Saturday, March 15, 2025

Government is reviewing Zambia Police Act of 1996-Peter Machungwa


The Zambia Police Service Commission has said the government is in the process of reviewing the Zambia Police Act of 1996.

Commission Chairperson, Peter Machungwa, said once the Zambia Police Act is reviewed and repealed, it will be aligned to the Constitution Amendment Act of 2016, the revised national decentralization policy and other written laws

Dr. Machungwa was speaking in Livingstone today when he addressed uniformed personnel from the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The meeting was held to establish the human resource management committees in the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Dr. Machungwa pointed out that the establishment of the committee in provinces is aimed at empowering them to deal with outstanding human resource cases.

He has since warned that should the established committee misconduct itself, the commission will not hesitate to withdraw the delegated functions in accordance with the law.


  1. The only thing they have to change is the abandonment of any roadblocks. There is no country in the world where the police operates those stup!d roadblocks, of which absolutely NOBODY knows what they are for, apart from lining the police officers’ back pockets. And the UPND government hasn’t noticed yet, that the roadblocks are BACK, and those corrupt officers are also back on the take!

  2. But yes,that’s what you get when the president and senior officials only tansport themselves by helicopter or private jet! Hey Bally, got your whie musungu gloves lined up yet, for your arrival back from SA? The service chiefs are all dressed up and dreading the moment they have to shout HURRAY!

  3. Okay, will there be changes in the police training too? Police training cannot be only for 6 months with no education on human rights or basic psychology.
    And please add gym to their curriculum, police who are mentally and physically strong have more restraint and are not trigger happy or bullying suspects.

  4. Bring back the beat system… training should be two years … after 6 months they can pass out start drawing part salary .. but let then learn for another six months at the college in the second year send them on attachment around the country for 8 months.. by rotation they can then qualify as police after the last two months they take a written exam before first posting

  5. Alah, Machungwa is still among the living, I thought this stinking Katangese was 6 feet underground.

  6. I don’t which Constitution he’s going to align that Law to because the current one is defective and will soon undergo amendments. That means his Law will again be misaligned. So it’s better he finds something else to do because there are many areas that require improvement without even taking the useless Law into account

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