Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Increased COVID-19 admissions worry government


Minister of Health, Sylvia Masebo says she has noted with concern the increased number of admissions resulting from COVID-19 complications despite the country recording reduced infection rates last week.

Ms. Masebo said the low numbers of COVID-19 tests and infection detection is a result of the change in testing strategies implemented by the Ministry and has further disclosed that the Ministry has identified clusters of cases in some institutions and schools including David Kaunda STEM Secondary School in Lusaka and Hillcrest Technical Secondary School.

“In the just ended week, we recorded 471 new cases and 1 death, compared to 519 cases and 2 deaths the previous week, representing a 9% decrease.

On a worrying note, we had more persons getting admitted for COVID-19 complications this past week with 22 new admissions compared to 17 last week. Our overall national positivity for the week remained stable at 4% for a third consecutive week”.

The Minister disclosed that management in the said institutions were proactive and promptly reported the cases and has called on organizations such as schools, business houses and places of worship to report any respiratory and other infections to the health authorities to help curb the spread of the infections

“We are pleased that management in these affected places have quickly notified health authorities hence the quick action and controlled outcome. May I take this opportunity to urge all organisations including places of worship, schools, businesses houses to quickly report any increase in respiratory infections and indeed any other infectious diseases to the health authorities for quick action” she advised.

She disclosed that Zambia has in the last 24 hours recorded a total number of Fifty- five (55) new confirmed COVID-19 positive cases out of the Nine Hundred and Fifty tests conducted, reflecting a positivity rate of 6% and a total of 68 discharges, leaving the total number of active cases at 542.

Ms. Masebo said she has noted the increased number of people who have accessed the COVID-19 vaccines and disclosed that currently the national coverage is on 31% percent with a number of districts recording over 50% of fully vaccinated persons.

She has however expressed concern at the poor adherence to the five golden rules of COVID-19 prevention by members of the public and has urged all members of the public to continue following the guidelines as the virus is still spreading.


  1. These are all lies …GRZ got alot of these vaccines now they are nearing expiration date hence the scaremongering, Africans you dont need these poisonous drugs in you.

  2. Masebo continues to fail yet no action is taken. All she knows is shouting and being moody to hospital staff due to her menopause

  3. KZ what virus is in your head that makes you think like this?
    You are sick my man. Go seek some help. You cant say what you just said about an elderly female let alone a leader. You were very badly brought up without manners at all.

  4. Don’t you know that menopause is a serious thing that the west are trying to bring to light. In zambia people don’t take it seriously. Masebo needs to take menopausal leave until she is in right state of mind to do her job. Shouting and having hot flushes is reducing morale in the ministry. Chester you are backwards. Menopause is a normal natural part of life. Just as you Penls reduces in size as you age

  5. #2 Tarino Orange. For once I agree with you. We don’t need these poisons they call vaccines in our bodies.

    I have not taken the vaccine and I’m fit as a fiddle. Over my dead body will I allow any Covid ‘vaccine’ in my body, and I will contest the matter in Court should our Government want to make it mandatory.

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