Friday, March 14, 2025

DEC boss Mary Chirwa in alleged sex tape scandal as Chellah Tukuta allegedly implicated in the leak


Steamy videos containing obscene materials showing a woman believed to be Director General of the Drug Enforcement Commission Mary Chirwa have emerged.

The videos show a woman in a room fondling with her genitals who bears remarkable to Mrs Chirwa. It is unclear when the videos were recorded and released.

The videos are now circulating in a number of WhatsApp blogs with many bloggers expressing disgust at her conduct. Others have already called for her immediate resignation and called on President Hakainde Hichilema to sack her.

When contacted, Ms. Chirwa’s phone was off and she did not respond to messages seeking a comment. DEC Spokesperson Mathias Kamanga’s phone was equally phone at the time of publishing.

Meanwhile, State House Photographer Chellah Tukuta has emerged as the central figure in the Mary Chirwa sex tape scandal.
Sources within Ms. Chirwa’s family have disclosed that the photos were leaked by Tukuta.

The source said Ms. Chirwa and Tukuta have had a sexual relationship for some time now and accused the State House photographer of exposing the nude photos after a disagreement after discovering that the DEC Director General was seeing another man.

The sources said Tukuta was a regular at Ms. Chirwa’s house with many sleep overs.

“Chellah was always there (Ms. Chirwa’s house and he would boss the Maid around demanding that she prefers special meals for him each time he slept over. It was an open secret,” the source said.

The source added, “they fought recently after Chellah found that Mary was cheating on him with another man. Everyone in the family knows this story but it is just unfortunate that Chellah could do this to her.”

Asked about the authenticity of the videos, the source confirmed that it was the DEC Director General in the videos.

“We know the inside of that bedroom, the furniture and everything in that room is familiar. She is the one off course,” the source said.

Efforts to get a comment Tukuta also proved futile as his mobile phone was off.


  1. Some of these bosses have no morals. Why go out with chaps like Tukuta. Bosses should decent life style . She should be fired. DEC secrets will end up being leaked to boyfriends and whole fight against drugs and other compromised.

    • My point exactly. You’re spot on. Both her and Chellah should be. It is also very convenient that these would be leaked right when she interrogated Ms. Lungu.

  2. It is fair to critically digest this shocking SEX SCANDAL before offering credible analysis of the UPND-Govt’s moral fibres.

  3. It’s very unfortunate that our political ambitions have reached this level of depravation. It appears there’s no hope for any decency for our country.

  4. Her investigations are getting closer to the big boss’s and they are now attacking her character. It can only mean one thing, she is barking up the right tree

    • I agree. She is getting closer to jailing the PF thieves. This is an attempt to distract her and the fight against corruption.soldier on mama your conscious is clear

    • It could be either way… current government may not be happy with the way they are bungling cases. Or the former government wants to disturb her.

    • However, had she not had any indiscretions to start with, no one would have found anything to expose! Don’t blame chancers for publishing what you, yourself, allowed to go digital!

  5. Meno meno is getting carried away with his job. He needs to chill and remove his village mentality from public service.

    • This is bad . Although even if someone is cheating on you normally you can’t do that to her . If I was the judge, I could have thrown tukuta in prison for despraying Pono . That her personal life people should understand that.

  6. If it is Mary Chirwa,she definitely needs to step down like yesterday.
    If this is true,it could mean,Mary has a big problem with the choice of her men.Remember the skirmish she was involved in a few years ago with another very dubious fellow…….She can definitely NOT be trusted to hold a sensitive top job like this one…. what a shame !!!she will have only her self to blame if her career is ruined in this manner.She was given all the support as a woman by Bally.He must be terribly broken by all this…

    • She’s free to have sex with who she wants. The accusing fingers should point to the person (s) who took the video and who leaked it. She’s not the only one engaging in sex…. right now millions of people are busy having sex. Just ask why someone would want to scandalize her.

    • @De ja Vu – She erred in judgment and in such a role you cannot have these distractions. Unfortunately, while the leaker is being sought after, she broke the law by ‘appearing’ in the video. Read the Act. To this extent, she has to resign, as unfortunate as this is.

    • Luciferus How do you know she is involved in the video making. She’s could have been set up by some interest group either the current government or the previous government or some malicious persons.

