Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Remarks that former President Edgar Lungu is ready to be investigated welcome


The Network for Young People against Violence (NIPAV) has welcome the statement by former President Edgar Lungu that he is ready to be investigated by law enforcement agencies if they feel he has done anything wrong .

Former President Lungu on Tuesday challenged all those that wish to remove his immunity to go ahead saying he had nothing to hide .

The former President’s comment came in the wake of investigations of former First Lady Esther Lungu by law enforcement agencies .

But NIPAV Executive Director Moses Kalonde mockingly said Mr. Lungu is right by challenging for the lifting of his immunity because it would provide for an opportunity to clear his name of allegations against him and his family .

Mr. Kalonde said PF members of Parliament should raise a motion in Parliament to remove Mr. Lungu’s immunity.

He said UPND and independent MPs should support the motion.

“We at the Network for Young People against Violence stand for a just and free Zambia where we can all coexist even in our diversity as one nation and as one people all under one tribe called Zambian. The only equalizer that we should have is the rule of law. Simply put, no single Zambian should be above the law regardless of the position they hold in society, their tribe or religion. It is against this background that we are happy that the former President Mr. Edgar Lungu on 12th July, 2022 while addressing his supporters at his residence which the Zambian people have graciously provided to him and his family through their hard earned taxes did indicate that he has nothing to hide and was ready to face the law so that he can prove his innocence and as such he does not need the immunity so it can be taken away,” Mr. Kalonde said.

“Firstly, we would like to thank Mr. Edgar Lungu for volunteering to surrender his immunity so that he can be given an opportunity just like his wife, children and other former PF leaders have been given to face the law and prove their innocence. We now call upon on the PF members of Parliament especially Honourable Brian Mundubile leader of the opposition and Honourable Stephen Kampyongo, opposition Chief Whip who were present at the time Mr Edgar Lungu made the statement that he does not need the immunity to immediately start working on this directive from their leader to put together a motion to be presented to Parliament to remove the immunity of Mr. Edgar Lungu so that he can prove his innocence before the courts of law,” he added.

Mr. Kalonde continued:”We hope and trust that this directive by Mr Edgar Lungu will be taken seriously by the leader of the opposition Honourable Mundubile and Honourable Stephen Kampyongo so that the former President can freely cleanse himself of the stigma that he committed a lot of wrong things to the Zambian people during his time in office. Secondary, we would also like to appeal to the Republican President Hakainde Hichilema to instruct all the UPND Members of Parliament to support the motion to remove the immunity of Mr. Edgar Lungu as it is presented to Parliament by the PF members of Parliament supporting this motion which we expect the PF MPs to present in the very near future will demonstrate to the nation that the UPND Government is above partizan lines and would be the first time that a party in government will support an opposition political party motion in Parliament 100%. To the independent Members of Parliament, our appeal is that you also support this motion which we believe will accord Mr. Lungu an opportunity to cleanse himself of numerous allegations of wrongdoing.”

Mr Kalonde further said there is a need for the former President to clear the air on his statement that he was still active in politics.

“Back to former President Edgar Lungu, we would like to remind you of the few things. Being a lawyer, for a former President to enjoy his benefits he must not be involved in active politics. Can you tell the one what your position is because on 12th July, 2022 you informed the nation through the address to your supporters that you are still active in politics. If that is the case, kindly refund the Zambian people the benefits you have been wrongly paid so that you can continue with active politics,” Mr. Kalonde said.


  1. It is extremely shameful that the UPND Govt and its uninformed cohorts consider it right – or to be their version of civilization – to expose dirty linen in full view of the African Union delegates present in Lusaka. Just to add salt to the colonially-wounded African States, this Govt further slaps more insults to the African Union by honouring three West African former Presidents well-known for working with the subversive Brunthurst Foundation in Southern Africa at this hour. This is a chilling shame to all Zambians.

    • The law does not consider African Union issues as reasons to delay any proceedings. And the honoring of other African leaders, these honors mean literally nothing, so what is the shame in this? I am also concerned about what ‘chills’ you, because that word is used when describing murderers and rapists.

  2. RENAMO, which was created by Rhodesian whites & South Africa’s apartheid regime, is described as a tool used to destabilize Mozambique. Since its insurgents killed many people in Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia, Mozambique will NEVER forgive the Brunthurst Foundation which took over the funding of RENAMO. The African Union must be courageous: (a) to politely remind South Africa that it hosts a subversive Foundation that sponsors the breeding of chaos in selected States of Africa and; (b) to remind Nigeria that a military-trained General Obasanjo failed to quell the Boko Haram terrorists in West Africa but opted to work for the notorious Brunthurst Foundation to subvert governance in East and Southern Africa. The AU must eradicate the Brunthurst Foundation so as to expunge all forms of…

  3. The most troubling thing Mr Lungu is his statement he willingly handed over power to the “other guy” even after many people urged him not to. He thinks he did HH a favour, completely forgetting the fact that this is a democracy and you get booted out when electorates vote against you regardless whether you like it or not. I think we need to know those who gave him this advice.

    And who are these sycophants called NIPAV yapping and cheerleading now? Where has YALI gone to these days? These political tools just come out of the woodworks every time there’s a change of govt… these so called NGOs represent everything wrong with this country.

  4. The African Union must eradicate the Brunthurst Foundation so as to expunge all forms of colonialism in Africa. the Late Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere, Samora Machel, Nelson Mandela, Kenneth Kaunda etc are turning in pain in their graves.

