,
    HH did not create the Law you are referring to, that law has been in place since colonial days, and it’s still in effect until repealed by Parley. HH has no power to repeal that Law, HH has no power to stop the police from arresting those who are breaking the law, Do you get it?
    If Nakachinda was intelligent enough and wanted that law to be repealed, he should take that fight to Parley, him as an MP belonging to the largest Opposition has the right to raise a motion to repeal that law. BUT because Nakachinda is dul,l, he thinks like you, that HH can instruct the law inforcement to stop arresting id.iots like ,,,,, doing so HH will be breaking the law. WHY can’t Nakachinda respect the law, until such a time when its been repealed? Tell him please.

  21. Power can never suppress and destroy truth.Those with responsibility to dispense justice stick to truth, and bend toward truth.Truth is a rare thing to find in many places.Many choose to lie because they fear those above them.

  22. Highvie Hamududu’s party was sponsored by ECL. He was so broke and desperate. So Hibeene Mwiinga and Nakachinda used to push for payment at state house for Hamududu through Freedom Sikazwe. Later they could meet to share the money with no campaigns done. Nakachinda is greed for money.

  23. #14 Spaka, I can see your struggle on putting across your argument, no clearly cited examples and that of Lungu failing to react very weak in itself. Try another topic.

  24. He could be doing something more meaningful than just ranting. This is what is holding back the country. What’s wrong with this guy? All this is tabloid stuff that puts a bit of cake on journalist’s tables. Nonsense as the Nigerians would say.

  25. @Tike Myson. Honestly that’s exactly what I felt about Michael Sata. I was so shocked when I found him in State House.

  26. @Kanene23 just shut up if you don’t know what you are talking about. Many presidents have acted when a law is unjust. A law can be there but a president can indicate his disapproval of it through actions like what Frederick Chiluba did. For 10 years Chiluba did not hang any convict despite these people having been sentenced to death by our courts. He was voicing his disapproval of the death sentence. Nothing stops HH from announcing that he won’t support a presidential defamation case if he supports democratic freedom of speech

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