Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sylvia Masebo says reports of corruption allegations against her not true


Minister of Health Sylvia Masebo has dismissed allegations of bribe saying that a TFM letter that has made rounds on social media implicating her office in alleged attempted bribery is not true.

Reacting to a question by Diamond Media Ms Masebo who could not comment further said that she will at an appropriate time issue a comprehensive statement on the matter.

On Monday, Social Media was awash with a letter dated May 15, 2022 bearing details of a reply by a South African-based company called TFM alleging the Minister’s representatives approached the firm to facilitate fees and a motor vehicle for her.

It’s alleged the matter is in connection with the Tender for the proposed construction and equipping of seven by 150-bed capacity infectious diseases isolation hospitals in Zambia.

A South African company, TFM Holdings (pty) Ltd revealed that a Cabinet Minister had been soliciting for a bribe before it could get favourable consideration.

TFM Industries (pty) Ltd chairman Mcebisi Nlozi revealed that the named Minister had been soliciting bribes from the company in form of facilitation fees and a luxury motor vehicle after it had been awarded a US$100 million contract to construct pre-fabricated hospitals in Southern, Western and North-Western Provinces.

In a letter to a local business executive dated 15th May 2022, Mr Nlozi claimed his company had been approached by representatives of the said Minister to arrange facilitation fees and a vehicle for the government official.

He had instead requested a local business executive to place the soliciting of the facilitations fees and a motor vehicle for the named Minister on record in Zambia.

“We write to you to place on record that we have been approached by representatives of the Minister of Health to arrange facilitation fees and a vehicle for her. We are, for obvious reasons very uncomfortable with this and wish to ask you to place this on record in Zambia, the letter reads.


  1. But why isnt this company reporting to ACC. Take all your evidence to ACC if its a true story. This govt dosnt need the PF type of ministers

    • It is unnecessary to call for Masebo to undress in public, she won’t do that. Masebo is stronger than that DPP you people undressed recently.
      Arrest those workers from the company accusing Masebo. Arrest them and we will get the truth.

  2. Why hasn’t the named local representative come out in the open since this south African has been using him as his representative . Clearly the PF are at it again

  3. I could be any crook impersonating to be a representative of the minister……….

    In any case……get the law enforcement involved

  4. It is all starting to come out now. Very crooked bunch these upnd thugs. But they won’t investigate her and yet hh is busy going after pf members and losing every case against us.

  5. Everything that goes wayward is blamed on the PF.
    How powerful is PF when it even failed to win general elections? How has PF frustrated government agenda when UPND is totally in charge?

    UPND can get to the bottom of this case. If they find a PF falsehood, they can prosecute this lair. Otherwise ACC, the Intelligence and police must take keen interest in this matter to also probe the minister.

  6. This politician has hypnotized 3 Republican Presidents. Under the MMD Govt. President Mwanawasa got hypnotised and appointed this politician as a Cabinet Minister – whose tenure of Office was sustained by heavy security protection for some reasons. Under the PF Govt, President Sata was hypnotized and compelled to assign Mwakalombe into a diplomatic mission to pave way for this politician to grab the Chongwe Parliamentary constituency. Under the UPND Govt the President was hypnotized – and he fired the PS in Ministry of Health. However, current revelations from South Africa may turn out to be an explosive corruption scandal.

    • He does not tell anyone who to investigate. Mary Chirwa alone, at the ACC, will decide that. If Mary Chirwa finds implicative evidence, she will hand over to Gilbert Phiri at the ACC to prosecute. Sylvia Masebo is innocent until proven guilty. However, this allegation must be investigated and not ignored

  7. HH will will say.. I called madam Masebo and she told me she did nothing, so there is no case to answer. That’s what he did with the foreign affairs minister Kakubo. Also known as Mr Cement or Mr Calander who was caught on camera with the Chinese doing corruption. That’s how corrupt our president operates.

  8. if masebo has mess up let her count for her mistakes and don’t blame every wrong UPND dose no the PF learn to take responsibilities of your artions

  9. 1st Stanley Kakubo, now Sylvia Masebo, another thieving ally of Maureen Mwanawasa. We are sick and tired of this impunity where it seems past and current serving govt officials are above the law and they and their fellow criminals are free to steal, deal drugs, murder, without being held liable.

  10. Sylvia Masebo to be probed for misconduct

    November 20, 2013

    This is just so predictable and why would you appoint such a morally wanting person to a position known to be the intercity of pilfering.. I can never support pf but my disappointment in the Presidents unambitious, lacklustre, appointments, is vindicated

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