  5. Late Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere, Samora Machel, Nelson Mandela, Kenneth Kaunda etc are turning in pain in their graves.

  6. kkkkkkkk all views are respected and is upnd aware of the consequences in the view that ECL is found with no case?Is he not going to sue the govt?And what kind of presidency are we putting before us.remember what upnd used to do when ECL was in power,insults,he was not even recognised as president and there is a saying in the bible that says what you saw is what you reap.Remember one day upnd will not be in power what next for them.Fellow zambians let us put aside hate and embrance love.This is a christain nation.ECL will have no case to answer even if immunity was to be removed and govt will be sued and spend more agin.KKKKKKKK THINK THINK BIG PLZ

    • No he cannot sue the government. Law enforcement agencies have the right under law to investigate suspected corruption. Exculpation of the subject of such an investigation does not render the investigators liable for a crime. Lungu will be investigate, and if he is found with nothing to hide, he will go free. However, the delusional drunk only uttered the nonsense because he thinks that the powers that be, will not go to extent of investigating him. In essence, he is calling their bluff. The reality is that the bugger is guilty of multiple crimes. He has wealth that cannot be explained by his salary in office. He is guilty of human rights abuses. This a Mukobeko convict walking and talking in the open, if the government just decides to prosecute him. Lungu is a criminal. Make no mistakes…

  7. Edgar China Lungu had ten years to hide all the thieving and corruption that he, his family and cronies effectuated. The chance that you will find anything is close to zero. So I suggest that you let him be. But that doesn’t mean that you have to invite him to all sorts of activities. I really don’t want to see the veep on her knees again begging forgiveness. JUST IGNORE HIM, PRETEND HE DOESN’T EXIST.


  9. They say f00Is die, hh will die if he is not careful because he is exhibiting alot of f00Iishness

  10. Lazy Lungu aint RB to ask to be investigated …RB was surrounded by educated savvy crooks whilst Lazy Lungu was surrounded by dullards like KZ (real KZ), Findlay, Bonanza Malanji who are big headed ….Findlay can not even face the ACC he has fled the country. Lazy is banking on people to protect him he is lucky this govt is sleepy another govt would have unearthed all the links towards Lazy and the more the wait the more Lazy will make it to be a witch hunt. Just look at how the Faith Musonda debacle was stopped in its tracks.

  11. Prosecute that shameless thief, Lungu the drunkard. The majority Zambians rejected him for his incompetence, his corruption, his looting, his stealing, his tribalism

    HH, the Tonga guy he publicly said will NEVER rule cleanly defeated him. Lungu LOST, he shouldn’t make it look like he did our Bally a favor by handing over power. We the people would have thrown him out of state house.

  12. Now parliament, quickly raise a motion in Parliament to remove Mr. Lungu’s immunity. We need to know the truth about his accumulated dirty wealth that will dwindle like morning dew soon

  13. What clear his name ????

    That shameless corrupt theif lungu can never even face a free press conference…………

    Like other former heads of state who site down with the press, not this theif……..

    He has too many skeletons to hide………..

  14. And the way this couple looks…….as if it is a poverty-stricken family. Look at their faces

  15. OH The Imposter/garbage collector/prophet/ fortune teller has spoken again
    thank goodness all he says amounts to nothing 🙂

  16. My suggestion is that the current ACC must be made the public relations wing since of the main ACC, because its speciality for now seems to be making pronouncements only, we should then put up a separate ACC which is going to fight graft. They are very good and quick at making statements on who has been called to the ACC and who has been arrested, things we are least interested in. Do your job quietly and professionally and only inform us when you get a conviction, we are not interested in your daily bulletins please

  17. Edgar, we like you as a brother but my advice is that you stop issuing statements. A shelter called a toll gate between Kitwe and Ndola cost us the Zambians 80 million kwacha and you were superintending government affairs, how do you explain that. infact for you, there is no need to investigate you because most of the things are straight forward and don’t need investigations but just require an arrest

    • When Jesus used that argument it was because he wanted to save the woman’s life from hypocrites. It doesnt work here because its not the imperfect that are demanding justice, it is the law of the country

    • Hello Fellow Zambians,
      Lift the immunity of all Presidents sitting and former so that HH can also clear his case concerning privatisation of Zambian state companies , acquisition of farms, Mosi-o-tunya Hotel and purchase of Lima bank house. We have not forgotten, let the young praise singers ,sing Loud but one day the truth shall come out. Let’s clear all as an example for the future.

  18. God damn, look at Chagwa’s chewing dental formula, is this not the feminine genetalia of a baboon we are seeing here? And he seems to be drowning himself in Jameson Whisky this namunungu wa mutu, just look at his face! You bet he has a liver of a centurian, mutu wa mulena winyelezi mwa maputula!

    • It had to take the former State House Policeman now turned personal Body guard to stop him talking that is how useless the man is…a lawyer would know when to shut up. That former Police officer is only with him because he knows too much about his dealings that he threw away his OP career

  19. Parliamentarians should quickly assist the former president by removing his immunity to enable him to clear his name. Mr Lungu should however think through this wish because it could turn out to be a double-edged sword.

  20. This matter of presidential immunity has always puzzled me. Does immunity mean that a person cannot be investigated or interrogated? Immunity is against prosecution and not against investigation. So, ba Lungu must be given a call-out to answer questions and if a prima fascie case is established, parliament must be informed and then he must go to defend himslef there with his lawyers, against having his immunity lifted.

    • I think immunity should apply only to actions done while one is working as President. Personal actions such as impregnanting someone and failling to support her child should be suable

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