Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Transparency International Zambia Apologises to Prof Saasa and Retracts its Statement


Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) has apologised to Premier Consult Ltd owner and renowned economist Prof. Oliver Saasa for insinuating that he should have declared interest when doing consultancy work for First Quantum Minerals (FQM).

TIZ raised concerns of possible conflict of interest in the awarding of FQM Limited’s US $1.3 billion expansion investment evaluation consultancy to Prof Saasa through his consultancy firm, Premier Consult.

TIZ Chapter President Sampa Kalungu said that his organization’s concern stems from the fact that Prof. Saasa is the chairperson of the Economic Advisory Council, having been appointed by President Hakainde Hichilema, and in that position, he provides advice to the President on economic matters.

Mr Kalunga said that the recommendations from the evaluation of FQM are crucial in informing the government on its next actions with regard to the country’s mining sector and overall economic development.

Prof. Saasa reacted angrily to the statement issued by TI-Z over allegations of conflict of interest.

In a fresh media statement issued on Friday, Kalungu said the organisation has further retracted the earlier statement in which it condemned Prof. Saasa.

Mr. Kalungu disclosed that TI-Z held a meeting with Prof. Saasa over his concern regarding the earlier statement.

“Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) wishes to set the record straight concerning the statement that we issued on 30th May 2022, in which we raised several concerns about Prof. Oliver Saasa and Premier Consult Ltd. Following the meeting that we held with Prof. Saasa and Premier Consult Ltd yesterday and the clarity we gained, it has since come to our attention that the said advisory council does not in fact exist. Prof. Saasa also clarified that he currently does not provide advisory services to government, contrary to the impression we got,” Mr. Kalungu said.

“In light of the foregoing, we hereby retract our earlier statement and extend our apology to Prof. Saasa and Premier Consult Ltd,” he added.

Earlier this week, Prof Saasa told The Mast that he did not see anything conflicting about his role of chairing an advisory board and being proprietor Premier Consult, a firm that is doing consultancy work for First Quantum Minerals (FQM).

Meanwhile, First Quantum Minerals (FQM) equally issued a statement in which it said that it was surprised and dismayed by a statement issued by Transparency International Zambia (TIZ) attempting to discredit the renowned economist Prof. Oliver Saasa.

FQM further added that the Premier Consult team was given full independence to conduct their research impartially and with integrity to ensure a credible professional view of the investment, and to ensure transparency, First Quantum’s engagement of the consultancy was clearly stated in the report.


  1. Threatened by HH and the upnd thugs. Disgusting. There is no more freedom of speech in zambia. If tiz can be silenced what more you a normal citizen who has no influence. We warned you.

  2. Really laughable…Sampa just calculated the litigation risks involved given that FQM also got involved …quickly ate humble pie…those days of barking aimlessly are long gone back up your claims. Look at the boy Tayali he made a living blackmailing dull Pay Forward ministers on his FB page today no one is tolerating his nonsense. If you want easy money just take up farming.

  3. Nostra…. – I dont like him as well look at what he did to his fellow professor Chriwa when Saasa was ZRL Chairman he thre spanners in his works due to jealous although Chriwa as well has been a let down given his promises about manufacturing minnbuses in Kabwe..pies in the sky. …really laughable

  4. ?n the court of public opinion the verdict remains as guilty. The sentence, the vote in the 2026 elections. The click is ticking.

  5. Let Emmanuel Mwamba also learn a lesson from this, barking aimlessly “monga galu ya chiwewe” will soon land him on a hook. The days of raving off stupid unsubstantiated innuendos fueled by tribal bigotry are over.

  6. So what have all resident haters on LT got to say , who…………

    Were dancing and singing about corruption in the new GRZ when they saw that fake report ?????

  7. The LT resident tribal supremacists haters know them selves………

    You convince your selves about corruption of HEHH based on fake assumptions…….

    What have you got to say now ???

    You should be ashamed of your selves

  8. “The said board does not exist” But you told us it exist and you confidently told us the professor was corrupt? So who is the liar you or the professor? Now that you ve appologised-confirming that you lied to the nation, which you represent in the fight agaisnt corruption. we cannot have someone in that office as compromised as you,someone that does not conduct thorough investigations before pointing fingers at innocent citizens-this tells us that there is no difference between you and Chilufya Tayali or Nakacinda. Hence, you cant continue in the position,at that office as you are incompetent.

  9. Professor Oliver Sasaa is a renowned Zambian consultant whose income earned from the consultancy with FQM shall remain in Zambian banks. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s be pragmatic and be sober minded when articulating on important economic issues of our country. Instead of condemning Professor, let’s encourage other professionals to engage in works previously done by foreigners. Alumta continua Professor.

  10. When HH was in opposition he issued a statement to the effect that he got security briefing before the state did. He was not arrested. When Tayali said the same thing he was arrested by the HH regime. Is anyone following or we are all asleep with very very short memories? Why are we having ” thieves” only in the PF and not in other political parties including UPND? When UPND allies are accused of thieving they run to their “god” who threatens everyone. Is this the change we voted for?

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