Saturday, March 29, 2025

Bowman’s apology is strength in a healing nation


A clergyman on the Copperbelt says the apology rendered by Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo to President Hakainde Hichilema is strength in a healing nation.

Bishop Victor Kalesha of CityGate Christian Center says learning to apologise has benefits as there are benefits in forgiveness.

“The apology by Honorable Bowman Lusambo should not be taken for weakness or as a sign of surrender, but as a sign of strength for a progressive nation. What I see from Bowman’s apology is the progression of a nation headed in the right direction to a progressive nation,” Mr. Kalesha said.

“His Excellency President Hakainde Hichilema is on record having said he wants to bring healing to the nation and such healing should not be devoid of forgiveness. Bowman’s apology to me should be part of the healing process that the country should experience,” he said.

“As the Head of State and father of the nation, President Hakainde Hichilema embed in his heart an extra big heart to have a forgiving heart.
An apology from whatever angle you look at it from comes with respect and sincerity of heart, it can create an opportunity for a relationship to mend, heal and even grow a nation.”

“I would like to outline the power of apology with three main elements. 1- Acknowledgement- Being able to see how your actions impact others is key to making a sincere apology and my view Honourable Lusambo has acknowledged that. 2-Remorse and empathy- Remorse is truly feeling bad for what you have done and Bowman has expressed that. Empathy is putting yourself in the other person’s shoes and knowing how they feel and am sure Bowman has shown leadership in that area. 3- Restitution – This means taking action to provide an act or service to make up for the transgression- Bowman Lusambo has taken mature action by apologizing.”

Bishop Kalesha said when an apology contains the three components listed above then it’s meant to give benefit to both the receiver of the apology and the giver of the apology.

“Bowman’s apology which I personally support will allow for the repair of the relationship of even even other politicians on the political field. Bowman’s apology will open up genuine communication or actions to take place through the power of an apology,” he said.

“Since an opology has been rendered, President HH should no longer perceive Bowman as personal threat to the governance system, but as a contributor to the healing process. Bowman’s apology should help those calling for his blood to move past their anger prevent themselves from being stuck in the past.”


  1. Very few comments because we have become a “bitter” nation that thrives on hatred to feed our souls and bleeding lives. This what Christ died for. Love and Healing for All. May God continue restoring our Land.

    • Has he apologized for the following,
      – saying it is not his fault that Dr Kaunda’s children did not make themselves rich for the 27 years their Father was in power
      – Whipping and Unlawfullly wounding patrons who were defying covid 19 restrictions by visiting bars
      – Slapping Kambwili at parliament with impunity
      – Saying K2 million was pocket change when thousands are starving in this country
      – Flaunting money in stadia during the one sided campaigns
      – Declaring some areas in Zambia as no go areas when he was Minister and seriously restricting movement of opposition leaders then
      The list can go on and on and only stopped by space….


  3. Apology in a healing nation? What nonsense. The guy is one of the most corrupt ex PF-ers, and is just looking for a way out. Let’s give him a private cell in Lusaka Central Prison

  4. Has he apologized for the following,
    – saying it is not his fault that Dr Kaunda’s children did not make themselves rich for the 27 years their Father was in power
    – Whipping and Unlawfullly wounding patrons who were defying covid 19 restrictions by visiting bars
    – Slapping Kambwili at parliament with impunity
    – Saying K2 million was pocket change when thousands are starving in this country
    – Flaunting money in stadia during the one sided campaigns
    – Declaring some areas in Zambia as no go areas when he was Minister and seriously restricting movement of opposition leaders then
    The list can go on and on and only stopped by space

  5. Has he apologized for the following,
    – saying it is not his fault that Dr Kaunda’s children did not make themselves rich for the 27 years their Father was in power
    – Whipping and Unlawfullly wounding patrons who were defying covid 19 restrictions by visiting bars
    – Slapping Kambwili at parliament with impunity
    – Saying K2 million was pocket change when thousands are starving in this country
    – Flaunting money in stadia during the one sided campaigns
    – Declaring some areas in Zambia as no go areas when he was Minister and seriously restricting movement of opposition leaders then
    The list can go on and on and only stopped by space

  6. We will only realize that it is a genuine apology if he does not ever utter all those insulting things he has said about our President in the past

  7. “……..President HH should no longer perceive Bowman as personal threat to the governance system, but……..”

    You are delusional………….

    Bowman a personal threat to the president

    How ?

    Who takes lusambo serious ?????

    Zambians have moned on from dancing , stone throwing and slogans………..

    Lusambo is being investigated for serious crimes, including murder…………..

    The president can not wash away those investigations…………..

  8. Its good to apologize to pave way for forgiveness, but the context of that apology was out pretense and bitterness in the heart of BCL which led him to single out an individual (president). Law is Law and no one is above the law including HH. And HH is not inflicting pain on BCL and his family but its the law which is taking its course on him and there is no way of forgiving the head of state because its the action of the law not HH. The sincere apology should not come with thorns to hit others and to make other people fall on the wrong side. BCL is a hard worker and let him fix himself to work for the nation and he should avoid PF venomous influencers who didn’t do anything for their constituencies but concentrated on stealing.

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