Sunday, March 23, 2025

Chishala Kateka challenges Government to clearly state its position on Lesbian and Gay Rights


New Heritage Party Leader Chishala Kateka has challenged the government to clearly state its position on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) rights being advocated for by some sections of society. Ms Kateka has wondered whether the government has opened doors to homosexuality and lesbianism following recent events the country has witnessed.

She names some of them as the flying of the LBGT flags on 17th May at the embassies of Sweden, Finland and Germany in Zambia and the holding of a strategic meeting by some NGOs in Siavonga whose intent is alleged to be to decriminalize homosexuality.

Ms Kateka is concerned that the government has not been heard making its official position on the matter adding that the issue is clearly of high concern to a broad spectrum of Zambians.

She said what her Party expects is a formal communication from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the relevant embassies asking them to desist from flying the LBGT flag going forward, and for them to issue an apology to the Zambian people.

National House of Prayer Advisory Board Chairperson Bishop Joshua Banda speaking during press briefing whilst His Vice Chairperson Rev: Pukuta Mwanza (r) and Board Member David Nama (l) listens
National House of Prayer Advisory Board Chairperson Bishop Joshua Banda speaking during press briefing whilst His Vice Chairperson Rev: Pukuta Mwanza (r) and Board Member David Nama (l) listens

And this week, Pentecostal Assemblies of Africa (PAOA) President Joshua Banda has said said his organisation is requesting Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security Jack Mwiimbu and his Foreign Affairs counterpart Stanley Kakubo to explain how they allowed a group of non-governmental organisations to meet at a lodge in Siavonga to secretly strategise to decriminalise homosexuality.

Bishop Banda said they were requesting the UPND government to explain clearly its apparent tolerance of practices that were directly in conflict with Zambian cultural values, adding that clarity was needed to establish if indeed the government had quietly decided to open doors to homosexuality and lesbianism which were explicitly prohibited in Scripture.

“His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zambia Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, while in opposition, promised not to entertain homosexual and lesbian rights, and this is one of the reasons the people of Zambia were confident to elect him to the office of President of the Republic.

“The recent events are therefore troubling and require clarity from Government. If there has been a change of Government policy, it is better that this is stated clearly and openly,” he said.

Bishop Banda the Zambia Police needed to investigate the NGOs that met at the unnamed lodge in Siavonga for breaking the law by secretly strategising to decriminalise homosexuality.

He said the act of flying the rainbow flags by the Swedish and Finnish embassies was an attempt to test the waters again but that the country’s response was clear.

He said Zambia had said no to LGBTQ propaganda and maintained that there was no need to push leaders and or twist their arms.

Bishop Banda said apart from the national values and principles enshrined in Part II, Article 8 of the Zambia constitution, the African Union had two key points out of nine espoused priority tenets on its Action plan for the African family.

“We further demand that the proprietor of that facility be taken in for questioning for breaking the law. An apology too, from the embassies of Finland and Sweden would be in order,” he said.

He said standing in firm solidarity with others in the Body of Christ, the Pentecostal Assemblies of God in Zambia (PAOGZ) Council of Bishops was deeply concerned and highly disappointed that LBGTQI ideas were being promoted blatantly on Zambian soil by some members of the diplomatic corps on the one hand and being planned for in secrecy by some NGOs on the other. This is a war against our families, present and future.

Bishop Banda said homosexuality and lesbianism might be practiced by certain individuals in the republic and the country was aware without burying heads in the sand regarding this reality as it remains a fact that they are illegal practices.

He said the Penal Code Section 155 prohibited sex between men with a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

Bishop Banda said section 156 prohibited any attempt to commit unnatural offences prohibited under Section 155 with a maximum penalty of 14 years imprisonment.

Section 158 prohibits acts of gross indecency both between men and between women, with a maximum penalty of fourteen years imprisonment.

“Lest we forget, various Western governments have been at the push for LGBTQI agenda for a while.

Therefore, the infamous rainbow flag incident of May 17, 2022 should not be seen as an isolated event.”

Bishop Banda said the PAOGZ believed homosexuality and lesbianism were treatable conditions which required empathy to bring affected individuals to a place of liberty and healing.

Individual gays are merely being exploited by sponsors of liberal democracy and we will not vouch for that.

“We resist this war against our consciences and our families, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,” he said.


  1. These people again! How do they sleep at night? Worrying about other peoples todgers?? Save the nation from thieves like Chitotela! Not flags with colour of the rainbow. How do they feel when they see a rainbow in the sky?

