Thursday, March 6, 2025

KBF arrested for money laundering


The Drug Enforcement Commission has arrested Zambia Must Prosper President Kelvin Bwalya Fube for money laundering.

DEC Spokesperson Mathias Kamanga says failure to report a suspicious transaction is contrary to the Financial Intelligence Centre and Money Laundering Acts.

Mr. Kamanga says KBF has been arrested together with Lusaka Businessman and Music Promoter Bwalya Kalandanya, Beauty Chama, Ibrahim Mitha and Hassan Hanif Mitha for being in possession of goods reasonably believed to be proceeds of crime and money laundering.

He says Mr. Kalandanya had changed title of his seven fully furnished apartments in Lusaka’s Jesmondine area worth K6.1 million to Beauty Chama without her knowledge.

Mr. Kamanga added that KBF then sold the flats to Ibrahim Mitha and Hassan Hanif Mitha on behalf of Beauty Chama without her ever knowing that she owned them.

He says the buyers claim they bought the flats through KBF.

Mr. Kamanga says all suspects have since been released on police bond and will appear in court soon.

And KBF confirmed his arrest in a statement last evening.

“Fellow Country Men and Women, This is to confirm that DEC arrested me this morning and later released me on bond today. We will soon issue a comprehensive statement on the matter. I hope they know what they are doing,” he wrote.


  1. By the time the fondler is removed from DEC Zambia would’ve lost millions in compensations. This looks like a quest to fix an opponent. I agree with KBF when he says he hopes DEC know what they’re doing. Failure to report a suspicious transaction doesn’t arise here. The property was already in Kalandanya’s ownership when KBF facilitated the sale. Lawyers just ascertain ownership and facilitate transfers, they don’t investigate how those that seek their services obtained the properties and monies that exchange hands. As long as there’s malice in the fight against corruption it won’t take us anywhere

  2. Had he not threatened to ” expose” HH all this could have remained under the carpet. This fight against corruption is like killing two birds with one stone… crime and eliminate political opponents.

    • Expose what about HH ???

      why can’t he still expose HH , now better since he has been found wanting ???

      Ka KBF thought he could blackmail HH the way he blackmailed lungu and PF into paying him $3 million

    • Deja Vu @ 4

      Even us who support UPND can see that suddenly Kelvin Fube has become an enemy because he is a critic of HH and formed a political party. If he was still praising HH there was no way ACC / DEC would be fishing on him. The two people who attack you every day LSK, know very well that you all intelligent and smarter than both them combined. I remember # INDEPENDENT OBSERVER passionately encouraging you to keep blogging/commenting because we need your analytical & intelligent mind. Frankly we need a factual and balanced debate on lusakatimes.

    • So according to DEja vu………..

      We eagerly await KBFs expose’ of
      HH ????

      Just like how we eagerly awaited tiyalis and Nawakwis expos’es ???

      Very funny………….

  3. Had he not threatened to expose HH all this was going to remain under the carpet. This fight against corruption is like killing two birds with one stone… crime and eliminate political opponents.

    • There you go defending crooks …KBF did the same with Lazy Lungu saying he will expose but nothing ever comes out only a blackmail scammer.

    • Tarino Orange… HH protects crooks and you can’t see it? KBF was pally with your president until last month… what powers have I got to protect a crook. It appears your IQ is below that of a gold fish.

    • Deja vu ………

      It is you exhibiting ypur low IQ……..

      So now KBF has been delt with , surley he must go ahead and expose HH , no …????

  4. KBF, we understand the situation, my hope is it will soon come to pass. We have come this far because of the a UPND alliance you helped to form. We took KK warning seriously, you and others failed us. Be strong and Put on a coat of thorns and be certain that Zambia Must Prosper.

    • Naimwe ba Garlic………

      KBF overrates himself……….

      With or without him , PF were going…….and UPND , being the largest opposition were taking over……….

  5. There has been a to and fro between young Mweetwa and this punka Bwalya. Now the vindictive nature of the guy Sammy is at play here. Bwalya has been on different media undressing and disparaging sammy’s doomed administration and calling it for the failure it is which angers little hearted Mweetwa. The only way to get at punka Bwalya is by unleashing Sammy’s puppies. Uliwamulomo Fube. You got what you wanted.

    • kBF was firing nothing but blanks on all those different media……….

      Was not impressed with him at all…………

      He revealed himself to be nothing but a smart mouth without substance…………

  6. Wafuna ku mumanga akalbe kuulula nkhani inangu. Pa Zed che!!! Anyway, the news airwaves will soon be noisy with innuendos and counter-accusations. Brace yourselves.

  7. I remember writing here welcoming KBF to opposition politics and telling him to prepare to be arrested.
    Maybe I should become a prophet now? DEC is being careless, a lawyer client privilege demands that you follow the instructions of the client without asking for anything. If kalandanya wanted to sale his property, by law you need a lawyer to handle conveyancing of property. You can try to hold the lawyer criminally responsible, but it’s an academic exercise.

    • The property sold was in someone else’s name……….sold on without the person who’s name was on the property even knowing about the said properties………

      That is a crooked lawyer handling that sale right there………

      Where does a lawyer oversee property sales without the owners knowing???

  8. Those who have been around for a long time know what Kelvin Fube Bwalya, former Kantanshi Secondary school, Mufulira boy has always been like.

  9. ACC arresting someone, I am lost. Is it not the Police to arrest? Why do we have the ACC? Corruption is caused by poverty and greediness, therefore as long as poverty and greediness continues to be top of the agenda of the Zambian lifestyle nothing will change. A few greed ones want to own everything. It is more the same as “Animal Farm” That is just the way it is, Things will never change, things will always be the same. God help mother Zambia. What a tragedy

  10. DEC, and not ACC. And yes, they have the authority to arrest people suspected of crimes. Heck, even the Department of parks and Wildlife has powers to arrest people.

