Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Gender inequalities still high-Kabika


Gender Division Permanent Secretary Mainga Kabika has noted that despite all efforts of achieving gender equity and equality, participation of women in different sectors of the economy still demonstrates high levels of inequality.

Ms Kabika says this could be because of the gender policy issues that have been largely ignored in the formulation and distribution of national finance resources.

The PS said this in Lusaka today , when she officially opened the workshop on the orientation of line ministries on gender-responsive planning and budgeting which has been organised by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Ms Kabika noted that in 2017, public funding for gender mainstreaming activities was reduced from 45 percent to 24 in 2018.

She said this calls for self-introspection that requires strengthened approaches to implementation of policies and programs in order to make them more responsive while leaving no one behind.

UNFPA country representative Gift Malunga said the orientation meeting is aimed at creating linkages between policy making programs and budgeting to add value of gender responsive budgeting approaches to policy.

Ms Malunga stated that the meeting will also help to identify which tools can be used for specific budget analysis purposes and proposals to provide information for policy advocacy purposes.


  1. Really need to be careful about blindly adopting ideologies from the west which are rootee in a neo Marxist philosophy. Social engineering is always a bad idea. Let people choose what they want to do. Just open up opportunities. Forcing quotas of 40% or 50% is a illogical and it will end in failure.
    Why can’t Africans think for themselves? Is it any wonder that we remain poor? What can’t come up with coherent original philiosophies. Instead what the West says is what we take as gospel truth. The west says jump, we jump.
    I would bet 100 thousand bucks that this woman know nothing, or very little about what she is saying. No idea of the philosophical foundation. But because the west has said it she is parroting it. Really unfortunate.

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