  2. Bishop Banda thinks gay people will come to their houses and shag them! He has more odds of winning a lottery than being shagged by a gay man!!

  3. Another one seeking attention , but …….

    Befit any substance worthy of debate…….

    The country needs synergies directed at development, not………

    Useless topics like gays………….

  4. 1. Phweee! The volcanic topic keeps coming back! The Zambian law is clear. Homosexuality by law is a crime, so is stealing, false-oath, murder, raping, and defiling children’s boys or girls. I guess that’s why we want those that stole money during PF to get jailed. If two grown-ups are caught in the act of homosexuality, then they face imprisonment. Because our laws stipulate that you face up to 15yrs in jail. If this law gets challenged to be changed, I have every reason to believe that it would fail in parliament. A lot of UPND & PF Members of Parliament would shoot it down, to remain as it is in the present. Even if HH commanded all his MPs’ to vote for legalisation of homosexuality, UPND has no numbers in Parley.

  5. 2. I also believe if we had to let the people have a final say by having a referendum, the majority of people would say *NO to legalising homosexuality

    In Zambia, gays don’t get discriminated against from getting a job or walking into a social gathering, if someone said I am gay in Zambia, they are free to have careers, and do business. But marriage is not legalised in Zambia. So what rights are these guys fighting for in Zambia? Is it legalisation of Homosexuality? If that’s that case their chances are a bit remote at present, not in the next 5 yrs while HH is president.

  6. 8 1 but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.(A)

    2 At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them.(B) 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women.(C) Now what do you say?” 6 They were using this question as a trap,(D) in order to have a basis for accusing him.(E)

    But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone(F) at her.”(G) 8 Again he stooped down…

  7. and wrote on the ground.

    9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

    11 “No one, sir,” she said.

    “Then neither do I condemn you,”(H) Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”(I)

  8. 3. So to the Embassies of Finland & Sweden and not forgetting Nicholas F. Oppenheimer South African Billionaire funding the agenda to legalise Homosexuality is Zambia – Please note that HH has no cards to change this law. HH played you. He is not changing the law. That said, he has been caught up – you funded his campaign heavily and now it’s payback time.

    Above all, there has been a lot reporting that tourists have been defiling boys under 14yrs in rural tourist resort camps, who are paid money and police officers bribed by camp owners These reports are with the police and other security intelligence agencies. Lets not put a blind eye. This is evil. What if it happened to your child?

  9. These dullards keep bringing the self thing up wasting time on pointless issues that dont matter to us and the clearly states its position!!

  10. These dullards keep bringing the selfsame thing up wasting time on pointless issues that dont matter to us and the law clearly states its position!!

  11. Look how angry and upset the upnd supporters are. The gay upnd party is rotten to the core. They were funded by gay institutions. I don’t want to know what goes on at the upnd offices. Disgusting.

    Lusakatimes please don’t use this photo of madam kateka. It is in bad taste to use a photo which looks like a man is stood in front of her and is about to powa 0n her face!


  13. What a bunch of total hypocrites. And you Stup!d KZ, I sincerely hope that you are going to get married by one of the Belmarsh inmates! To such an extent that you won’t be able to sit for six months!

  14. Tikki if you are gay and proud wherever you are, then good for you. But I repeat, do not bring that dirty nonsense to us here. We have our culture and will not change just to fit in with your so called western civilised behaviours of hammering backsides.

    As for no corruption, you will find that it is the upnd members who are very pro gay and are practicing this evil deed.

  15. Honestly speak what do you expect from a party that is a member of some crazy organization…And you think they will do something that is upright… no way..we warned you about these chaps…the next thing you will hear that a sata.nic temple as been built in Zambia at the rate we are moving…I miss Edgar Lungu..


  17. It’s increasingly becoming clear that HH is a liberal. Extremely disappointing that he can look the other way while the European Embassies are lifting LGBTQ flags in defiance of Zambian laws. HH is a Western Trojan horse, sponsored to undermine the Christian, traditional and moral values of our nation. Zambia will soon be overrun by the morally decadent alphabet culture, thanks to HH’s liberal views. This is not what Zambians voted for. Come 2026, HH and his UPND will be shown the Exit by the Zambian people.

  18. I think in my opinion ,an Embassy is another country,so for me those flags were not raised in Zambia as far as im concerned,im not here to promote it but its true,thats why its not ease to arrest someone who has commited a crime and run into an Embassy by any of our law enforcement agents because he has entered another country and it has to take two countries now to negotiate,as long as the flags flew within the compounds of the Embassies,then it wasnt in zambia.

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