Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Copper exploration commences in Kapiri Mposhi


A Zambian firm , Mwashia Resources Limited based in Kitwe, says it has commenced explorations for a large scale copper mine in Kapiri Mposhi Town, Central province.

The local mining firm says this follows the Zambia Environmental Management Agency’s (ZEMA)’s approval of the Environmental Project Brief (EPB) on the project, last October.

The proposed mining project sited in Kabwale area in Chief Chipepo’s Chiefdom has met requirements under the ZEMA Act Number 12 of 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment requirements.

Geo Quest, a company analysing the ore samples from the explorations for copper, on behalf of Mwasha Resources Limited , says it is certain of the potential for a copper mine in the area.

The Firms Geologist, Fortson Chisenga disclosed that so far the drilled samples are presenting between 1.5 and 2.5 percent grade of copper at the depth of less than 60 meters.

Updating Kapiri Mposhi District Commissioner, Francis Hasalama during a conducted tour of the site, Mr Chisenga stated that there will be potential for an open pit mining in the area.

” We are getting something like one and half percent to two and half percent in this mineralized zone so probably the next hole we drill maybe we are on the middle maybe the zone might be wider and the grade might be enhanced to something above three percent and if we get that there is potential for an open pit mine,” Mr Chisenga said.

And Kapiri Mposhi District Commissioner, Mr Hasalama has implored the mining firm to restrict its activities to approved exploration area and environmental requirements.

Speaking during his fact finding tour at the exploration site, Mr Hasalama advised the mining firm to formalize its presence in the Town by notifying his office and the traditional leadership where the said mine is domiciled.

” We have just come for a fact finding because there was an oversight on the part of the investor to notify the traditional leadership and government that he had started this venture but all is well.

“ …. We are looking forward to a positive outcome from these explorations because the benefit will accrue to the community, the mine itself and government,” Mr Hasalama said.

And Kapiri Mposhi Town Council Vice Chairman, Steadwell Magumbo is excited over the project noting the economic and social benefits to accrue to the locals once the mine is operationalized.

Mr Magumbo, who is also Kabwale Ward Councilor notes that the mining investment will be a life changer in the area as it will offer both direct and indirect job opportunities to the local people.

” If this mine exploration gives a positive result then we are assured of having employment to the local people and also the economic benefit will be there schools roads and health facilities could be built by the mine through its social corporate responsibility,” Mr Magumbo said.


  1. If copper is discovered here it would be Zambia’s most prosperous mine given Kapiri’s location. Even TAZARA would wake up and the Lusaka Ndola dual carriageway would be facilitated. Kapiri is a town waiting for industries. It is in a very ideal space.

  2. @Ayatollah: “with bogus investors”, as if you know what you talking about. You dont even own a shovel to remove simple gravel soil,then how will you acquire an excavator? Mind you the mining excavators are manufactured in those countries where investors come from – infact, including a shovel also that you dont have. I was you , insted of being overzealous like someone drunk from drinking kachasu, i would start planning where i ll import my shovel from and partner.

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