  7. Not sure whether I believe the part about Chella, the woman is currently married to a pastor, I don’t see how it would be factual that he would sleep over and boss the maid, even given the fact that Mary has children of her.
    But let’s wait and see what response she gives. Otherwise we may be told to wait until the relevant authorities verify whether it’s her in the video. We are still waiting for the verification of the leaked audio between PS Home Affairs and Special Assistant Levy Ngoma.

  8. I have seen this before even when she was at the previous department …this just means she has started to squeeze these criminals..please madam dont be distracted.

    • Have you seen the videos? There is nothing doctored about them. She squeezed the criminals, but did not know how to conduct herself when you are after criminals. She touched the Lungus and they have the money to access such things, best you don’t have blemishes. There is a reason why Judges are given such roles like DEC boss etc. Best believe, it is a matter of time before she confesses and apologizes and resigns. It is premature to render support.

  9. I also warned people about how close chella was with mutinta hichilema. The pictures he took of her say alot. Remember it is always those who you trust who end up eating your food. Hh you are too slow, balekulila ba chells

  10. And this video tape was not available all this time and only comes out the day that Esther Nyawa Tembo is being investigated?

    • Chellah or whoever she was sending this to was paid. Men usually brag about sleeping with important women so it was known who to approach. Remember that these State House salaries are not special.

  11. This is top shelf hypocrisy. How do you attack a woman for pleasing one of her five senses, the sense of feeling (read The Book of Joy by Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama). 240 million people are having sex daily, including the ones demonising Mary Chirwa. We know what happens in cars, homes, bushes and even toilets. He who has never f****d, let him cast the first stone at her. The fact that no one sees you does not make you a saint. My respect for Mary remains intact, she is only being human. Try to keep your nose and eyes where they belong.
    Thank you

    • This has nothing to do with that. The law is clear. Appearing in, circulating, are crimes. This also leads you to question her judgment of character in men. It is unfortunate but she brought this one on herself.

  12. Sadly, she has done this to herself. There is this habit with women of a certain age that the flattery of being wanted by anyone makes them drop their guard. Tukuta is toxic and has a disregard for women, this is not a guy you want to be close to. That said, I do not think the reason he leaked it was because he was heart broken, it is too convenient, it was known in the PF circles that Mary dates Tukuta, Tukuta was approached by an intermediary to leak the videos for a large payout right on the day that Esther showed up at DEC. HH should fire Chellah and also fire Mary. Before someone says Chellah does not need that money, salaries at state house are not very different from other civil servant salaries.

  13. It’s very unfortunate to hear such nonsense coming from someone the PERSON the nation looks up to head a very important Statutory Institution such as DEC. What’s wrong with some women? If what is being reported about her having a relationship with Tukuta is true, then she has no morals. This is a lady who was accusing her Pastor Hub that he was promiscuous and the Husband accusing her with same allegations. Mary at her age cannot be allowing a Boyfriend to take nude pictures of her not a husband should do that. But the question is, “For what”? She has not only embarrassed herself and her family, but the Head of State too. She’s an embarrassment to the President for failure to uphold common norms which should be upheld even in our private lives as leaders. We are not in Europe where…

  14. The sort of people heading our institutions; just unbelievable! Is fondling one’s bits on camera the “in” thing now?? How will employees at DEC view this lady now? There is no rescuing this – she must go.

    • Kaizar Zulu is born of Gwendoline Zulu and Mabvuto Zulu, two first cousins in an incestuous relationship. This explains his looks and bad sickness record.

    • i would equally not trust MENO MENO . MENO MENO has no respect for women. It is on record . Who does not know how MENO MENO insulted NAVWAKWI? Who does not know how MENO MENO insulted DORIA? Who did not see the steamy pictures MENO MENO was posting on social media?
      Personally I would not allow MENO MENO any where near the women I hold in high esteem. Not my wife, not my daughters not my friend’s wife and not any other woman I respect. MENO MENO has no morals.

  15. The crime has been committed by the person who has leaked the video. What happens in one’s bedroom is none of anyone’s business. If a consenting couple decide to film their situation it is not an offence. The problem nowadays is that people later use these images to blackmail a person when the relationship sours. Nonetheless there is technology out there that can make anyone look like they are doing anything. Furthermore, even a look alike can be used. They do this in movies. Let us wait and see before we judge. Most people who work in stressful jobs end up lowering their judgements and doing unseemly things.

