Sunday, September 8, 2024

TIZ calls on all political players to jealously guard the peace and democracy


Transparency International Zambia – TIZ has called on all political players, both in the ruling party and the opposition, to jealously guard the peace and democracy that Zambians have enjoyed for many years, and to ensure that their political discourse and practice do not polarize the country along narrow partisan interests.

Transparency International Zambia Executive Director Maurice Nyambe stated that TI-Z is particularly calling on the United Party for National Development – UPND, being the ruling party, to exercise lots of restraint and lead by example in its political discourse and practice, by virtue of being the party in power, there is a greater scrutiny and expectation that has been placed on it, and TI-Z is urging them to rise to the challenge and deliver on those expectations.

Mr Nyambe said that the fact that the country has had three peaceful changes of regime in the last three decades is testament of the maturity of the democracy, TI-Z is cognizant to the fact that there remain real threats in the quest for democracy to thrive, as many of which have emanated from the conduct of political players over the years.

“TI-Z commends the many gallant Zambians who have contributed to the growth of our democracy over the years,” he said

“As TI-Z, we also see Independence Day as an opportunity for us as a country to look back on our anti-corruption efforts in order to ascertain how far we have come in fighting a scourge that has the potential to claw back many of the gains that we have made in the 58 years that we have been politically independent,” he added

Mr Nyambe has since urged the UPND Administration to enhance its anti-corruption agenda and make the fight against corruption more coordinated and broad-based.

“We therefore wish to repeat our challenge to the UPND administration to develop and implement a comprehensive country strategy for the fight against corruption, we are convinced that such a strategy will not only provide a clear strategic focus for fighting corruption, but will also help to free Zambia from the devastating effects of the scourge,” he explained

He has commended the efforts that the Anti-Corruption Commission, Drug Enforcement Commission and other law enforcement agencies are making in fighting corruption, but TI-Z believes that the fight would be even more effective if it was anchored on a clear, comprehensive country strategy.

Mr Nyambe disclosed that Zambia is proud and free today because of the determination and sacrifice that was put in by the gallant men and women who were involved in the struggle of the country’s independence, and TI-Z has challenge today’s breed of politicians to take a leaf from the selfless contributions of the independence heroes, and ensure that they not only protect the peace and democracy that the country has enjoyed for so many years, but also do their utmost best to unite Zambians even in the midst of different political views.

“We have only one Zambia and the need for us to be good stewards of it cannot be overemphasized,” Mr Nyambe noted

“In celebrating the 58th anniversary of Zambia’s independence, it is commemorated under the theme “Zambia at 58: Promoting Inclusiveness towards a Sustainable Social and Economic Recovery.” As a country, we have risen above so many challenges to carve for ourselves a path to economic prosperity, premised on the peace that we have enjoyed for all these years. Some challenges remain, and it is our hope that we will come together as citizens to actualize our resolve to make Zambia a better place for ourselves and the future generations who will inhabit it long after we are gone,” Mr Nyambe stated


  1. We have a crazy d.e.e.k head in power and then you say we guard the country. Madness

    Lillian M

    Unknown location

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