Sunday, September 8, 2024

Government is tackling corruption effectively, Sylvia Masebo bot involved in Corruption – Kawana


Ministry of Information and Media, Director Spokesperson, Thabo Kawana, says the government has continued working effectively in the fight against corruption. Mr. Kawana said the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is working freely without any instructions from higher political offices.

He said the only government has done was to make sure that the commission is adequately funded in order for it to operate independently. In an interview with journalists in Chilanga today, Mr Kawana added that the fight against corruption is not targeted at any individual but at the vice.

“Therefore, those that find themselves entangled with corruption will be brought before the law,” he stated.

Mr Kawana refuted rumours alleging that Minister of Health, Sylvia Masebo, has involved herself in corruption.

LAst week Ms also dismissed allegations of bribe saying that a TFM letter that has made rounds on social media implicating her office in alleged attempted bribery is not true.

Reacting to a question by Diamond Media Ms Masebo who could not comment further said that she will at an appropriate time issue a comprehensive statement on the matter.

On Monday last week , Social Media was awash with a letter dated May 15, 2022 bearing details of a reply by a South African-based company called TFM alleging the Minister’s representatives approached the firm to facilitate fees and a motor vehicle for her.

It’s alleged the matter is in connection with the Tender for the proposed construction and equipping of seven by 150-bed capacity infectious diseases isolation hospitals in Zambia.

A South African company, TFM Holdings (pty) Ltd revealed that a Cabinet Minister had been soliciting for a bribe before it could get favourable consideration.

TFM Industries (pty) Ltd chairman Mcebisi Nlozi revealed that the named Minister had been soliciting bribes from the company in form of facilitation fees and a luxury motor vehicle after it had been awarded a US$100 million contract to construct pre-fabricated hospitals in Southern, Western and North-Western Provinces.

In a letter to a local business executive dated 15th May 2022, Mr Nlozi claimed his company had been approached by representatives of the said Minister to arrange facilitation fees and a vehicle for the government official.

He had instead requested a local business executive to place the soliciting of the facilitations fees and a motor vehicle for the named Minister on record in Zambia.

“We write to you to place on record that we have been approached by representatives of the Minister of Health to arrange facilitation fees and a vehicle for her. We are, for obvious reasons very uncomfortable with this and wish to ask you to place this on record in Zambia, the letter reads.


  1. “….said that she will at an appropriate time issue a comprehensive statement on the matter.”
    Meaning she will after polishing up her defence issue a comprehensive statement on the matter.

  2. Why all the seven hospitals in 3 provinces only? Any special reason for this? We have 10 provinces, 1 for each except for Lusaka and the copperbelt where we have many private hospitals would have been a better plan. That would have left us with 1 short.

  3. Why all the seven hospitals in 3 provinces only? Any special reason for this? We have 10 provinces, 1 for each except for Lusaka and the copperbelt were we have many private hospitals would have been a better plan. That would have left us with 1 short.

  4. Yeah, we hear you Mr. Kawana. Masebo has not involved herself in any corruption, just like we were told not too long ago that Minister Kakubo was not involved in any corruption.

    Ba Kawana, this is a job for the inept ACC, not you.

  5. Government officials are targets of corript business executives. It’s up to them to act in public interest. Surely the reported representatives of the Minister of Health are adults and have names. The TFM chairman would help his cause by naming these representatives of Minister Sylvia Masebo. Those who voted for the UPND expect decisive action from HH as soon as possible.

  6. And why should prefabricated hospital buildings cost so much money? Zambian companies should be considered for erecting the hospital buildings and supply of basic hospital furniture. Hospital equipment such as X-ray machines, MRI scans, etc are the ones we expect foreign contractors to bid for.

  7. Mr. Kawana, don’t talk to us as if you are talking to children.
    First of all, you are not a spokesperson for ACC, DEC, or any other investigative agencies.
    Secondly, we have not heard of any investigation by ACC or DEC which has cleared Masebo of the allegations made against her.
    Who are you to declare her innocent before any investigation is done?
    It’s a matter of time, things will catch up with you. Ask the PF.

  8. Yes as usual
    President to Silvia: Are you involved in any corruption?
    No your excellence.
    Kawana to the Public: Silvia Masebo is not involved in any corruption
    And you call this fight a fight against corruption?
    Let the DEC or ACC summon Masebo or any other suspects just like they have been doing to Malanji and his colleagues.


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