  16. A typical smear campaign by those who are guilty of stealing public resources.
    Soon they will realize that DEC boss Mary Chirwa is a wrong lady to mess around with.
    Just start putting together your payslips , ZRA tax payment receipts and bank loan agreements for the last 25 years to prove your source of wealth.

  17. This is a government of Laws. Let’s follow procedure. Let DEC seize her while they are investigating the authenticity of the video.

  18. So this tape had to wait untill she touched the former first lady? Zambians are not dull, you just want her fired for interrogating a big fish.

  19. She needs to resign or get fired. Her position in the DEC calls for moral behavior above reproach. She’s compromising the investigative office. Can you imagine if someone decided to blackmail her with a sex tape like that, so she can drop a serious corruption case? She’s free to do whatever she wants to do with her life. But certain sensitive national positions should not be allowed to be compromised by someone’s private life. This is a matter of putting national security at risk. Fire her.

  20. Iwe chik@l@ its not the first lady we are discussing here and moreover its your pf first lady that is corrupt not mutinta.

  21. I’m not being funny, but dental braces would improve that smile, wouldn’t they?

    #plant a tree please.

  22. Chrirwa is firm on economic criminals or offenders and the same offenders have paid a large sum of money to Tukutta to get her Fred(FACT). Good and honest people who work for the citizens of Zambia are usually despised, mud slung and fought fiercely by criminals and enemies of the good society that we all desire. Chellah Tukuta is a shameleess inexperienced hyper excited person and a pure novice in public office with no sense of remorse with typical narcissist behavior of self-centeredness. The same happened to an Excellent, patriotic, good preforming and development oriented minister Hon Edify Hamukale who was accused of things he never did. Sponsored hatred, etc . Chanda Chimba and RB fought Michael Sata left right and center . Zambians are narrow minded and specialize in fighting bring…

  23. During the KK Presidency, Staff in the Office of President (OP) provided the President with authentic data on which KK relied on to appoint credible senior personnel in Govt. and Ministers. The OP officers worked professionally well as KK instilled integrity in Govt. When Chiluba set-in, the OP was infiltrated by financial mercenaries who faked data to please the system just to reap from Govt coffers and build mansions. Tukuta and Chirwa are known for their past immoral public exposures of innocent persons. Engaging persons with faulty morals, such as the well-known Grade 12 “KUSABAYILA” Minister and the non-repentant “THASINTA” graduate, has ruined the integrity of the current Govt.

  24. This story makes very sad reading. Sad not that it is true, as I have serious misgivings about the authenticity of the alleged pictures and the light in which the story is presented here.
    What is worrying is the extent to which men would go to create a diversion or to pour scorn on the characters of those pursuing suspected wrong doing in society. This is not surprising, as it is not uncommon for such officers to be targets of much worse intentions.
    To start with, unless, Chella Tukuta doubles as a very skillful spy agent , I don’t see how he could have obtained those pictures without the victim’s awareness. Apart from the suspected failed love relationship, what would he gain by Ms Chirwa’s downfall when they are both on the same side of things(they are both aligned to the…

  25. Anyone with access to the video, please upload it and share the link with us so we can see for ourselves.
    So will the cops arrest her for simply appearing in the video footage like they did to that Kaingu daughter?

  26. Am sure there is a huge amount of money to the original source of the leakage. Especially when she is dealing with filthly rich weights- heavy and corrupt Zambians. What is not impossible for a fluid guy like T.
    True she is Broken…i can imagine!

  27. The fact that she cheated on Chellah Tukuta, suggests Chellah is a 5 minute Man in Bed, she opted for another guy who would be lasting and harder. Chellah is not a man, instead making her feel home u start leaking videos. What she was doing happens almost with every unmarried woman longing for such touch, but she gave it to a wrong chap

  28. How many men and women have not given themselves gratification. The lady did not steal , she did not take somebody’s husband. It is her own body. I say rock on sister. Even pastors pleasure themselves. Lungu need to pleasure his wife. Stand strong and do not give the haters what tehy want.

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