Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Zambia on course to attaining financial inclusion


Minister of Technology and Science, Felix Mutati says Zambia is on the right track with attaining financial inclusion. Mr Mutati has since called upon businesses to take advantage of fully digitizing payment processes to take part in the shift to cashless transactions.

He says digital payments can deliver significant uplift to business profitability and growth.

Mr Mutati was speaking in a speech read for him by Ministry of Technology and Science, Acting Permanent Secretary, Chikatizyo Musonda at the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Cellulant and the Lusaka Chamber of Commerce to offer digital payment services to member businesses using the Tingg platform.

The Minister acknowledged that businesses are increasingly recognizing that the importance of adopting digital technologies to reduce the administrative burden on their business.

“Businesses have recognized that paper-based payments and manual processes increase their administrative costs, cause inconvenience to their customers and suppliers, and they risk losing essential records. By contrast, digital payments can deliver a significant uplift to businesses profitability and growth,” Mr Mutati said.

And Lusaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, President Alexander Lawrence said the collaboration will contribute towards the institution’s goal of making Lusaka a regional trade and investment hub.

Mr Lawrence said to be a hub, the digital infrastructure has to be in place. He said the partnership will be of great mutual benefit to both parties.

“These partnerships can expand your customer base, brand awareness, overall reach and service functionality. These are mutually beneficial partnerships that can help both startups and established businesses,” Mr Lawrence said.

And Cellulant Zambia, Country Manager Gilbert Lungu said the firm made the most of an opportunity to partner with the Chamber which has 3, 000 members in various sectors.

Mr Lungu emphasized the business benefits that come with digital methods of transacting.

“This is the new age of doing things. Harnessing the power of digital ties will only make doing business simple because the hassle of payments is removed,” Mr Lungu said.


  1. He was more effective and competent under pf. This is what joining upnd does to people. You become from slow.


    Pf team in uk

    • Look at this UK based keyboard DJ Troll…first it was playing a woman blogger it got bored moved on to N@z a silly UPND cadre married to a white woman in UK got bored with that moved on to PF cadre KZ when it run out material (after the elections) it has now become a PF cadre based in UK. It realised that it could not play KZ being allegedly based in Zambia and continue showing UK location whilst claiming ignorantly that its using VPN…really laughable. Grow up moron!!

    • Orange, we are totally confused by your post. Is everything okay? Can you explain what you are talking about? Remember that there is a lot of support you can get in the UK for mental health issues.

      Regardless we call upon you and everyone you know to connect with us and our party functions in the UK. We are seeking volunteers. Do get in touch via our fayce book page.


      Pf UK team

  2. This old man Felix Mutati is just good at yapping and running his mouth ..his is talking about “being on course to attaining” when they are signing MOUs…what of Zambia launching a Satellite into space?? Just sit down

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