Officers from the Anti Corruption Commission broke down the main front door to Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo’s house and accessed the inside of the property.
The officers also disabled the CCTV system on the property by removing the cables and tempering with the electronic wire fence.
During their newly two months of seizing the property, the ACC officers also saw the death of a male Zebra under their care.
This was revealed on Thursday when Mr. Lusambo toured the property with his family following an order by the Magistrate Court for the ACC to vacate the property.
The family has since decided not to move back into the house until it is forensically cleaned by security experts.
The ransacking of the property was against the seizure order that the ACC officers allegedly obtained which only allowed them to seize the property by changing locks to the main gates.
Mr. Lusambo described the behavior of your ACC officers as unprofessional and uncalled for.
“These are a bunch of unprofessional men and women masquerading as officers, they are so unprofessional that they jumped the security wall, disabled my CCTV and started messing around my house. When they got into my house, they started admiring my bed and telling each other that how can Bowman be sleeping on such an expensive bed which can pay for my salary for a year.”
He added, “they came to my house with a fake seizure notice. No Magistrate issued an order to seize my property, they lied and produced a fake notice which we challenged in court and this is why they have lost.”
Mr. Lusambo said what is going on is not a fight against corruption but political persecution.
“So the President doesn’t like Bowman, he instructs ACC to find something on him and when they fail, he tells them to just go and inconvenience him. Freeze his accounts and grab his house and this is what you are calling fight against corruption?”
Mr. Lusambo challenged President Hichilema to focus on fixing the economy and not fixing perceived political enemies.

This group called ACC should be disbanded. It’s an embarrassment to the nation because of its lack of profession conduct, we should stop wasting resources on this disfunctional organisation. what they did at this man’s property is criminal activity, I hope Lusambo will do something about it even if the police they belong to the same bunch of crooks. Politicians are the most dull people I’ve come to know in my life time, they use this institutions to harrass others while in power and the same institution comes back to harrass them when out of power. Something must be done about it..
ACC are un professional to the extent that they don’t have capacity to investigate these Plunderers, otherwise the plunderers did plunder but covered their tracks so well
The man is clearly a thief but the type that contributed to the decay of our checks and balances. Bowman and his thieving friends made sure they destroyed our security wings, judiciary and the police to pave way for their thieving. All our institutions are playing catch-up to these crooks that’s why they can walk with confidence that nothing will happen to them.
That’s how we loose as a country poor manners , no professionalism…. Kuwayawaya fye
The time to disband the ACC is now and revert its functions to the Zambia Police. The ACC has failed and if Bally really wants to leave a good legacy the time is ripe. It’s up to him
But the Police are equally useless. And if you listen to Lungu’s anti-corruption speak they fall directly under the presidency and as such cant fight ills in the government. They await instructions from State House all the time.
I have no doubt in my mind this chap has stolen big. Unfortunately he is being glorified by some people who think stealing from Government is not a crime. I fya Boma…
What a Country we share with Thieves. You cant call this fight as HH’s corruption fight especially if you pay taxes.
Anti corruption circus (ACC)
Surely in a space of 6 years from living in a 2 room shack to building an LA style mansion with Zebras…this boy would have been caught clean without all this mess up..this govt needs to completely retire ACC and just get graduates from UNZA and CBU train them up with technical assistance from FBI or UK like what Rwanda did. Every case will be deliberately messed up and all these thieves will walk away …I mean how can you keep a Zebra on any small piece of land?? These are herbivores that follow the rains and eat fresh grass shoots not just any grass.
HHs hench men in Acc will be dealt with. My older advisors say lusambo should take them to court. I say give me 2 hours with them. I will beat them so hard that they will faint uncontrollably and soil their underwear.
This house is better looking than hhs ugly evil community house
If you can not catch someone like Bowman with a house packed with junk and up hazard architecture…you can just say good bye to the fight against corruption and HH7 should stop mentioning names at Press conferences even when asked a question; that press conference was a fail…Bowman is now using it to his advantage before it was IMF now he has grounds to state that he is being persecuted.
Where did Lusambo get all this wealth, is he among the people Lungu mentioned in the following video;
Watch “The time Edgar Lungu had talked about his ministers being corrupt” on YouTube
Watch “Zambian President Edgar Lungu Speaks Out on Corruption” on YouTube
Good Morning Zambia !
Who did not expect this from Lvsambo? Attention seeking, forget about Lvsambo and his riches, that he is RIGHTLY SUSPECTED from having LOOTED from the Zambian people. STOP this gar.bage of praising and sympathizing with these people, he is even teasing you, he sleeps in a bed that can pay a yearly salary of the officers, last time it was his expensive perfume………We should be debating this: ” EU-Zambia partnership to change economic landscape-Nalumango”. sharing ideas, on which economical areas should you take advantage of to explore this opportunity on EU market, so that you become GENUINELY RICH, than spending time commenting and praising these Pompwees.
