Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Government launches three strategies and action plans to Increase Access to Electricity and Renewable Energy


The government yesterday launched three strategies and action plans under the Increased Access to Electricity and Renewable Energy Production (IAEREP ) project aimed at improving the management of the energy sector.

The European Union and COMESA funded project has seen the formulation of the Energy Management Information System, Zambia Power Development Framework and the Energy Sector Strategies.

Minister of Energy, Peter Kapala said the three strategies will transform the energy sector calling on all stakeholders to support the ministry successfully implement the strategies.

ZANIS reports that said Mr. Kapala this in a speech read on his behalf by Ministry of Energy Permanent, Francesca Zyambo in Lusaka today.

Mr. Kapala said the Energy Management Information System has been developed to automate business processes in the ministry and effective monitoring of the performance of the energy sector.

“The successful implementation of the three strategies requires the participation of all relevant stakeholders. Let me therefore implore the private and public sector institutions, the cooperating partners, research institutions, civil society and other key stakeholders to support the Ministry of Energy in the implementation of the strategies, “he said.

He explained that government is alive to the challenges faced by investors in the sector saying the development of the Zambia Power Development Framework, will help improve processes and procedures in the sector, while the Renewable Energy Strategy is set to ensure systematic investment into renewable energy market.

“The new dawn government realizes the importance that the private sector plays in the energy sector. In this regard, my ministry has been working on lessening the burden the investors have previously endured of moving from one office to another enquiring the procedures and the processes for obtaining licences for the power projects,” he said.

And speaking at the same event, Head of Cooperation for the European Union delegation to Zambia and COMESA, Arnaud Borchard said the EU and Zambia have since 2014 worked together in developing the energy sector through various interventions towards a green economy. He disclosed that over K4.2 billion has been invested in the sector citing the rehabilitation of the Kariba dam as one of the many interventions.

Mr. Borchard said the interventions are not only on the country level but regional level stating that EU plans to extend the interventions to other sectors such as water.

“We supporting electricity programme, particularly to increase access in rural areas. And these initiatives are fundamental for enabling a broader, inclusive economic and social development as well as facilitating the emergence of the green economy. Since 2014, we have allocated more than K4.2 billion to the energy sector under our partnership between the EU and Zambia and we are active in all compartments in the energy sector” he said.


  1. Just yesterday this ugly rodent looking hyena told us zambia was exporting power. How do you do that when people in the country don’t even have access to power

    • Unfortunately I am not in London. My vpn is directed to a UK based server. I visit London once a year to shop. Why should I live in whlte man’s land when he doesn’t want us there..why are you forcing yourself where you are not wanted

    • Bwana, no one believes you are in Zambia and no one is buying your story. What kind of VPN do you use that only has one location?

  2. access t electrification and increased economic activities See the The 2021 edition of Tracking SDG 7: The Energy Progress Report monitors and assesses achievements in the global quest for universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy by 2030 and see how Zimbabwe and other similar countries could be differentiating better and how its being tracked

    This is progressive

  3. This article is fit for the workshop where participants are Sleeping, like a baby, waiting for lunch. Put up an enabling infrastructure for Zambians, even those with little money, to participate in Renewable Energy Production. Free energy from the sun, we still need an investor. it is sad. We elect you to create a system in which Zambians can invest without wasting time writing bankable reports. Make Zambian Earn an income is more desirable and feasible than creating jobs.

  4. Zambia’s potential to export power in southern Africa is immense. Steps to achieve this will require (a) to develop power stations along the Batoka Gorge (with Zimbabwe), on Luapula River (with Congo DR) and along Kalungwishi River; (b) provide modern teaching equipment to Schools of Engineering at CBU and Unza plus the Technical College in Ndola; (c) support the training of more Zambians in areas of electrical and civil engineering. Creating a substantial pool engineers and technologists will help Zambia to realise the export of electricity in the region.

  5. Hon minister pliz privatise zesco. It shall be more effective like that. Zesco workers are currently worse than traffic police for asking for bribes. To get conected zesco employees ask for bribes. They ar so shameless. Pliz just privatise zesco for the progress of the country other than having it in govt hands

  6. this thing called zesco is moribund. they cannt connect more than 90, 000 customers but yet they have already chewed the customers money. zesco workers deliberately delay connecting new customers so that they continue asking for money frm the them under the guise that they will help them get connected. fuel is in private hands, medicines supplied by private hands, food in private hands, etc. why cant zesco also be in private hands. politicans will never make zesco effective, never. sale that company twapapata.

  7. Bwana Minister, why so many things to do at zesco all over a sudden. just the other day talking about electric chargers. Your zesco company has failed to connect thousands of people to electricity. hw will it manage to connect cars. total failure. please move slowly that company cant manage too many projects. its a dysfunctional company and you will get stuck and waste money. zesco has no capacity to do many things. we have seen it with our own eyes. the working culture at the company is very bad. typical civil servant mentality at zesco.

  8. The EU will teach the world about energy management?

    That’s a good one.

    Due to their energy policy being entirely based on hopium and wishful thinking, they are now finding themselves staring into the abyss that is the European winter – without their energy needs covered.
    People will be freezing in Europe this year.
    I think we should learn the right lessons from what the EU did to themselves.

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