Thursday, February 20, 2025

500 teenage pregnancies recorded to date in Chipata


Over 500 teenage pregnancies were recorded in the first and second quarters of 2022 in Chipata City, health authorities in the area have said.

Acting District Adolescent Focal Point Person (DADH-FPP) Seth Chongo said his office captured a total of 596 teenage pregnancies from January to June this year.

Mr Chongo in an interview Friday said 323 teenage pregnancies were recorded in the first quarter of 2022 while 273 were recorded in the second quarter.

“So you are aware that our district has been battling teen pregnancy for a while now. There are a lot of interventions that have been put up by the district health office while working with various stakeholders,” he said.

Mchini Health Post was leading in terms of teenage pregnancies among urban facilities in the the country’s fifth city.

To this effect the Mr Chongo’s office has held a field day on reproductive health aimed at curbing the problem in the area.

“So we organised the adolescents of Mchini to conduct various adolescent-friendly activities in Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR),” he said.

He said during the field day, held under the theme: “Together For A Teen Pregnancy Free Mchini” addressed issues affecting adolescents in that community.

As a whole,1,120 adolescents were reached while 3,549 condoms were distributed.

“The young people used poetry, cultural dances and sketches to communicate messages. After the performances, people visited various booths where information and services were offered such as HIV testing services, contraceptives, information on mental health, GBV, alcohol and substance abuse,” Mr Chongo said.


  1. If some one can not obey God’s Word and refrain from promiscuity, do you think he or she will obey you and practice the so called Condom safe sex?. How can anyone involved in committing sinful acts be really safe?.

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