Good Morning Zambia !
Who did not expect this from Lvsambo? Attention seeking, forget about Lvsambo and his riches, that he is RIGHTLY SU.SPECTED from having LO.OTED from the Zambian people. STOP this gar.bage of praising and sympathizing with these people, he is even teasing you, he sleeps in a bed that can pay a yearly salary of the officers, last time it was his expensive perfume………We should be debating this: ” EU-Zambia partnership to change economic landscape-Nalumango”. sharing ideas, on which economical areas should you take advantage of to explore this opportunity on EU market, so that you become GENUINELY RICH, than spending time commenting and praising these Pompwees.
#9 – @Tarino Orange,
I am of the same view !
If this fight against corruption fails to catch up with people like Bowman, Chitotela, Milingo Lungo, then the whole campaign shout be halted and simply accept CORRUPTION as an official NORM. Otherwise, a big fish need to fall to set an example.
HH has up to 3months left before he is 1 year in Office, if there is no tangible result by then, he will definitely feel the weight. I understand fight against corruption is a long journey, but equally HH got to show some quick wins atleast after 1 year.
Uselessssssss officers indeed.they are criminals.Used like diapers
The funny side of this circus is that even those ransacking Bowman’s kaya would like to live like him. It’s not a secret that these officers live lives beyond what government pays them. Long ago we used to claim rebate of income tax for each child born. Each time you got the check Officers would accompany you to the Indian shop when we used cash these checks. You had to part away with a reasonable amount from that check for these people. In the end almost everyone working for the income tax department was able to purchase a car.
Deja Vu Correction: Its not the funny side its the tragic side. Everyone in Zambia thinks stealing from government is admirable. Every civil servant, politician, cadre, police officer, doctor-yes remember Dr Chilufya? thrives to get their hands on government coffers. We are a nation without morals. Try and get a driving licence in Lusaka. Nearly everyone tells you to budget for bribing those Licence guys, Try and get your passport, the police at the passport office openly demand a bribe, Soon the hospital will ask you for a bribe before you can be allowed to see a doctor. It is us the voters who have to rescue our nation.
General kanene fuseke!! Do not accuse my friends at LT of nonsense. We will be celebrating this weekend with bowman. Continue cleaning toilets abroad
Bu puba nabo .. What is this big mansion for ? Eventually he will realise he wasted stolen money on one useless property.
The international community and Africa in particular, is witnessing the precipitation (true colours) of the Nazi-style of governance in the SADC region. Persecution and torture of innocent souls is now the norm in Zambia. Would this be a Project propagated by the Bruntherst Foundation? Or would this be a form of UPND’s version of “economic development”? To be fair, there are two sides of the coin to ACC’s Officers behaviour: (1) either some ACC’s officers are overzealously acting to embarrass President HH; or (2) UPND Govt is using some ACC’s officers to persecute & torture selected Zambians. But one day some officers in ACC, DEC and Police are prone to be fired by a current or future Govt for obvious reasons.
Tarino Orange and Spaka spend all day commenting on Lusaka Times while Bowman is busy building houses
Amusingly unprofessional how the ACC bungled investigations, didn’t provide security and ensure welfare for the animals is taken care of. Some departments honestly,,,do we need Europeans to come and teach us these straight forward issues as well?…..its staggering that this couldn’t be a matter for common sense. Please somebody tell me its not true.
I rest my case.
If you look at Bowman, just looking at him, you can tell that there is a problem here, I am not sure why ACC seem to be struggling with such a straight forward case, this guy even if the prosecution elects to remain silent in his trial, the judge will surely convict him, so what is the issue here
This is very painful to see a thief getting away with a clean crime. The so called Bowman never really had any other source of income to build such a house even if he worked as a minister for 30 years. How did he manage to build such a house. This is stupid I’m quite embarrassed.
I will not be commenting on any of this garbage. See you guys.
“….When they got into my house, they started admiring my bed and telling each other that how can Bowman be sleeping on such an expensive bed which can pay for my salary for a year..”
Lol, how did Bowman know this since he was away in South Africa when the incompetent ACC took over his house?
If indeed the ACC broke things at the house and an animal died whilst in their custody, they are liable to be sued for damages.
Someone in the ACC could have squealed to him. The ACC is equally corrupt
There is no doubt that Mr lusambo cannot account for his wealth. The problem is the method being used to make him account for his wealth. Why can’t we work quietly and talk when it’s necessary. Our finance minister is trying in this area. He tries to talk when it’s necessary and he is working.
#26 He’s quiet because the task before him was grossly underrated
In Zambia,people have been made to believe that cases are only heard in magistrate courts.We also have the high court, Appeals court and Supreme Court.
So ACC just have the appeal that wrong ruling to the higher court.
The ConCourt has no jurisdiction over criminal matters.
