Thursday, March 6, 2025

Lusaka City Council and Lusaka Water Supply Launch Partnership


A Joint Action Plan (JAP) has been launched by the Lusaka City Council (LCC) in partnership with the Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company (LWSC).

The Joint Action Plan consultative process identified five (5) joint action thematic areas which include, the streamlining processes for data and information sharing, building bridges of trust and confidence in key institutions, defining forms of data and information, increasing financial capacity to deliver on WASHE mandate and the establishment of an accountability mechanism.

With these identified measures put in place and a signed letter of agreement, will enable to formalize the collaboration, coordination, accountability and transparency between the Lusaka City Council and the Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company in the Joint Action Plan.

The Lusaka City Council has commended the GIZ reform of the Water Sector Program Phase II for supporting the development of the Joint Action Plan between the Lusaka City Council and Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company.

The launch of the Joint Action Plan was held at Lusaka Civic Centre Nakatindi Hall Grounds.

The Lusaka City Council Director Planning Chibesa Namwinga noted that the two (2) institutions have been collaborating on a number of joint activities aimed at improving land use and development, control of ground water and infrastructure protection and public health management.

Ms Namwinga said that it is worth noting that the support rendered through GIZ, and RWS2 has assisted in further strengthening, collaboration and planning for provision of water supply, sanitation and hygiene services predominately in the peri-urban areas and ultimately in the greater city of Lusaka.

“This can only be done through joint planning, enhancing accountability mechanisms as well as improving data and information exchange between the two (2) institutions,” Ms Namwinga said

“The development of the Joint Action Plan builds on trust successful experiences such as Covid-19 response activities and cholera among other efforts,” Ms Namwinga added

She explained that the process of developing the Joint Action Plan included majors such as the identifying the major policy and institutional coordination challenges experienced by the Utility and the Local Authority in enhancing the performance of the water and sanitation sector in Lusaka, identifying and prioritizing joint activities for data exchange and implementation of WASHE Projects activities, and developing a framework for joint implementation of activities between the two institutions as well as the establishment of the joint action team that comprised of key technical staff from both institutions.

Ms Namwinga highlighted this in a speech read on behalf of the Lusaka City Town Clerk Brighton Mbaimbai.

And Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company Acting Managing Director Jilly Chiyombwe expressed delight and confidence for the launch of the Joint Action Plan between their Institution and the Local Authority, stating that the launch will strengthen the coordination and collaborations meant to improve data and information sharing, capacity development, building trust and confidence between the two institutions thus improving financial capacity to deliver the WASHE mandate in Lusaka city.

Mr Chiyombwe added that the Joint Action Plan has been aligned to the National Development Plan and the Vision 2030 to provide a platform and mechanism for communication and information sharing.

“This will further enable the parties to utilize this action plan to build robust water supply and sanitation system that will guarantee quality service provision for residents in the city of Lusaka,” Mr Chiyombwe said

Meanwhile, Kabwata Ward 6 Councilor Chishala Bwalya said that it is the government’s aspiration to see to it that all the corners of Lusaka city are equitably serviced and safely managed with water supply and sanitation as it is the Constitutional duty of the Lusaka City Council through Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company to ensure that every resident is serviced.

Mr Bwalya stated that the development of the Joint Action Plan by the Lusaka City Council and Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company is timely, all parties should see to it that they facilitate a shared platform for transparent planning and implementation of activities that will ultimately lead to an adequately serviced Lusaka city.

He mentioned that the shared vision of Lusaka city can only be achieved with consented effort such as the Joint Action Plan that is being launched, for this is an important undertaking that will improve accessibility of quality water supply and sanitation in the city.

“It is my vision to see that the marginalized people in the city are given a priority and accorded the service they deserve as regards to the supply of clean water and improved sanitation,” he said

Mr Bwalya has since called on Directors from the two (2) institutions to ensure that their teams do not use the Joint Action Plan as a planning and implementation tool but also as a means by which the two (2) institutions shall hold each other accountable.

Mr Bwalya cited this in a speech read on behalf of the Lusaka Mayor Chilando Chitangala.


  1. How can you launch a partnership when your work is interwined …back in the day all those LWSC facilities were owned by LCC.

  2. How can you launch a partner ship when your work is interwined …back in the day all those LWSC facilities were owned by LCC.

  3. This is one of the reasons we need free education up to tertiary level. Lusaka Water & Sanitation Company is fully owned by Local Authorities, so which agreement can the owner and the owned enter into? One of the misgivings of Water Utilities across Zambia is that they don’t want to be answerable to anybody. Instead of forcing poor women and their children to drink Mary Mukiya, I hope that Garry Nkombo will have the courage to repeal the Act that created these underperforming monsters and revert them to Local Authorities to operate as mere departments so that they’re fully accountable

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