Friday, March 7, 2025

GBM arrested and detained over a 2013 case


The Joint Investigations Team has charged and arrested Former Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba for 24 counts of various offences.

Mr Mwamba, 68 has been charged with 8 counts of conflict of interest, 15 counts of being in possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime and one count of money laundering.

Police Deputy Spokesperson Danny Mwale confirmed the arrest to Journalists at Woodlands Police Station where Mr Mwamba is detained.

Below is the full statement

June 7, 2022 – We wish to confirm that the Joint Investigations Team has today charged and arrested Mr. Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba aged 63 of plot number 2623 Leopards Hill Road in Lusaka’s New Kasama area for Eight Counts of Conflict of Interest contrary to section 28 (2) as read with subsection (3) of the Anti Corruption Act number 3 of 2012 of the laws of Zambia.

This is in a matter where Mr. Mwamba, when he was Minister of Defence between 2012 and 2013 failed to disclose his interest in writing on Three Zambia Army contracts and Five Zambia Air Force contracts that were awarded to Curzon Global Limited by the Ministry of Defence.

It is alleged that the said Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba had interest in the same company.

Mr. Mwamba has also been charged and arrested for one count of money laundering contrary to section Seven of Prohibition and Prevention of Money Laundering Act number 14 of 2001 as read with Amendment Act number 44 of 2010.

The allegation involves a sum of USD 632,000.

Further, the suspect has also been charged and arrested for 15 counts of being in possession of Property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime contrary to section 71 subsection (1) of the Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime Act number 19 of 2010 involving a total sum of USD 2, 149, 170 and K20, 000, 000.00.

In the same case, Mr. Adolphus Mubanga aged 58 of plot number 11438 Makeni in Lusaka has been charged and arrested for Three counts of being in possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime involving a sum of K5, 555, 954.

Both suspects are detained in Police custody awaiting court appearance.

Danny Mwale
Deputy Police Public Relations Officer


  1. Now if you had won the 2016 elections this man was going to be our vice president. You used him just like you have used other people. I’m sure if Felix Mutati had stuck with PF and him having been the Finance Minister, would be visiting police stations.

  2. It will be good for GBM, the period in jail: at least he will be able to lose weight

  3. Deja Vu – Who has arrested GBM is it UPND? Why is it with you that you always turn a blind eye to the crime…you seem to be concerned with external matters you must share the same traits with these crooks. Does it not sink in your head that white collar crime disadvantages you as a businessman especially involving tenders?

  4. If GBM had any brains (yes he is street smart) he would be as wealthy as Aliko Dangote but the problem with him is he has never diversified and his businesses are politically exposed. I remember reading a book back in 2000 where he was listed among the top 100 richiest people in Africa…this man was one time among the top milling companies in Zambia.

  5. There is an adage in one of Zambia’s dialect says “Umulandu ta Ubola”. Criminal activities will follow children of their children cast in stone – legacy of crime.

  6. Another case of a failed political persecution. Do you know that it is our tax payers money that they are wasting on this useless baseless cases?

    Some say i am broke, others say I am worth millions of dollars. I tell them you cannot put a number on greatness. I am great. Chapwa

  7. Umulandu taubola! Even those who stole in the previous century will be arrested one day for fake privatization!

  8. Ah, you beat me to it, Stup!d KZ! You’re not going to help your corrupt criminal thieving friend? Oh, I know already, scared of the consequences!

  9. Muna just speak in the language you are used to, which is tonga. Why are you quoting Bemba quotes when your name is hamatumbo

  10. This is a very good move ” Umulandu taubola” Bemba adage. GBM must answer for not having declred conflict of interest. When Hakaindeeaves office he must answer why he did not declare interest in the procurement of some privertised state assets.

  11. Yaba! The president’s neighbor in New Kasamaarrested? The president’s former Veepee arrested! I think HH must have squealed on him. You know GBM talks a lot so he revealed all his deals to HH when he joined UPND. These are the people who bribed lots of civil servants for corrupt land allocations. One time President Levy Mwanawasa pronounced the ministry of Lands as the most corrupt civil service department. This hasnt stopped and I cant confine it to Lands ministry. The civil service is rotten. Ba HH clean up this sewer service.

  12. I am opposing the view of arresting someone before being proved guilty.
    Investigating wings should hand over their report to the courts of law.
    Prosecuted and enforce the law if the suspect is found GUILTY.

  13. #3 Tarino Orange….read between lines my boy. First and foremost it’s not a secret his arrest like others is directly ordered by State House.
    2) When HH picked GBM as a running mate, these cases he’s been charged with became a subject of campaigns including his dubious education background…. you people stood by him and called these accusations as a fabrication against a decent businessman.
    I’m not talking about the fact on whether he stole or not, I am talking about your hypocrisy. If in 2016 it was a fabrication why not now.

  14. Tarino Orange very disappointed with your response. You mean you don’t understand what I am looking at?

  15. Tarino Orange no.5. UPND knew of the existence of this information that has brought about charges and GBM’s subsequent arrest but still dined with him. This information was in the public domain but he was clean as long us he was with the UPND like what dejavu has written. There are huge gaps in the moral campus of the UPND just like the PF. But the UPND have a chance being in power to correct the way things are done including targeting opponents and who are are always walking to freedom once tried by the courts. Dejavu is not lying when he says GBM was used to get the Northen votes as we know that there is always the invisible but visible hand behind such maneuvers.


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