Thursday, March 6, 2025

Malanji loses Kwacha seat


The Constitutional Court has upheld the nullification of the election of Joe Malanji  as Kwacha Constituency Member of Parliament.

Constitutional Court Judge Margaret Munalula , who read the majority Judgment, said High Court trial JudgeKa Kazimbe Chenda ’s decision to annul the seat on the basis of lack of a grade 12 certificate cannot be faulted due to sufficient evidence.

Judge Munalula says the constitutional court is of the view that there was enough evidence that Mr. Malanji did not have a Grade 12 Certificate.

Judge Munalula says the trial was on firm ground to shift the burden of proof to show that he had the right credentials.

However in the minority Judgment, Constitutional Court Judge Mugeni Mulenga  said that the trial judge erred in law to shift the burden of proof to Mr. Malanji, as the petitioner, UPND Candidate Charles Mulenga should have provided proof that the appellant did not have a Grade 12 certificate.


  1. A party built on shaky foundations, lead by questionable character’s, used to illigal financing and operations , supported by illigal violent caders …………

    Begins to crumble with no turning back…………

    • Spaka

      You have nothing to offer to your life and Zambia at large because you are scared to come to Zambia. We know your real name and we can disclose you. Don’t become (WANZELU) or real name LARRY MWEETWA of 2011 & 2014 due to hatefulness. You are delusional and doing a lot of work to decamp UPND. Your daily 24/7 non-stop rants are delusional and full of fake estimations, ideas that can only come from a quack…….. Fix your life to make it worthwhile. Honestly, this is sickness. You A$$.HALL. Did you think HH would give a diplomatic job for just being a UK UPND Branch Member???

    • Spaka

      Stop it A$$HALL. Do you think HH gets happy when he reads LSK Times about his supporters calling everyone who does not agree with HH to be supremacist tribalists?…. The person you support (HH) is in Power… why do you find it difficult to preach (love for all) – that which HH himself wants to be the theme for Zambia? HH got about 1 million votes from all Northern & Eastern provinces. Without those numbers and he needs them, he cannot win 2024. Are you so sick and think not to reason like that? Sort your life out and you will find Joy & Peace, not these sickening & daily rants you bring to LSK…. What kind of a person gets glued to Lusakatimes 24/7 posting nonsensical.

    • Spaka

      Stop it A$$HALL. Do you think HH gets happy when he reads LSK Times about his supporters calling everyone who does not agree with HH to be supremacist tribalists?…. The person you support (HH) is in Power… why do you find it difficult to preach (love for all) – that which HH himself wants to be the theme for Zambia? HH got about 1 million votes from all Northern & Eastern provinces. Without those numbers and he needs them, he cannot win 2024. Are you so sick and think not to reason like that? Sort your life & you will find Joy & Peace, not these sickening & daily rants you bring to LSK…. What kind of a person gets glued to Lusakatimes 24/7 posting nonsensical.

    • Zambia Today

      Many of the 2.8 million are from provinces other than SP……

      Those are not tribal supremacists……we love them, we are one zambia with them.

      It is a lage part of the 1.8 million who voted PF who are indeed tribal supremacists…….many remnants are on LT still preaching tribal hate.

      Evidence is there on LT archives…..

    • It is not UPND heading down pitlatrine sewers of chawama right now……….

      Soon to lose their secretariat building …….

    • He belongs to the tribal PF you dum as.s …………

      A party that had all presidential pretenders from one tribe trooping to see chitimukulu for advice………

    • @facts and other sane bloggers. For some genocidal fools it is convenient to group under one roof all those that they hate so they can practice tribalism. They think they are experts at identifying the Bemba agenda yet it is just their insecurity that makes them see ghosts where there are none. Even racism is founded on similar hate thought. This tribalist blogger gets nightmares about Bembas and therefore thinks he is being swarmed by Bembas yet even though their language is widely spoken Bembas are only in Kasama

    • SPAKA @ 2

      I am proud to be TONGA. I support HH not coz he is Tonga and my big bro is a Minister but because I started when Mazoka formed UPND. I was there when people like Bob Sinchinga and Patrick Chisanga who both come from Northern Province and were top executives of UPND. Please climb down. Lately, you have gotten a lot of stick from PF Supporters, UPND Supporters and Independent Minds. They all cannot be wrong. I can categorically tell you that your language is what starts the division in any society. What are you here to prove? As Zambia Today puts it. Please climb down. This is not what HH wants from those who promote him on social media.

    • Mooga

      Don’t be taken in by these tribal supremacists.

      When kambwili was abusing your tribesmen , they were in full support.

      Their disdain for other tribes is so bad that they even celebrated when a tonga passed away. Right here on LT. Those were the darkest times on LT, for me to behavior like them to make them see what they were doing was wrong……..

    • What is wrong with calling out tribal supremacists ???

      Just like racists , tribal supremacists should be given no space to hide and regroup……….

      There should be no hiding place for tribal supremacists in our midst………

  2. Nshindano has also been fired. The creation of a one party state is in full swing. Remember all evil dlctat0rs start off democrats and even go to bed with the west but then show their true colours and do damage. Watch hh turn zambia into an autocracy

  3. all seats in parliament are full of corruption. not even that of the UPND. all we are doing is destroying each other in the name Politics. if you go to the north-western and south, or Eastern western and Northern and Luapula it is just the same .Zambians . you find that the election there too can be nullified.

    • I wish all of us can think like this. But like you have said it appears all we want to enjoy is destruction of each other.

