Sunday, March 16, 2025

There can never be true freedom when people are failing to meet the basic needs of life


By Harry Kalaba President of the Democratic Party(DP).

Dear countrymen and women, every year on 25th May, the continent takes time to commemorate Africa Freedom Day. A day when we remember the sacrifice of our forefathers and how they fought and in some cases sacrificed their freedom and life to liberate the continent of Africa. Notable Pan Africanists like Kwame Nkrumah, Ben Bella, Seko Toure, Leopold Senghor, Anwar Sadat, Haile Selassie,Kenneth David Kaunda, Mzee Julius Kambarange Nyerere, Mzee Jomo Kenyata, galvanized the collective effort to spur the emancipation of Africans from the yoke of their colonial master.

In Zambia, the history of our liberation was written with the blood and toil of the likes of Harry Mwanga Nkumbula, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, Alexander Grey Zulu, Daniel Lisulo, Fines Bulawayo, Solomon Kalulu, Simon Chisha Kalaba, Mama Julia Chikamoneka, Joseph Mutale, Mama Mary Fulano, James Chapoloko, Kapasa Makasa, Mama Chibesa Kankasa, Lawrence Katilungu, Herbert Matoka and many others who took it upon themselves to fight for the liberation of mother Zambia.

The 2022 Africa Freedom Day is one that calls for serious reflection as it is happening on the backdrop of a government that is intent on reversing all the gains that the country made on 24th October, 1964. We are faced with a situation where the New Dawn government is keen on handing back the nation to the colonial masters in the name of attracting investors. We have a situation where government is intent on reversing all the gains the country has earned over the years by allowing for reverse colonialism to thrive again. The handing back of KCM to Vedanta, giving of concessions to foreign mining companies at the expense of supporting citizens to enjoy decent living are just but a few examples one can point at.

The events of the last couple of weeks have also shown that the New Dawn government has made a resolve to not just disregard the moral fabric of the nation but to completely obliterate the order of nature in clear breach of the Penal Code in Chapter XV Section 155 C. This government has taken a position that is clearly misaligned to the African values of marriage being between a man and a woman. The government seems to negate the sacrifice by our forefathers that was intended for Africans to enjoy freedom from any negative vice including being coerced into following traditions and values that have had a negative impact in the countries where the promoters of the same values come from. Same sex marriage is not just foreign to Africa and Zambia in particular but also goes against the order of nature and is forbidden under the Zambian constitution and yet the New Dawn government seems to be keen on letting it thrive as a way of appeasing their political sponsors.

While the nation is fighting to fend off the moral aberration by the New Dawn government, the citizens are also fighting to find ways of addressing the biting hunger that seems to be compounded by government’s failure to come up with tangible solutions in addressing the poverty challenge that most people are faced with. They can never be true freedom when people are failing to meet the basic needs of life. We are concerned that the dignity of our people has been eroded owing to their failure to care for their loved ones.

There can never be true freedom when people are failing to meet the basic needs of life. It is my prayer that as we commemorate this year’s Africa Freedom Day, we will call to order the New Dawn government and get them to commit to meeting their campaign promises of a cheaper cost of living for the people of Zambia. True freedom will only be actualized when the wealth of this country is given back to its citizens both economically and morally.

I thank you and wish you God’s continued blessings and protection.
Let’s Believe Again!!!


  1. We’re used to selling our own people…our chiefs sold us in slavery just to satisfy their greed for clothes, salt etc. Our independence fathers formed organizations to protect each other instead of their countries. Those who followed have no ideas apart from selling to foreign powers…. they don’t suffer with their people.

  2. Can’t believe that Kalaba also falls for “gay” aid/control from the Western world. African problems are far bigger than gay rights. The quicker you sort these things then you can deal with real issues. Mandela was clever, he gave the gays their freedom and everyone has moved on. Current problems in SA are not caused by the gay people there. Gay or not gay, hunger and poverty affects everyone.

  3. #2  Upnd cadre from Ngombe compound lsk 

    Well said…….

    Instead of talking about kafue textiles , mansa batteries , livingstone motors assemblies , etc etc……….

    He is here talking about gay rights ????

  4. Kalaba, all those points are in implementation – Flashback:

    like all african endemic politicians quack-quack-quack!! HH is working and needs your support if you indeed you care for all Zambia or Afrika instead of your Luapula United!! BTW gays are everywhere on this earth, THEY ARE HUMANS WITH OTHER SEXUAL-ORIENTATION!! Do not worry, they won’t come after you IF you are hetero…
    Only REAL ISSUES interest the people!!

  5. Were people meeting their basic needs when you were a senior government official in PF Sir. No they were not. Playing to the gallery does not help, look at the already dwindling fortunes of your comrade S T. who has also just been playing to the gallery,The best advice is please go on the ground and go and form your own party, The invitation to the party were you were invited expired some time back and they made this known to you

  6. He is not saying anything , just like the owner of LT, these guys only have sweet words when they are out of government, we are only releasing UPND from power in 2050

  7. Was we free before colonialism when we used to live in huts without running water and no sewer system?
    Was we free when we used to succumb to diseases and natural disasters?
    Was we free when we were ruled by our chiefs through fear and witchcraft?

  8. Mr President elect, you are my President after HH, stay the course and keep your digniyi about you.
    Don’t get involved in trivial nonsense, you shall prevail Sir

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