Sunday, September 8, 2024

UPND has restored peace, order and unity, and has been appointing people on merit-Mwansabombwe DC


Mwansabombwe District Commissioner Morton Sikazwe says the new dawn government has scored a number of achievements for the past one year it has been in office.

Mr. Sikazwe was speaking during the delayed commemoration of the United Party for National Development (UPND) Alliance government first anniversary held at Kabumbu grounds.

He said the new dawn administration has restored peace, order and unity in the country and has been appointing people on merit in various positions which has brought about transparency and professionalism.

The District Commissioner said government has also depoliticized markets and bus stations allowing people to move and trade freely in the markets.

Mr. Sikazwe cited other achievements as good governance and media freedoms which he said has allowed the media in both public and private to work without any political interference.

He added that government has also attracted investment in the mining sector to the tune of 1.3 billion US dollars for the development of Nickel Mine by First Quantum Minerals in Kalumbila.

Mr. Sikazwe further said government has empowered various vulnerable groups with 30 percent from the proceeds of the mineral rich Black Mountain in Kitwe among others.

And speaking at the same event, District Agriculture Coordinator Reuben Chandwa said since the new dawn government took office, there has been consistent monthly Recurrent Departmental Charges (RDC) funding to his office.

Mr. Chandwa said this has resulted in regular extension service delivery to the small holder farmers, increased farm visits by extension officers and monitoring of timely distribution of Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) inputs to farmers.

Meanwhile, District Community Development officer Elizabeth Musesa highlighted that there was a tremendous increase for beneficiaries on the Food Security Pack (FSP) from 450 to 2, 200 resulting in improved productivity, nutrition and food security in the district.

She added that 178 vulnerable households received goats and 37 households received chickens under the Alternative Livelihood programme while 20 women and gender groups were funded K12, 000 each grant amounting to K240, 000.

Ms. Musesa further said under Supporting Women Livelihood programme, there was an increase in the grant from 2,700 to 3,790 and that the department has paid the first instalments of 1,895 kwacha to 352 beneficiaries.


    • You PF *****s, you failed! HH has achieved in 1 yr what you thieves failed to do in 10 yrs! That’s why you were treated as rejects at the polls last yr!

    • The H3LL!!! Is this really Kaizer Zulu or are you just some impostor with no backbone? In case you don’t remember, ECL and his minions (you included) were asleep at the wheel while cadres and low lives like Bowman Lusambo, Chishimba Kambwili, and many more were stashing millions of $$ in suitcases. KZ, just sh@t up and dribble.

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