  4. all seats in parliament are full of corruption, not even that of the UPND. all we are doing is destroying each other in the name of Politics. if you go to the north-western and south, or Eastern western and Northern and Luapula it is just the same . you find that the election there too can be nullified.
    i Love Zambians not politics.

  5. You shall know them by their fruit and a mango tree cannot bear oranges just like an orange tree cannot mangoes….everyone is judged by their actions not words

  6. The Language we use as if politics is god. the way we hate each other as if we are not people. Just because we want to prove a point or as if we our selves are clean. Love your enemy as you love your self. we are just one whether you are in power or opposition we one, we are Zambians. when governing you govern even those in opposition.

    • We should learn from countries where there has been conflicts, it starts small as a result of tribal comments and sentiments….let us avoid tribalism and stigmatizing any ethnic grouping as it will never take anywhere. Remember One Zambia, One Nation period.

  7. UPND should never forget the beating and teargassings they suffered at the hands of PF…………

    Some opposition were not even allowed to visit markets……….

    They even used the funeral of our founding father KK to perpetuate their evil by banning HH from Attending………..

    They are still incharge of PF………..

    Lungu even threatened to jail HH if he won………….

    You would all be finished if PF had won, there would be no mercy on UPND………..

    Like the tolerance you are giving them…… is God’s will……….

    • Spaka

      You have nothing to offer to your life and Zambia at large because you are scared to come to Zambia. We know your real name and we can disclose you. Don’t become (WANZELU) or real name LARRY MWEETWA of 2011/2014 due to hatefulness. You are delusional and doing a lot of work to decamp UPND. Your daily 24/7 non-stop rants are delusional and full of fake estimations, ideas that can only come from a quack…….. Fix your life to make it worthwhile. Honestly, this is sickness. You A$$.HALL. Did you think HH would give a diplomatic job for just being a UK UPND Branch Member?

    • Zambia Today……..

      Where are fake estimations ??

      I am usually right than wrong……….

      Just giving you what you PF rats dished out for 10 years……….

      Evidence is there on LT archives

      In the first year , you are already near breaking point ????

      2031 ni patali………..

      Kulimba chabe…………

  8. Wow!!!!!! now it is clear why Joe Malanji despised and witch-hunted his fellow ministers who were genuinely educated such as Brian Mushimba, Edify Hamukale, Nkandu Luo and Chitalu Chliufya. Please collect the Helicopter (s) as well and donate to flying doctor services, red locust DMMU or Zambia air force. That is our money. Bwesheni

  9. Spaka what’s your profession…do you have family or anyone else you can talk to apart from blogging on Lusaka Times…get a life man….go look for a girl friend my brother

    • Hehehehe…………..


      Will you survive untill 2031 of truths……..????

      After 10 years of divisive PF tribal crap on LT , suddenly the rats have seen the light about being destructive to each other ???

      Evidence is there on LT archives of the hate preached and peddled by PF supporters…………

    • Hahaha salousi I am also worried about that mad boy spaka. He blogs all day and night. I hear it is tough abroad if you are bIack have no job and not good looking. Spaka is alone haha

  10. The PF judge again puzzles everyone. How do you prove that someone does not have something in their possession? Judge Mungeni Mulenga if I said that you do not have money in your pocket how can I prove it if I have no access to your pocket? It is you to prove that you have money by producing it. Zambian judges, be serious and stop playing with peoples’ lives as though you are still in class at UNZA! Ata se!

  11. But kwena ba minister mu pf benzo samwa.. i recall very well when this guy went like ‘ State house isn’t a toilet wina akamba ati chooka ni ngenemo’ this was in reference to H2s appetite to get to plot 1..

  12. The judgment is somehow confusing, I see at one point Concourt contradicting itself.
    Mr Helicopter bwaila pafita. Bally cannot let boasting ati mwalikwata helicopter elyo ninshi ena takwata. The end result is nullification of your seat.

  13. @ deja vu – talking of destruction of each other it’s been a human trend since time immemorial especially with the dirty game of poltics… You weaken the closest rival to stand a better chance.. pf played ball one way or the other we all know.

  14. He didn’t produce the certificate at time of nomination even if he had one so he already knew the outcome of this petition that’s why he had already started dishing out money to churches in readiness for a by election. Question begs why the returning officer accepted his nomination in the first place when there was no certificate produced. Even that chap should be caged as an accomplice.

  15. for maanji i dont have what to say b?cause for many years even gradé fours were állowed to stand as long as one was not a known crim?jnal. so no identified and prôven criminal must not be allowed to stand iny govt related elecction. ten years ôf rest should given tô them to …………. their repentane

  16. How can a person who fails to obtain a simple grade 12 certicate become a foreign minster and buy two helicopters? This can only happen in Zambia under the most corrupt regime PF mafias.

  17. Mr. KZ you are a disgrace, you luck education and and general civic knowledge and your support goes to people with questionable attitude and character just as yourself. with the kind of thinking you have I do not think you can be a good source of advise to the young one. Did Nshindano introduce multiparty in Zambia? was Nshindano amended the constitution shifting from one part to multiparty? what connection id there ? Grow in mind Sir. You are old enough to start thinking like a unifier than your dividing pencil. That is one reason your PF president failed in many things because of the kind of people that surrounded him.

  18. The minority judgement is senseless. Why should the burden of proof shift to the complainant?. How could he have proved that Malanji hadn’t completed grade 12? A certificate of non-completion is unheard-of in Zed.

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