Wednesday, February 26, 2025

They are back! ZCCM-IH engages Rothschild & Co to review Mopani operations


ZCCM-IH has engaged Rothschild & Co., South Africa to assist with the strategic review of Mopani Copper Mines Plc.

Rothschild & Co., South Africa was engaged as Consultants in the 90s by the Zambia Privatization Agency on the privatization of ZCCM.

In a statement, ZCCM-IH says this engagement follows a competitive procurement process in which five other companies, both local and international, participated.

It says Rothschild & Co has extensive experience and an established reputation as a leading global financial services group, with a history of over 200 years at the centre of the world’s financial markets.

Rothschild & Co will undertake an assessment of the strategic options available to the business, to ensure the sustainability, growth and profitability of MCM.

The process is expected to be concluded within a period of six to twelve months, during which time Rothschild & Co’s involvement will not disrupt any business operations at the mine.

“ZCCM-IH is committed to see that MCM delivers to its optimal production levels in order to contribute to the national production target of three million metric tonnes of copper by 2030 and the broader strategy of Government initiatives to revitalise the Zambian mining industry for the benefit all Zambians,” a statement from ZCCM-IH read.

“Under strong stewardship, the sector will play a catalytic role in promoting industrialisation, employment creation and inclusive growth.”

There was no mention of how much Rothschild & Co., South Africa will be paid for the role.


  1. There are many conspiracy theorists on LT who are basically 1970s nutcase revolutionary elements…………..

    We were told that the same Brenhurst group advices Rwanda which is being seen as one of the best performing countries in Africa………..

    Pleas , bring that advice to zambia………

  2. Funny thing is that these guys will be consulting the local people and in the end get fat cheques for the consultancy. I spent months giving information to these guys on everything involved in our mine….. including the best, safest and more productive systems.

  3. What do you expect. Their chola boy who worships them, hh, is now in control of our resources so they know they can continue with stealing our resources and enriching themselves at our expense, while hh is just smiling like a villager at them

  4. What do you expect. Their ch0la boy who w0rships them, hh, is now in c0ntrol of our res0urces so they know they can continue with stealing our res0urces and enriching themselves at our expense, while hh is just smiIing like a vilIager at them

  5. If The openhimours foundation is advising kigame in Rwanda………..

    I say they need to advice the whole african continent…………

    Looking at Rwanda ……….they must have the right advice…………

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