Sunday, September 8, 2024

The much anticipated Access to Information Billl to be soon enacted-Information Ministry PS


The government says it is in the process of enacting the much-anticipated Access to Information Bill ( A.I.B )

Once enacted, the bill will enable people to hold government accountable through the information government officials will be compelled to provide to the media and the general public.

Speaking in Kitwe today when he featured on a Radio Ichengelo live programme, Ministry of Information Permanent Secretary Kennedy Kalunga said government however stands ready to provide information to the public and the media even as the process to enact the bill is underway.

“The Access to Information Bill was raised in Parliament by the UPND, but the ruling party then shelved it so we are committed to enacting the bill that we raised and l can assure you that the process to enact it is underway,” he said.

The Permanent Secretary also implored the media on the Copperbelt to report verified and accurate information so that the general public is not misinformed.

He further encouraged the media to high light the 2023 national budget aimed at empowering citizens.

And radio Ichengelo Chief Executive office Lewis Mwatachela called for unity among national leaders.

Stressing that there is need for national unity , Father Mwatachela advised the nation to always speak with one voice on issues of national concern.

He further promised that the radio station will continue highlighting government programmes and all topical issues.

And at the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) Kitwe studios, Mr. Kalunga called for ethical reporting.

Earlier , on paying a courtesy quo on Kitwe District Commissioner, Mr. Kalunga assured Lawrence Mwanza that the Ministry will fully equip the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS ) Kitwe offices for efficient dissemination of news.

And Kitwe District Commissioner Mwanza said there was a lot of newsworthy events of national interest that needed to be covered in Kitwe.

He noted that the people were being misled on social media hence the need for the public media to be well equipped so that they can correct the lies on social media.


  1. KZ is missing on LT, may be they have him by his balls. They’re good and effective at that, not finding novice abductors

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