Thursday, March 13, 2025

Zambia is still using some 1911 British Laws and now LAZ and ZLDC wants them repealed


The Law Association of Zambia President Abyud Shonga says laws enacted in 1911 in England that are currently being applied in Zambia should be repealed and replaced.

Mr. Shonga said such laws are no longer responsive to the needs of Zambia and the country of origin itself has since repealed them.

The LAZ President was speaking during a stakeholder consultative meeting held in Lusaka on Thursday where the Zambia Law Development Commission was consulting with State Counsels on the Review of the British Acts Extension Act Chapter 10 of the Laws of Zambia.

Chapter 10 extends the application of legislation that was in force in England before 1911 to Zambia.

Mr. Shonga has also expressed happiness that the Commission invited LAZ and in particular the inner bar comprising of State Counsel.

He added that the Association will render maximum support to the review process in order to develop laws that meet the needs of modern day Zambia.

Speaking earlier, the Zambia Law Development Commission Director Hope Ndhlovu-Chanda revealed that the review process started in 2017 following instructions by the Ministry of Justice to the Commission to review this law and develop an indigenous legal system reflective of the social and political values of the Zambian people.


  1. When we brought bill 10 to change these backwards laws the upnd decided to sabotage that initiative. Now laz is naive to think upnd , who’s president worships the c0l0nial masters, will repeal these laws. Continue dreaming

  2. When we br0ught biIi 10 to change these backwards Iaws the upnd decided to sab0tage that lnitiative. Now Iaz is naive to think upnd , who’s president w0rships the c0l0nial masters, will repeaI these laws. C0ntinue dreaming

  3. Is this not what some refer to our constitution based on a paper at Lancaster House for the purpose of handing independence of sorts?

    Clearly this calls for a complete overhaul of the constitution as attempted by Mungomba Commission.

    Some people even refer to 2016 as a new constitution when it just underwent some amendments based of the old letter of law.

    The biggest impediment to change a law/constitution that favour the ruling class is to expect to same regime initiate those changes. It never worked in George Owell tale.

    Whence shall the voice of reason come?

  4. When they are in opposition, every politician from Chiluba Mwanawasa, Banda, Lungu, HH knows these are colonial laws but they dont want to discard them when in power. HH wants to pretend he is for freedom of expression but why is he numb over a driver being jailed for saying he is not a Christian? Surely he should tell us his opinion of a law that jails innocent people under the guise of protecting him? Why should a president have special protection from defamation? Is he so insecure he wants to silence every criticism? Like that emperor who had no clothes because he had silenced everyone from speaking the truth

  5. Do Zambian citizens know that oral sex is banned in the republic? It is illegal under the laws we inherited from our colonial masters. Noone has had the courage to repeal such laws.

  6. One lawyer tells me even annal sex is banned by our intrusive laws whether you are married or you aren’t. So be careful when you indulge. Make sure your curtains are drawn

    • We chipubawe this person is pointing out what is in the laws and you accuse him of being gay? Ati eimwe mwali ba Presidential adviser? No wonder the one you were advising lost. He had the wrong personnel around him

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