Sunday, March 16, 2025

Southern province has great mineral wealth-Banda


Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development says Southern Province has potential to significantly contribute to the country’s mining sector if the mineral wealth the region is endowed with is properly harnessed.

Provincial Mines Officer, Dickson Banda, said the province is endowed with vast mineral resources that remain untapped owing to the fact that the region is mainly associated with agriculture, which he said has negatively impacted on the development of the province’s full economic potential.

Mr. Banda asserted that the development of a new mining policy is critical in unlocking the mining potential of the province and repositioning the region as a significant contributor to the country’s economic growth and development through mining.

He was speaking in Choma during a stakeholders’ consultative meeting on the formulation of a revised minerals development policy.

And Southern Province Deputy Permanent Secretary, Yolanta Mutyambe, expressed happiness that the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development is looking into developing a new policy.

Ms. Mutyambe said the policy will address challenges that previously prevented local communities from directly benefiting from the mining sector.

She therefore hoped that the new policy is critical in ensuring that local communities directly benefit from mineral royalties so that economic development trickles down to the grass root level.

She also explained that most mining firms in the province have poor policies regarding social corporate responsibility.


  1. You don’t have to dig up everywhere………

    If zambia can’t develop from what it already digs up …………..

    Leave some for future generations……….

  2. We need to strike a balance as agro and good security issues are critical too!! Mining leaves land virtually useless for anything else so an EIA report and cost benefit assessment are key too!! So far we don’t seem yo be benefiting as much as we should./could…

  3. Ignorant minister… the entire ZAMBIA like the DRC is mineral rich. Like has been mentioned we don’t have to go full scale to get those minerals. KK made sure that places like Lumwana were not touched and the result is that the ” future” is now reaping that wealth. Otherwise Lumwana would have been exhausted by now.

  4. So ninshi fyonse nomba ni southern province? Just because Vasco comes from there? If this is news we will be getting nomba like zambia only has one province then bonse Ba kembo kafwileni uko!!!zambia is bigger than any tribe or province! Honestly this southern province things has just become too much. They keep playing victim of tribalism whilst being very tribal and enjoying tribal privileges! This must stop! Zambia is for all…: u can’t do be doing this imwe ba kembo, we didn’t vote for a southern president we voted for a Zambian president.

  5. So ninshi fyonse nomba ni southern province? Just because Vasco comes from there? If this is news we will be getting nomba like zambia only has one province then bonse Ba kembo kafwileni uko!!!zambia is bigger than any tribe or province! Honestly this southern province things has just become too much. They keep playing victim of tribalism whilst being very tribal and enjoying tribal privileges! This must stop! Zambia is for all…: u can’t do be doing this imwe ba kembo, we didn’t vote for a southern president we voted for a Zambian president.

  6. Southern chiefs are notoriously greedy and difficult, so investors look elsewhere first

  7. Southern Province has more copper is anything than the Copperbelt but now copperbelt sold every single land they had to mines. Now they cant even grow a tomato there. Where as Southern(Oil, Uranuin, Copper, Coal, Cobalt) ,Eastern(Gold),Western(Oil,Gold,Diamonds etc) and North Western reserved there minerals and started selling bit by bit while still maintaining agricultural land for balance purposes.

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