Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Kabushi Constituency to be among the beneficiaries of K5 million to disbursed to residents through CDF


Ndola City Council has announced that Kabushi Constituency will be among the beneficiaries when over K5, 000,000.00 is disbursed to Ndola residents through the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) empowerment grants.

Chifubu and Bwana Mkubwa Constituencies have so far benefited from CDF especially under skills development bursaries in the last 30 days.

Ndola City Council last Friday officially handed over K 2,425,000 to institutions that enrolled 518 students who successfully applied for skills development bursaries under the Chifubu Constituency Development Fund of 2022.

Cheques worth about K1.2 Million were earlier this month handed over to various skills training colleges for 279 students under Ndola’s Bwana Mkubwa bursary component of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

Council Public Relations Manager Rebecca Mushota said the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development has approved 260 selected applications for the CDF empowerment grants under the Kabushi, Bwana Mkubwa and Chifubu constituencies.

Ms. Mushota said the Ministry approved the 50 selected applications under Kabushi Constituency, 112 under Bwana Mkubwa Constituency and 98 under Chifubu Constituency bringing the total number of approved applications to


The 50 beneficiary cooperatives under Kabushi Constituency are set to receive a total of K1, 944, 751 while the 112 beneficiary cooperatives under the Bwana Mkubwa Constituency are set to receive K1, 953, 200 and the 98 under Chifubu Constituency would receive K1, 940,000.

“Over K5 million is set to be disbursed to Ndola residents through the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) empowerment grants. This follows the approval by the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development of the 260 selected applications for the CDF empowerment grants under the Kabushi, Bwana Mkubwa and Chifubu constituencies. The Ministry approved the 50 selected applications under Kabushi Constituency, 112 under Bwana Mkubwa Constituency and 98 under Chifubu Constituency bringing the total number of approved applications to 260.The 50 beneficiary cooperatives under Kabushi Constituency are set to receive a total of K1, 944, 751 while the 112 beneficiary cooperatives under the Bwana Mkubwa Constituency are set to receive K1, 953, 200 and the 98 under Chifubu Constituency would receive K1, 940,000,” Ms. Mushota said.

Ms. Mushota disclosed that the total amount to be disbursed in Ndola so far as CDF is K5, 837, 951.

She said some of the community projects include construction of a wall fence, drainage, culverts, classroom blocks and re-gravelling of township roads as well as purchasing desks.

“The total amount to be disbursed in Ndola so far is K5, 837, 951.The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development also approved the 11 selected community projects applied under the Kabushi Constituency 2022 CDF worth K13, 326, 968.The community projects include construction of a wall fence, drainage, culverts, classroom blocks and re-gravelling of township roads as well as purchasing of desks. For Bwana Mkubwa Constituency, the Ministry approved the selected 11 community projects worth K13, 908; 000.The projects include construction of a police post, drainage, classroom blocks and community hall. The Ministry equally approved the 17 selected community projects under Chifubu Constituency worth K14, 415; 550.The projects include construction of a police post, a local court, market shelter and installation of street lights,” Ms. Mushota said.


  1. Slowly but surely, using government funds during an election. Coincidence or PF in repeat? I leave that for the reader to decide.

  2. It shows what kind of people that Zambians are. Those in leadership positions will use all means and excuse to dangle carrots to the electorates who will in turn use every excuse to receive them and sell their vote and regret for the rest of the time. We just move in circles. We expect most of those serving today to spend their time at DEC, ACC, ZP & Courts when Bally leaves office. They have bought motorcycles at K130,000 each when the price on the market is K35,000. They started with fertilizer. There will be more scandals as they begin to procure more goods and services. The bells that are tolling on the PF will toll on the UPND

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