Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Anti-tribalism movement launched on the copperbelt


Copperbelt Province Minister Elisha Matambo has observed that tribalism and social discrimination has the capacity to breed civil unrest if left unchecked.

Mr. Matambo said tribalism and social discrimination was a crosscutting issue that has manifested in communities, workplaces and much more in the political arena.

In a speech read on his behalf by Copperbelt province Deputy Permanent Secretary Daniel Kamenga during the launch of the Anti- tribalism movement in Luanshya, Mr. Matambo said the vice eroded the people of national peace and unity.

The Copperbelt minister said the government has demonstrated fair treatment and inclusiveness of all the 72 ethnic groups in all 156 constituencies in the country, through the provision of increased constituency development fund CDF and the implementation of the free education policy.

He indicated that the two policies pointed to good governance by the new dawn government, indicating that their sustainability and success was dependent on peace and unity in the country.

Speaking earlier, ATM Executive Director, Moses Lungu explained that the movement will endeavor to stamp out tribalism, before it embeds its roots deep into the soils of the country.

Mr. Lungu said if left unchecked, tribalism is capable of giving birth to other vices such as nepotism, hate speech, ethnicity and corruption.


  1. Its a waste of time and effort on the copperbelt. It should be launched in Southern and Eastern Provinces. Thats where most of the tribalists in the nation are

  2. @Kalulu you are very right. Just look at this forum. The tribal mongers labeling other Zambians as Kasais or Congolese are Mutaware step aside from Southern and KZ Spaka (Eastern). If anyone makes a comment they strive to identify them by tribe so they can attack or defend based on tribe. All this when some of us have moved on as we don’t ride on our tribe but individual efforts

  3. Very useless waste of time. This movement should be moved to upnd offices, southern, western provinces and community house in New kasama..that is where the problem lies.

    Maimbo you know the tribalists here are the upnd supporters yet you choose to paint me with the same brush. Your party said only a tonga can rule it. So who is tribal ? Loosen that scarf, it must be blocking the passage of blood to your head.

  4. I have been praying and hoping when somebody was going to come up with such a good idea..brillant!! Now we should move towards criminalizing this ugly vice

  5. Kuti waseka, The people of ZAMBIA are self regulating where it comes to tribes. Most the people ” pretending to be tribal” are actually married from other tribes. This group is just out there to fleece money for themselves. Very soon they will driving SUVs.

  6. It’s a waste of time, money and resources. There are better things to than this. Yes we have tribalists but the people promoting it benefit from it and you can’t stop them. That’s how politicians get their vote then they come in public and tell us to unite.

  7. It’s the politicians that have been inciting tribalism in Zambia especially those from southern province. The Tongas hate and don’t like the Bembas for no reason at all. They have never had tribal wars with each other. I still wander what the teach and tell their children about the Bembas as they grow up and maybe things like beware of the Bembas and never mix with them and Easterners as the consider them as bad people which is very wrong. The Bembas and Ngonis are easy going people elyo taba fikosha and would interact with any one from any tribe . We saw it in GRZ many years ago how bad the Bembas and Ngonis were treated and it has resurfaced again with many Bembas and Ngonis losing their jobs since the new dawn government took up office. To be Frank Tribalism has been there…

  8. To be Frank Tribalism has been there in southern, Western and North Western provinces of Zambia since UNIP days.Some of us whose parents worked in these places and had the opportunity of going to school in these places saw for our selves and remembers how bad we were mistreated by teachers and fellow pupils at school for being Bembas and they once reffered to as “ma BEMBA ki manyukunyu nyuku fela” . It was really a very horrible experience living in Southern province at that time as we were very vulnerable and getting beaten at school by fellow pupils and teachers and there was no protection from the school authority either. It is not too learnt for Upnd to denounce tribalism and educate their ignorant cadres about the evils of tribalism . We leave this national challenge to UPND and…

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