Saturday, March 15, 2025

Zombe, Lumi Border Posts conduit for illegal trade-Mbao


Northern Province Minister, Leonard Mbao says there is urgent need to improve infrastructure at Zombe and Lumi Border Posts in Mbala district to fully operationalize the facilities.

Mr Mbao has noted that upgrading infrastructure at the two facilities would enhance revenue collection and boost trade between Zambia and Tanzania.

Mr Mbao was speaking shortly after touring the two border posts.

The Minister expressed concern over the lack of proper infrastructure at the two border posts, a situation he said has deprived the country of the much-needed revenue.

He said Zombe and Lumi Border Posts have the potential to significantly contribute to the treasury if well managed.

“The current state of Zombe and Lumi border posts is worrying because this is detrimental to the country’s economic development because the government is losing revenue due to the porous of the borders,”

Mr. Mbao added that the area has the capacity to generate more revenue for the government as it provides the shortest route to East Africa.

He however expressed fear that the porousness of the two borders poses a security risk to the country adding that they have been a conduit for illegal trade.

And Mbala District Commissioner, Annie Paul appealed to government to consider opening up the borders saying this will boost the economy of the district and the country at large

“Once operations at the two border posts are actualized, there will be massive job creation and economic development in the district,” Mrs. Paul added.

Meanwhile, Zombe Customs Station Manager, Simasiku Masuku who was flanked by Immigration Officer in charge, Fine Liyandu noted that the border post has a lot of economic potential and can contribute to the country’s revenue collection.

Mr. Masuku appealed to government to improve infrastructure and security at the border so that it can be fully operationalized.


  1. ZRA is sleeping ..they should set up infrastructure straight away the minister does not need to appeal.

  2. Upnd is sleeping and a highly incompetent government. I have many proud t0nga friends who are beginning to say that hh will give t0ngas a bad name and stain their reputation.

  3. With due respect, Kaiser Zulu shouldn’t masquerade on this forum as on high moral ground when frequently being dragged to courts of law for civil and criminal offences. So we remind you to pay $13,000 you owe Mr Stephen Mulembeta Samuteba. You promised to pay this money within 30 days from 24th March 2022. Our free advice to Mr Zulu is that should pay by selling those personalised made shoes, watches and suits from Dubai. Alternatively, bloggers on this forum can begin to donate, give us your Bank account to make deposits. Us are quite transparent, no missing funds meant for your help. Further advice, don’t dare ACC to avoid crying ‘persecution’ as a song by most PF thieves.


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