Monday, March 17, 2025

Inflation reduction indicates economic growth-ZACCI


The Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI) says the reduction in inflation rate for the month of May is a good indicator for economic growth.

ZACCI President Chabuka Kawesha  says it is important that the country continues to grow on the same trajectory.

Dr. Kawesha, however, states that this should be sustained through increased  manufacturing industries and opening up of livestock sub sectors in all the provinces of Zambia.

He notes that there should also be continuation of attracting investment opportunities as joint ventures.

Dr. Kawesha said the policy makers and business community must be applauded for ensuring that the cost of doing business goes down alongside the cost of goods and services.


  1. Mention one country in the world where citizens eat low inflation figures. The majority of Zambians are suffering with the increase in the cost of living. Do not insult their intelligence.

  2. I usually don’t gree with Stup!d KZ, but for once he is right. The inflation figures as presented by the UPND government are NOT correct. I monitor the inflation rate for four years now, utilising the internationally agreed method of calculating it – and guess what: inflation is NOT going down, it still stands at 20.1%. And everybody can see that: cooking oil, fuel, electricity, charcoal, mealie meal, eggs – the normal basket of goods purchased by the average Zambian is still going UP!

  3. But mr K this has not yet had an impact on the prices of goods and services..this makes us think the economy is stagnant do we need a bailout?? economics is integrated one factor affecting the other does it mean that low inflation = low prices of goods and services??

  4. Does monitory Policy affect growth over the long-term?? What is needed for long-term inflation targeting achievement and on the Zambian economy sectotial??

  5. The transmission mechanisms and how money creation or multiplied buy long-term core inflation should be reflectivity in growth in sectors in MPC Targeting inflation measures,that is in simple to say inflation over the long-term must support long-term growth prospects The presentation and forecasts by central bank could be seen to achieve objective but to say MPC has on its own has an effect on long-term growth is highly a topic of explanation on the policy rate rationale

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