  11. The problem KBF , and like lungu before him , has is………..

    HEHH is clean…………..4 previous whole GRZs tried every dirty trick on HH, found nothing, zero……..nada……..nothing to hold against him.

    KBF , like lungu , operate by way of blackmail and crookedness………..

    The only weapon they have a chance with against HH is performance of the job at hand of the presidency ………..

    But even there, looks like they will be drawing blanks……

  12. 4.1; Spaka if HH told you to eat fecal matter you can eat. Only a few days ago Fube was your darling and he was above any form of corruption. Now that he’s differed with Our Father Who Art in Community House, he like GBM has become a money launderer. Can’t your pea brain question this development?

    • When was KBF ever supported by
      me ?????

      I have always said I think he is a crook………a lot of his clients are crooks , just like how lungu was as a lawyer……….

      And you support ay crook as long as he is bemba or from the north……….

      Try lenses not clouded by your dirty tribalism to see a crook for a crook……….

  13. Those saying KBF is only being targeted because he threated to expose HH or has beeing doing the rounds on media against HH or because he has formed a party……..

    If lungu, who shut down the mighty post and membe could not find on HH…….forget……..look for another attack line. There is no there.

    KBF was firing nothing but blanks on the media, no substance , even if he teamed up with all other opposition, they still fall far short on HH…………

    I would say KBF only started doing the media rounds and party organisations only after he found out he is being investigated………….

    • Small brain….Fube has been corrupt all along…. you never said anything against him (isn’t that support) you attacked the PF who attacked him… simple brain this simply means you are too lazy to excercise independent judgement… you are a robot.

    • Deja vu

      I have never supported KBF………

      And any one is free to join UPND or support UPND…….if KBF chose to support or work with HH, he has the right , but……..

      The president did not offer KBF any official GRZ position. That is that…….

      You Dejavu, would support any criminal as long as he is bemba……….

      That is all you see……..tribe.

  14. When KBF announced his Party, I clearly highlighted two main points namely: 1) That if there was any Political threat to HH, it was KBF. Remember I don’t count leaders like Mundubile, CK, Nakachinda, LVbinda,Mwamba and Lvsambo…..these are NO match to HH. 2) I said KBF made a mistake of coming with a statement like “Fix the Fixer”. I don’t think though, that he meant to expose HH’s corruption. I believe he was taken out of context, I think he meant exposing HH from the Election Promises perspective. Now do I believe, this case is being raised because of KBF starting his Political Party and wanting to “Fix the Fixer” ? NOPE ! I don’t believe it or atleast I don’t have such facts. HOWEVER. what I think has brought trouble to KBF, is his dealing with Kalandanya. Kalandanya was…

  15. When KBF announced his Party, I clearly highlighted two main points namely: 1) That if there was any Political threat to HH, it was KBF. Remember I don’t count leaders like Mundubile, CK, Nakachinda, LVbinda,Mwamba and Lvsambo…..these are NO match to HH. 2) I said KBF made a mistake of coming with a statement like “Fix the Fixer”. I don’t think though, that he meant to expose HH’s corruption. I believe he was taken out of context, I think he meant exposing HH from the Election Promises perspective. Now do I believe, this case is being raised because of KBF starting his Political Party and wanting to “Fix the Fixer” ? NOPE ! I don’t believe it or atleast I don’t have such facts. HOWEVER. what I think has brought trouble to KBF, is his dealing with Kalandanya. Kalandanya was…

  16. When KBF announced his Party, I clearly highlighted two main points namely: 1) That if there was any Political threat to HH, it was KBF. Remember I don’t count leaders like Mundubile, CK, Nakachinda, LVbinda,Mwamba and Lvsambo…..these are NO match to HH. 2) I said KBF made a mistake of coming with a statement like “Fix the Fixer”. I don’t think though, that he meant to expose HH’s corruption. I believe he was taken out of context, I think he meant exposing HH from the Election Promises perspective. Now do I believe, this case is being raised because of KBF starting his Political Party and wanting to “Fix the Fixer” ? NOPE ! I don’t believe it or atleast I don’t have such facts. HOWEVER. what I think has brought trouble to KBF, is his dealing with Kalandanya. Kalandanya was…

    • From what I saw in his interviews…….

      KBF is naive,

      And, he better have very deep pockets to take on the new dawn GRZ…………

      The only stone he can look for to throw at HH is an underperforming economy……….and that stone will be hard to find.

  17. I have always asserted that Kelvin Fumbe Bwalya or so called KBF is a born criminal. I have known KBF from the time his father was active as a supporter and member to Simon Kapwepwe’s UPP. I expected him to announce this painful period, when he was launching his political party.
    In the last 30 years KBF has changed into a ruthless opportunist with love for money and criminal activities. He has been duping people. Grabbing land from his foreign customers. I cannot forget the time when I was working the bank. He would come to cash in fake cheques, by using corrupted workers. I cannot forget the incident when PF came into power. He started taking money from people promising them investment favors.. Kabimba, then Minister of Justice had to report him to the Police. We cannot forget his…

  18. Samuel Phiri you have nailed it and put it clear on KBF .PF made there stand on KBF but it was out of desperation for HH to have had signed a Pact with KBF.The Good Question is was the DEC going to arrest him if he had not parted ways with UPND or is it his involvement with Kalandanya a known PF Cadre that has brought his arrest because at the moment the DEC and ACC are targeting the past cases not any crimes happening in the new dawn government

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