Sunday, March 16, 2025

Malanji, Yamba plead not guilty


Former Secretary to the Treasury FredsonĀ  and former Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji have pleaded not guilty to ten counts of Willful failure to comply with procedure and being in possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime.

Mr. Yamba and Mr. MalanjiĀ  took plea before Lusaka Magistrate Jennifer Bwalya.

This was after the State submitted an amended indictment.

In this matter, Mr Yamba is accused of having failed to follow procedure in relation to the buying of an estate in Turkey.

Mr. MalanjiĀ  is accused of being in possession of houses, a hotel and Helicopter, property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime.

Earlier the Economic and Financial Crimes court dismissed an application by the defence for Constitutional reference on account that it was frivolous.

Magistrate Bwalya said she cannot refer the matter to the Constitution Court on account that the indictment has insufficient details.

She said this is because the missing details in the indictment are the ones that the state will be called upon to provide evidence.

Magistrate Bwalya further warned the defence against delaying the Court process by making applications.

She said the accused deserve a speedy trial in the matter.
And, Former ministry of Finance Permanent Secretary Emmanuel Pamu said he authorised payment for the purchase of the estate in Turkey based on the information which he had at the time.

Dr. Pamu said through his interaction with the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) and others, he came to learn that there was something wrong with the transaction.

This is in a matter where Mr. MalanjiĀ  and Mr. Yamba are charged with ten counts of being in possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime and Willful failure to comply with procedure regarding the buying of property in Turkey.

During cross examination, Dr. Pamu said the officers who signed for the authorization of payment did not commit any offence at the time.

He further agreed that the Auditor General did not find anything wrong with the transaction.


  1. Would you authorize payments for a buidling without getting a legal opinion either from the treasury counsel or the attorney general?

  2. White collar crimes shouldn’t be rushed especially at investigation. This is the reason we’re saying that there shouldn’t be any emotions attached because we don’t wish to have any lapses in these matters.

  3. Another cat and mouse debacle
    Ours is to watch, listen,and wait.. what a predicament we always find our selves in…..

  4. Buying a property in Turkey… idyots… Why not buy in Serenje?
    Hooo sorry, everything under PF was exaggerated expensive, so Turkey would be cheaper yes.

  5. Arrest this Bonanza Malanji. He was too pompous and untouchable yet he took away our money. We need one of those helicopters to distribute medicines and exam papers in remote rural arears

  6. If Deja Vu was a country it would be Zambia. Because I remember a similar scenario after Rupiah Banda left office. And after Chiluba. RB’s ministers were being arraigned before courts on corruption charges in which the state gave lessons on how to lose court cases.
    If UPND want to see different outcomes they should have a plan. A rock solid plan not convicting only one Richard Sakala and dusting your hands.
    As it is I very much doubt the chances of victory in Zambia’s war on corruption. If nothing happens every criminal will know corruption has come to stay.

  7. This is what they dont realise about being a PS its you who signs off all these payments ..the Politicans who get the biggest share are hiding behind your back…please with these Turkey transactions especially for that property at some point the Pay Forward (PF) crooks must have gone to view the property in Ankara. Just pull up the iteneriary for Presidential Jet 9J-ONE on Flight 24/7 it was very busy flying to Ankara in the last 3 years.

  8. These Pay Forward (PF) crooks are all requesting for for Constitutional reference they know Lazy Lungu planted alot of stooges there in Concourt.

  9. What surprises me is …I dont see any figures of much these properties and stolen loot are one has cared to quantified it. Doesnt leave me with much confidence. ACC needs to reformed get proper accountants and lawyers.

  10. Does it mean whoever has property is a thief?
    The law says “REASONABLY perceived to be proceeds of crime”. The catch word is “reasonably”. But what we are seeing is hurriedly, rushed charges without “REASONABLY” establishing the source of funds. I think the ACC should be doing a thorough check in the background before coming with cameras blazing and screaming headlines that they have arrested this one, or seized that property etc when their evidence is frivolous. Some people have worked hard and sweated for their wealth. Yes some are too talkative. But they sweated for their wealth. Let’s not pull them down out of jealousy and envy. You don’t first arrest and then start looking for charges. Be professional.

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