Saturday, March 15, 2025

President Hichilema praises China for MICC construction


President Hakainde Hichilema has commended the Chinese government for the support rendered towards the construction of the new Mulungushi International Conference Centre which is expected to be handed over soon.

President Hichilema says the conference centre has come at the right time when Zambia will be hosting the African Union Summit, which will bring together important delegates.

Speaking when he received credentials from the new Chinese Ambassador to Zambia, Xiaohui Du, President Hichilema reaffirmed Zambia’s position to maintain the best relations shared between the two countries.

The President further thanked China’s support towards the debt resolution efforts adding that the debt status was taking away the resources meant for economic development.

And the Head of State said Zambia has keen interest in learning from the path taken by China to develop in diverse sectors, which has translated into bettering the lives of the Chinese people.

President Hichilema said the Chinese path to development in areas such as technology, industry, textiles, construction and health, is inspiring as it has happened in the shortest period of time.

He noted that Zambia has benefited from that country’s development in many ways citing the health sector which received COVID-19 medication and preventive materials, that helped in mitigating the negative impacts of the pandemic.

The Head of State said he looks forward for more cooperation with China in many areas including those associated with green energy, arising from the effects of climate change.

“The Zambian government has in this regard keen interest in China’s success over the years, which is really admirable,” President Hichilema stated.

President Hichilema further indicated the need for China to work with Zambia in the area of value addition as the country looks at ways of exporting value added products.

“Zambia is happy to work with the Chinese Ambassador because there is a lot more to partner such as modernizing the economy and we expect China to work with us in exploiting our raw materials because China has a huge market,” he added.

He reiterated the long lasting relations between Zambia and China, which emanates from the common interest such cultures, economic, peace, security and stability, in addition to the shared values between the two countries.

Receiving credentials from the new Chinese Ambassador to Zambia, Xiaohui Du

The Head of State noted that all those issues would only be possible if stability and peace are maintained globally.

He implored countries such as China to help maintain safety, stability and security for the underdeveloped countries to emulate and can focus on economic development.

Meanwhile, Chinese Ambassador to Zambia, Xiaohui Du said he is honored to work in the country stating that he will take the mutual relationship to a higher level.

Mr. Du said Zambia has over the past 58 years made tremendous achievements such as political stability, continuous economic and social progress and enjoyed the long term partnership with China.

The Ambassador indicated that since getting into office, President Hichilema has promoted economic transformation and national unity to ensure that the people’s well-being is improved.

Mr. Du said he believes that under the current leadership, Zambia will make new and good relations in all its areas of national development.

He said he will endeavor to strengthen the bilateral relations between the two countries and is hopeful that he will receive the necessary support from Zambia.

Ambassador Du takes over from the former Chinese Ambassador to Zambia, Li Jie.


  1. Those who were enemies are now friends. In opposition the Chinese are exploiters who have come to Zambia for cheap deals. When you are voted into power they are great friends. I think China is teaching us a lesson. Why hold elections when everything will remain thesame as before? Just practice Chinese politics and focus the money you spend on elections on development.

  2. Listen to the lies:
    He reiterated the long lasting relations between Zambia and China, which emanates from the common interest such cultures, economic, peace, security and stability, in addition to the shared values between the two countries.
    Do we have a common culture with China? We’re a western styled democracy while they are an autocracy. Or are our politicians expressing their longing for Chinese style governance?

  3. Flashback to 2018
    China’s foreign ministry spoke out Thursday on increasing tensions in Zambia over the Chinese role in the country, which has been criticized most recently by longtime political opposition leader Haikande Hichilema.
    Hichilema was detained for questioning earlier this week after he was accused of making public anti-China statements that led to street protests in Kitwe over any potential sale of Zaffico, Zambia’s timber company.

    “Some people in Kitwe of the Copperbelt province were misled by the false allegation about the takeover of the Zambia’s state-owned timber company by the Chinese side,” said foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang.

    Chinese interest in Zambia’s economy has long been controversial, a sentiment that deepens along with the southern African…

  4. This is the president who literally condemned anything that PF did with the chinese when he was in opposition but this around MCC has come at the right time. Oval head should even thank Edgar for initiating this project. upnd is taking the glory where it did not sow. hakainde is not ashamed of the comments he is making on all the projects PF started.

  5. Flashback to 2019
    UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema says he will sell off the presidential jet recently acquired by President Edgar Lungu if he becomes Head of State.

    And Mr Hichilema has called for a national dialogue on national economy.

    Mr Hichilema said if elected President, he will dispose off the presidential jet and use the proceeds to pay student meal allowances and retirees.
    Now the jet is a presidential necessity. Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya!

  6. He is not Mr Du but Mr Xiaohui. In Mandarin culture the surname is the first name. Thus the founder was Mr Mao not Mr Tse tung.

  7. Iwe,Bally has NEVER flown on Chagwa’s expensive Gulf Stream 650 presidential jet,he uses the Challenger 604 which was used by Levy,RB and Sata…… there is a big diference…
    Chagwa’s pricey jet is in storage….

    • Whats the big difference tell us. The big difference would be if he took commercial flights but he still has a private jet waiting for him. Same amount of pollution, same HR salaries

  8. Thank you pink floyd. Continue undressing these upnd crooks. Tarino if upnd is so good why have you not moved back home to be with us here. You are one who was forcing people to vote your tribal party yet you remain there abroad hahahaha

  9. In the recent past we heard mourners saying, HH is commissioning projects of the last defeated PF regime, now mourners continue to make disparaging remarks to the president over the new Chinese ambassador to Zambia. This attitude underscores the deficiency of PF cadres in understanding modern politics of rule of law, transparency and accountability. The Chinese government is aware and has taken note the approach to politics of the current president president of Zambia. So is HH in dealing with the Chinese government. My advice to PF cadres is to be in tune with and update in complex geopolitics today. President HH has put a mark on Zambian politics that is reverberating world over as the new kid on the African politics stage, if not world. Free advice.

  10. The irony in some of the comments is just laughable…I mean reckless PF accrued a colossal debt from China when they were in govt they literally went on spending spree…govt of HH7 wins elections and automatically inherits the PF mess surely do they expect HH7 turn his back on the biggest creditor.

  11. @ Tarino: You canot make any sense with PF cadres. They are fools. us lets continue working and those willing will join us, The saddists will always remain behind, so leave them behind where they belong pls.

  12. Iwe chi troll Kaizar Zero didn’t your PF also give promises they didn’t fulfill ? “More money in your pocket in 90 days” turned into 10yrs of poverty/debts.


  14. As a previous comment stated he is not Mr Du. But he is also not Mr Xiaohui. He is actually Mr Xiao. His name in Mandarin is Xiao Hui Du. Western journalists have in recent times joined two names together but in Mandarin one consonant is traditionally a separate word especially for names. His family name is Xiao and his given names are Hui and Du. One of the given names can be considered a middle name like some people have in other cultures. Mao Tse Tung would now be written in the west either as Maotse Tung or Mao Tsetung – both are incorrect.

  15. If the Chinese renovated Mulungushi Textiles and produced our much coverted quality Chitenge material… we the locals of Kabwe and many beneficiaries of the much neede industry would be applauding… louder.

  16. @Nostradamus kwena mwe! Ten ofthem to State House just to witness credentials for ambassador?? HOw many other deals were being signed. May be they came to apologise for giving cement to our minister Kakubo in a briefcase.

  17. Give honor where it’s due…that is a pf project…Bally start your own projects..Are you not the one who scared away the Chinese immediately after you won go to America and ask for a project funding amounting to 1.5 billion dollars if they will give you.!

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