Friday, March 7, 2025

Parties React to Launch of New Political Party by KBF


Opposition Political Party stakeholders have expressed divergent views when congratulating a renowned lawyer Kelvin Bwalya Fube popularly known as KBF for launching the Zambia Must Prosper Political Party.

The Socialist Party President Fred M’membe sent a congratulatory message to Mr Fube on behalf of the leadership and membership of his Party, stating that the country needs more voices, representation and political parties.

“What our country needs is more unity in diversity and patriotism and I wish Mr Fube all the best,” Mr M’membe stated

And Patriots for Economic Progress (PEP) President Sean Tembo stated that one strange thing that came out of Mr Fube’s Political Launch yesterday is that, he declared to fix President Hakainde Hichilema in whatever way he wishes, despite Zambia being a Democratic Republic, there is no sane person who can form a political party to fix a person unlike Problems Zambians are facing.

Mr Tembo mentioned that to start with, why would someone form a Political Party to fix an individual and the questions Mr Fube should answer are that, why fixing President Hichilema instead of coming up with a Plan for a country.

He added that according to Mr Fube, he wants to fix President Hichilema for issues such as increasing the Constituency Development Funds (CDF), employing 11,400 plus health workers, employing 30,490 teachers, and introducing freedom of movement and association.

“If these among others are the reasons why Mr Bwalya wants to ‘fix’ the ‘Fixer’ then, he is in Politics for wrong reasons,” he said

Mr Tembo said that Zambians need a Political Party that will enhance the fundamental principles of the fresh air that has been given by President Hichilema.

He added that today, Political Parties are freely wearing their party regalia in public without being harassed, civil servants are commenting on political matters without being beaten by cadres, and Political Leaders are insulting the President without being arrested, so why must we go back? Mr Tembo asked

“How about coming up with a Political Party to further reduce the cost of living, employ more youths, give investor confidence and others,” he said

Mr Tembo cited that clearly, Mr Fube seems to be in politics for personal vendettas and frustrations.

Meanwhile, Patriotic Front (PF) Matero Member of Parliament Miles Sampa noted that the formation of a political party by Mr Fube is a noble political venture that he has embarked on and only him is the master of his destiny.

Mr Sampa said that stranger than fiction that Mr Fube’s political disposition has been with both the current President Hakainde Hichilema and the former President Edgar Lungu.

“The congratulatory message from his now arch rival President HH is indeed very magnanimous,” he said

He cited that there is no need for him to remind Mr Fube on how his political party was deregistered within a week of being launched in 2014 post Sata’s death and the PF Mulungushi convention.

“All I can say is congratulations to KBF for having successfully launched his party Zambia Must Prosper yesterday,” he cited

Mr Sampa highlighted that the intra and inter party democracy does not only have to flourish, but has to be seen to flourish, thus the voice of the majority ordinary masses must be allowed to prevail freely without undue interference, be it through abuse of the judiciary.

Kelvin Bwalya Fube who’s popularly known as KBF launched his projected Zambia Must Prosper (ZMP) political party yesterday at Mulungushi Kenneth Kaunda International Conference Centre.

Speaking during the launch of the political party, Mr Fube highlighted that he has plans of contesting in the 2026 General Elections as his newly launched party is no longer part of the United Party for National Development (UPND) Alliance.

He has criticized that the UPND Government has failed to make decisions aimed at reducing the high cost of living Zambians have been subjected to since assuming office.

Mr Fube has since urged Zambians to begin preparing for a leadership change that will enable them to jump out of poverty.

He said that Zambians should not be treated to rhetoric leadership with no clear-cut plan to create jobs for ordinary people.

Mr Fube, a former member of the Patriotic Front the former ruling party, was among other political parties who came on board to form the UPND Alliance and championed for regime change during the 2021 General Elections which saw the UPND emerge victorious, though he has been in the background until now when he has re-launched the Zambia Must Prosper Political Party.

Mr Fube has therefore called on Zambians especially the youths to stop relying on free things and accompany him in establishing the new Zambia with ideas that can change their livelihood and lifestyles for the better.


    • Haha you d.l.c.k heads have nothing better to do than wish evil on me. Its not me who forced your wives to chase after me.

      Your fooIish hh is now in trouble because my chimbuya kbf is influential. Hh is feeling the heat, he is now blocking bowman and malanji from contesting because he knows his tribal candidates can’t win a fair and free election

  1. KBF is used of operating in the illigalities of PF and lungu…………

    He was instrumental in PF rigging past elections and held lungu at ransom until he got paid $3 million……….

  2. “Bally will fix it”, like, “more money in the pocket”, was a registered trademark.
    That is probably where fixing the fixer is coming from. Just like boxing the boxer or fighting the fighter.
    However, the overal meaning of the opposition party is for “checks and balances” and if formidable is truly the government in waiting.
    For how long Zambia Must Prosper stays afloat to wait forming GRZ depends on his stamina, not just rhetoric.

