Sunday, March 16, 2025

Lone lion spotted in Chirundu


Panic and anxiety arose among villagers in Chirundu Town’s Kapululira area when a lone lion appeared unannounced, yesterday.

The panic-stricken villagers who in their bid to safety away from the beast proved an effective weapon to scare away the beast much to the detriment of officers from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) alerted about the beast’s presence in the area.

Chirundu District Commissioner Patrick Kasambila who confirmed the development however expressed displeasure with the behaviour of some villagers from Kapululira area were a lone lion was spotted.

Mr. Kasambila said yesterday officers from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) were alerted of the presence of the lion near the Michael Chilufya Sata Bridge commonly known as “Pontoon” but before the officers tried to kill the beast, villagers started making noise hence scaring the lion which ran away.

“ The officers arrived on the scene on time but could not shoot down the beast for fear of injuring onlookers who wanted to catch the glimpse of the beast.

“ The behaviour of the villagers as unfortunate as the lion wandered to nearby Farao village where it was reported that it killed four goats, “ he said.

Mr. Kasambila stated that despite this, the wildlife officers have continued to track the beast.

By midday today , goat caucuses were found in the area indicating that the lion is still within the radius of Kapululira, Jordan and Farao villages respectively, he added.

He advised the villagers to avoid walking at night and in tall grass to avoid being attacked by the beast.

Recently, the Department of National Parks and Wildlife said there is likelihood that the number of lions on the loose in Kafue district could be more than two.

Department of National Parks and Wildlife Director, Chuma Simukonda confirmed, saying the lions escaped from Lower Zambezi National Park, in search of food.

Dr Simukonda further disclosed the latest foot prints of the lions indicate that the lions were last in Shimabala area near the toll gate.

And a resident of Kapululira, Collen Kambanje appealed to wildlife officer to intensify their patrols in Kapululira, Jordan and Farao in order to kill the beast.

Ms. Kambanje said the villagers in Kapululira, Jordan and Farao are living in perpetual fear of being attacked by the beast that is wandering within the radius of the said areas.

She explained that the villagers in the mentioned areas were scared of even going to their fields for fear of being attacked.


  1. Let them send Prof Nkandu Luo to go make the lion vanish away like the FTJ University did. She had witchcrated magical powers kamuloshi kalya.

  2. The lion appeared unannounced? Was someone going to inform the villagers that the lion would be visiting the village,?

    • The reporter is used to covering HH. He wants to see a motorcycle sweeping away traffic ahead of the lion and a siren warning everyone “the king has arrived” The Lion’s entourage was dissapointingly absent in Kapululira . What can a Zambian reporter do except to voice his disappointment?

  3. So a Lion has been spotted ….Wildlife services will send officers there with guns instead of equipping them with a tranquillizer gun. They will end shoot the animal and say will didnt have any tranquillizers.

  4. Even Lions don’t have enough to eat. Lions have to hustle just as Zambians! Cry my beloved country.

  5. The lions have heard that a mine is about to start production in their natural habitat so they have started looking for new areas in which to settle no wonder their presence in Chirundu and Kafue.

  6. Ba LT please, it’s not caucases (there is not even this word in the dictionary) but carcasses,

  7. World Life officers, ubuchenjeshi bwa nkalamo pungwa tasakamana. Seek its help to track the beast.

  8. I guess they are on the way to Lusaka, looking for the individual who authorised mining in the Lower Zambezi

  9. Displaced from construction at forest 27 these days the population of snakes in the area has increased as they search for new habitat the viper, musewma, even rare snakes like the black cat snake are now on the increase just hope the small school children walking to school are safe as the snakes compete for space

  10. mathew – they are not on the increase they have always been there…this why when you see a snake in an area and can’t identify it, you call a snake catcher to remove it, the first thing they’ll ask you is where you are located…snakes don’t migrate.

  11. A lion hunting domestic animals – not in the least surprising! This is the end result of encroaching land they normally roamed. Human settlements & pointless ventures deep in the forests has misplaced and cut off animals from their traditional hunting grounds. When extensive land is fenced off, it restricts animals’ roaming space. Corridors need to be created so that animals can link to other hunting forests without affecting humans. This is what the Ministry of lands should be busying itself with before allowing settlements in animal territory. It’s also prudent to make unannounced visits or employ mystery shoppers on Lodges etc, to see what practices are in force. A lot of stuff that goes on in Lodges, is completely hidden from government because of inadequate checks. Foreign…

  12. Cont.,
    ….Foreign nationals arrive, get land, and then proceed to do whatever they like, whilst our officials sit in oblivion in their offices in Lusaka! You then wonder why we don’t seem to draw much out of tourism!

    #plant a tree please.

  13. The panic-stricken villagers who in their bid to safety away from the beast proved an effective weapon to scare away the beast much to the detriment of officers from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) alerted about the beast’s presence in the area.

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