If investigative wings did not video record the condition they left the property………..
Then we have the dumest investigative wings in our region……..
There is definitely a disparity between the freedoms citizens face and the capacity of investigative wings to take into account those freedoms and work around them……….
@28, do you really think the judgement was wrong? What is a court supposed to do when the cases before it are badly bungled?
Chiza if the courts and the politicians cant solve our problems we the people must act. We need a revolution! We should bring in a government that works. Nearly all the present political parties are useless in this revolution Iam talking about. They are too embroiled in corruption. Like someone else posted here Zambian politicians are in politics to eat not to serve. They are Politrickians! They are not interested in improving Zambia. They only want to improve their bank accounts
When they got into my house, they started admiring my bed and telling each other that how can Bowman be sleeping on such an expensive bed which can pay for my salary for a year.”
kikikiki….i have always been right about this guy no sane being should take him seriously.
Imagine! the arrogancy of a thief of our hard earned tax! Not a single shred of humility. When thieving is a way of life like it is in Zambia looters feel entitled. Who will save us from this evil mentality?
But here bane , even if we are UPND praise singers,ACC has failed. How can any person in this world fail to find Lusambo,Chitotela, Makebi Zulu guilty? Doesnt require any investigator at all to present tangible evidence in court when dealing with these guys.
Deja Vu – why don’t you talk about Bowman’s richies…surely not even you have house like that.
@32, find Makebi Zulu guilty for what?
We have a very useless government believe you me…
All forward looking Zambians should forget about HH. He came into office without any plans so he is just blindly tackling issues.. Remember he got too surprised that he had won the election. He has no plan for fighting corruption. Its just a matter of issuing statements without concrete action to follow up.. That is why corruption continues to thrive even under his very nose. If he reads our posts here he should take note of what Tarino has stated:
“this govt needs to completely retire ACC and just get graduates from UNZA and CBU train them up with technical assistance from FBI or UK like what Rwanda did. “
Really you journalists of nowadays are a big embarrassment. Your long story doesnt tell us where this property is and your editor felt it was alright to publish it? Get some training before calling yourselves reporters.
#28 You can’t force the court to rule in your, you can convince it only with facts. You can’t say Lusambo can’t afford this without explaining how he got it not why he can’t get it.
38 in your favor.
HH must open his eyes and ears and learn fast that in the corruption fight he is doing it for the marginalized Zambian people and the country also that he maybe the only one 100% favoring to have that which belongs to common good be where it should be! The investigative wings are a joke and HH should not have the faith of SDA fraternity conduct and his church role but remember that when humane persuasion could not cut it, Jesus picked up a whip to bring sanity to the place of worship! If investigative wings are complicit in stalling needed results then turn to ZRA and Councils on up to date taxes and property rates! The Post died on taxes! Hope as @ Tarino Orange, Kagame has shared his cleansing approach.
How is it a wrong rulling? Magistrate or judge rules on available evidence, not innuendos or emotions.
The problem is politicising the fight against corruption and deciding beforehand who is guilty.
Ebwafya. So you are busy saying this or that man is corrupt without any evidence.
Unfortunately, this is how the story ends. Kuwayawaya fye.
Tarino Orange…of course I don’t need a house like that even if I had a million dollars. But let the courts find him guilty. Short of that we will just be inviting hypertension for our bodies. Actually blame the way the Government is trying to make capital out this case by unnecessary publicity( as per Pilato feature)
Deja Vu – Look everyone …there he is again deflecting and throwing red herrings all over the place..really laughable…you are more than happy to talk about rotten bent ACC officers and the govt but you wont question Bowman’s worth or his sudden aquired richies. Do you know the ramifications of these former ministers getting away with this crimes? It will just signal a green light to everyone especially current ministers in this govt that you can steal like a former bouncer for hire Bowman and get away with it. Bowman’s problem is his big mouth there are former ministers like Dr. Chilufya who have a subsidiary of companies and have amssed so much worth they just cringe when Bowman opens his mouth, if it was the Mafia they would have capped him a longtime ago.
Saulosi – I am very very proud of the little what I have and have sweated for …I didnt deprive anyone of medicines or steal funds meant for construction of a university in Luapula …imagine how poor Luapulans who can only dream of studying at UNZA or CBU would have benefitted from such facilities.
Listen here I have an eye for detail I can not be impressived by such myopic architecture full of unnecessary extravagance…even from the gate you can see that its stolen money likened to that of Mobutu Sese Seko but on a minature scale.
Kaizar Zulu. You must become the next to be arrested. You were stealing from Zambians and harassing people like Lusambo. Can you explain to poor Zambians how you became so rich from just a simple clinical officer fro Chawama compound. Actually, you must be proud of our new goevernment. If you were in West Africa you should have ended up before a firing Squad.
Just shut your dirtiest mouth of insulting the President.