Thursday, February 20, 2025

Government sets four weeks target to seal all manner of revenue leakages


The government has said that it has set a target of four weeks in which it intends to eliminate what is now becoming ‘an industry’ taking advantage of systems in order to leak revenue, thereby depriving it of the much-needed resources.

Technology and Science Minister Felix Mutati said that the government is resolved to seal all manner of revenue leakages through integration and having in place a common database of information in order to create solutions.

Speaking at Madison General Insurance Zambia Limited’s launch of a WhatsApp digital feature, Mr. Mutati said that technology is a driver that will help the government and the country as a whole to minimize revenue leakages.

Mr. Mutati said that in order for a digital Zambia to work properly, integration of common data is paramount, especially after realizing the gap and variance between insured motor vehicles against records at the Road Transport and Safety Agency RTSA.

Mr. Mutati said that there is need to have a digital Zambia that will have a common database whose information will then be used to create solutions.

Meanwhile, Madison General Insurance Company Zambia Limited Managing Director Chabala Lumbwe disclosed that the company registered a profit before tax of K25,820,271 for the year ending 31st December, 2021.

Mr. Lumbwe said that the company also registered an impressive net premium income of K183,776,202.

And Mr Lumbwe said the company realized early in its operations the importance of investing in technology since 2009 and therefore, the launch of the MGen WhatsApp digital feature will allow clients have full access of services at their convenience using a smart phone.


  1. As long as humans don’t behave honestly there will always be financial leakages. Government loses a lot of money through the procurement system, it further loses money because it hasn’t in place the expenditure tracking. Corruption exists right from State House to the lowest office. As we put in systems to help seal financial leakages we must also psyche humans that at the end of it all what matters isn’t how wealth you have illegally accumulated but your honest service

  2. This is why it is taking long to get the goverment in order……….

    Corruption and stealing under lungu was on an industrial scale…………

    To a point where it was becoming legal and normal practice to steal and aquire wealth by illicit means……………

    As long as it was GRZ , it was there to be looted………..

  3. So the whole minister went to a private insurance company’s launch of a mere WhatsApp digital feature? C’mon get serious not even a Deputy PS should be attending such trivial functions. You wonder where the Govt Spokeslady is …she is just sitting there drwing a salary as she is an empty suit.

  4. kikiki!!!!!
    Ati: “Corruption and stealing under lungu was on an industrial scale…………”

  5. Leave the small fish alone. Go for the mines for they been hiding true figures which if plugged we would not need either the Chinese or the IMF.
    By the way RTSA does not issue road license without proof of insurance so this one you can easily track even without an integrated data base.


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