Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Congo and Zambia to build up battery supply chain


As the world’s largest producer of cobalt, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) no longer wants to settle for the role of a raw material supplier. Instead, it wants to build its own battery supply chain in the country.

A battery factory is also being considered.

As the German Handelsblatt reports, the Congolese government is now concerned with securing a larger share of the value creation domestically.

Up to now, the DRC has been known primarily as a raw material exporter of cobalt. However, manganese has also been mined there for decades.

As is well known, this raw material is becoming increasingly important in electromobility.

In addition, the country has recently discovered nickel and lithium deposits.

The first step, however, is the construction of a pilot plant for the production of cobalt precursors for cathode production.

This is to go into operation by the end of 2023.

According to the plan of Industry Minister Julien Paluku Kahongya, a complete battery cell factory could also be built in Congo by the end of this decade or the beginning of the new one.

The country is in contact with possible partner companies, including Bosch, but also Chinese companies.

The Democratic Republic of Congo has also concluded a cooperation agreement with neighbouring Zambia, which also wants to significantly increase its mining of battery raw materials.

The country is known primarily as a copper producer.

In addition to the extraction of this important raw material, Zambia also wants to produce copper cables in the future.

Zambia is also hoping for cobalt discoveries in the border region with Congo.

In the past, there have been several initiatives to build a better mining economy, which has been subject to criticism alleging the use of slave labour, alongside the lack of basic safety provisions and environmental hazards.


  1. It appears this article was COPIED from a Congolese affilated press.
    The only sentence that connects the HEADING and the CONTENT is this: “The Democratic Republic of Congo has also concluded a cooperation agreement with neighbouring Zambia, which also wants to significantly increase its mining of battery raw materials.”
    Otherwise, this articles talks more about CONGO, than Zambia. WHAT IS THE POINT?
    Completely VALUELESS article.
    Ba LT, focus on providing quality ARTICLES, and NOT on MODERATING bloggers contributions! LT you NOTORIOUS at moderating INNOCENT contribution, are let through INSULTS from PeF deplorables.

  2. Zambia should replace South Africa as a supplier for those mines in DRC………..

    That is why we said half of those eurobonds should have been used to revamp the supply industries to the mines on CB…….

    This could now have extended to supply DRC mines………..

    The UPND GRZ should seriously considere these industries as drivers for economic growth in zambia………

  3. 1 #general KANENE, spot on wit reportage so myopic and poorly portraying as if news was about Zambia. That’s what happens, buying articles for online news to sound journalistic investigation news. Similarly, audio news parading interviews that has been bought giving the interviewed a leverage to say so much trash to the public while the interviewer looks on. Zambian journalists are a shame to the profession.

  4. They should talk to ELON MUSK, I’m sure he would want to build one of his GIGA FACTORIES here.

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