  3. If there is any feasible challenge to Hakainde, this is it ! UPND should watch this party and KBF……the guy is articulate and he speaks convincingly.
    On the other hand, this will make PF position even worse,as PF will di.e off quicker than expected.
    And when we say Sean Tembo is empty and worthless, you think its a joke. WHO would have expected Sean Tembo to say this, and I quote “… Political Parties are freely wearing their party regalia in public without being harassed, civil servants are commenting on political matters without being beaten by cadres, and Political Leaders are insulting the President without being arrested, so why must we go back? ” end quote. So finally, Sean Tembo is acknowledging HH `s successes, and yet not long ago, he was evaluating HH as having achieved…

    • I doubt. There are just too many little parties buzzing around and if I were HH I would be happy that they are splitting their vote. I wonder whether I should turn up and form one since I have some K150 m to spoil and would find it easy to get sponsors. But should we form political parties for the sake of it?

    • This is what most people thought when Kabimba who was extremely influential in PF before Sata chucked him and reduced him to a mere member. Having been vocal and working hand in hand with Sata and insuring victory for PF, majority thought Kabimba will excel with his new party. But the truth and reality soon hit the show, he has failed to be as strong as he was and he has no direction. Similarly, KBF is simply a frustrated joker and underestimating himself. He would have done better fighting for his place in PF as they have a strong foundation. Most of these political parties formed after being frustrated die a natural death because there is too much hatred and emotions surrounding the people involved in forming them. The list is endless.

    • @Garfield Mwamba – I agree with you too many junk parties…..but at the moment, I am sure you can observe the political scene has only the PF and the Socialist Party…….and I am adding on KBF `s Party, it will be one of the formidable party just as the Socialist Party is doing. In my view, those PF who wanted to run to the Socialist Party, have a better alternative in KBF`s Party and makes a bit of sense for them as opposed to SP
      @The Observer – To honest, KBF is NOT a joker, mark my word, he has a bigger chance take on the Political Prostitutes from PF. Besides that KBF has done his homework, unlike these other” LUSAKA based” Political parties, he already has structures in place in all provinces. Its unfortunate that he used the term “Fix the fixer”.

  4. Every man brags about his dick, no matter how small. So I wish KBF good luck in his political career. However, I agree with SET that you can’t found a political movement for the sole purpose of fixing an individual, that’s a very narrow agenda. I’ve read KBF’s books Zambia Must Prosper 1 & 2. They’re more shallow than the UPND manifesto. I don’t know who convinced him that the UCZ can steer Zambia to economic prosperity to the exclusion of Zambians of other faiths or no faith. There are Zambians that have done so much for the country without even being followers of any religion. KBF might just end up as a cult leader. All Zambians deserve equal opportunities regardless of where they worship or don’t care to. Get that into your little minds

  5. For once Sean tembo has reflected and spoken sense… it appears he has turned over a new leaf.
    This KBF guy is a big JOKE,forming a political party to FIX somebody because he has refused to appoint you vice president when you dont merit it…Ki ki ki ki
    I see him being consigned to our dustbin of Zambia politics very soon where he will find his fellow tribal leader Chishimba Kambwili..Zambian are much smarter than KBF….Good luck ba KBF….

  6. The entire upnd are dogs

    Your fooIish hh is now in trouble because my chimbuya kbf is influential. Hh is feeling the heat, he is now blocking bowman and malanji from contesting because he knows his tribal candidates can’t win a fair and free election

  7. I think KBF has a better chance than bakabwelelapo but he has to be patient for 9 years bcos the current President is too good to let go.

  8. He has no agenda apart from personal gain. You come in to fix someone who has just emplyed 30,000+ nurses, 11,000+ health care workers, increased CDF??? All the best munyinane

  9. Kudos to KBF and just from inception you can tell a story,we need such caliber indeed God bless KBF and uncle, bro be bold couragous strong for the battle is not for the sweeft but for the stronger ones like you.

  10. This wholly is tantamount to the worst form of naked political demagoguery, just who the hell does this chap think he is? Imagine such a man scaled the Zambian political ladder, it would make Lungu’s political “Mobutuism” look like chicken feed. The only thing he seems to be well endowed with by God is that instrument between his legs, you bet that’s where he thinks from,!

  11. This wholly is tantamount to the worst form of naked political demagoguery, just who the hell does this chap think he is? Imagine such a man scaled the Zambian political ladder, it would make Lungu’s political “Mobutuism” look like chicken feed. The only thing he seems to be well endowed with by God is that instrument between his legs, you bet that’s where he thinks from,!!!!

  12. Do not argue with a fool. Because people cannot notice the difference. Kaizar Zulu wa once admitted at Chainama. This man still hallucinates. He really need proper medication.
    How would a normal person dare to enter a football field under influence of alcohol to disturb the match? How can a normal person dare to beat up the police after Kaizar Zulu causes the same after driving under influence of alcohol. This man is just a rubbish character with no manners at all

  13. What a shame. Zambia is the only country on earth where thieves can for own political parties to later even become Presidents. Has KBF forgotten those sacks of money he used to cash in at the bank with fake cheques. Has KBF forgotten that he was caught red handed reported by Kabimba for taking money from business promising them favours under PF. Has KBF forgotten his responsibilities for putting Lungu into power without even following the constitution. It is time that Zambians must know the whole but the truth about these characters.

  14. Is this a new slogan or a new party? Zambia Must Prosper. I have a question for Lusaka times; what does “renowned lawyer” mean? What cases bestowed KBF such? I thought KBF has had his law license taken away more than once.

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