Thursday, March 6, 2025

Harry Kalaba installed as President of a new political party called Citizens First


Former Democratic Party (DP) leader Harry Kalaba has been appointed and installed as President of a new political party called Citizens First (CP).

Mr. Kalaba, the former Foreign Affairs Minister, last July resigned from DP after internal wrangles over the party presidency.

During a briefing at Southern Sun Hotel in Lusaka on Wednesday morning, Mr. Kalaba said he has accepted to lead CP as President after his efforts to register a political party called Liberty was allegedly frustrated by President Hakainde Hichilema.

In his speech, Mr. Kalaba said President Hichilema should focus on addressing the many challenges that the people of Zambia are faced with rather than fighting him.

“You will recall that I applied to the Registrar of Societies for the formation of the Liberty Party. It was brought to my attention that the Republican President had taken keen interest in my application and instructions were given from his office to ensure that all efforts are made to delay the approval of the Liberty Party until at least a few years before elections. It is sad that while the President has gone around the world parading himself as the restorer of peace and democracy in Zambia, the evidence on the ground however is pointing in the opposite direction. Sooner rather than later these lies will be exposed and made bare for all to see someone for who they really are,” Mr. Kalaba said.

“While a few elements within the state machinery were busy trying to frustrate the cause of the Liberty Party, the Citizens First Party was formed and its leadership has appointed me to be its President and torch bearer. I have wholeheartedly accepted this responsibility and trust that we will work together with the leadership of the CFP and other opposition political party leaders to ensure that we address the challenges the country is currently faced with,” he said.

Mr. Kalaba called for unity of purpose among Zambians to fight various challenges affecting the nation.

“It is my prayer that if there is anything this announcement will accomplish; it is to send a message to the Citizens out there that help is on the way. Help is on the Way! That help will not just come from Harry Kalaba alone, but when all these leaders here present put their collective effort and wisdom together we will certainly correct the course of this nation and bring us back to the path of productivity. We will be able to arrest the subjective fight against graft that has characterized the current government while they continue to abuse national resources. We will be able to assure youths that they do not need to change their name or use their middle name to get employed. We will be able to reassure them that it is ok to trust but they need to trust the right people who will not betray them and sell them off along with national assets to the highest foreign bidder. We will be able to assure the mother that their dignity will be restored, all they need to do is wait a little while longer, help is on the way. 2026 may seem far off, but the journey has to start now,” Mr. Kalaba said.

He said it was awkward that after 58 years of independence, the majority of Zambians are still wallowing in abject poverty and can barely afford one meal a day.

“It is embarrassing that after 58 years of independence, the majority of our people are still wallowing in abject poverty and can barely afford one meal a day. The price of essential commodities continues to rise at an alarming rate and are beyond the reach of most Zambians and yet those in leadership seem to be preoccupied with the quest of driving a tribal or regional wedge in order to further divide the nation while creating opportunities for foreign interest at the expense of the majority Zambians. Never before has Zambia been this polarized,” he noted.

“Finally, I want to call upon well-meaning Zambians to join our movement as we seek to work together with all political players, civic leaders, the church, the madrasa’s, the civil servants, the youths who were fed a lie during the 2021 elections, the farmers who were promised timely delivery of inputs, the retired officers who were used and abandoned and all men and women of goodwill to join us so that we can sing an anthem of unity together as one as we set ourselves on that path to restore and live the One Zambia One Nation Moto. I thank you and God Bless You and God Bless the Republic of Zambia,” Mr. Kalaba said.

Opposition political party leaders that attended the briefing included Wynter Kabimba of Economic Front, New Heritage Party’s Chishala Kateka, Sean Tembo of PeP and Chilufya Tayali of Economic and Equity Party.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kalaba predicted that 2023 shall bring with it serious hardship through price hikes following the removal of subsidies on fuel at the end of the year.

“As I take up the mantle of leadership of the CFP, I would like to remind the Republican President and P.S Matembo to focus on addressing the many challenges that the people of Zambia are faced with rather than fighting Harry Kalaba. The challenge this country is faced with is greater than Harry Kalaba. As you can see by the people present today, we in the opposition have come to realize that there is more that unites us than that which divides us. We are therefore seeking to have a common ground through which we shall address all manners of political vices and challenges with civility and unity of purpose. I accept the honor bestowed upon me as President of the Citizens First Party and I want to call upon the people of Zambia to seek hope in the face of despair. I also want us to remind ourselves that we need to brace ourselves as we get into 2023 which shall bring with it serious hardship through price hikes following the removal of subsidies on fuel at the end of the year, but do not despair, let’s be more united than ever before and through unity of purpose we shall overcome all the challenges,” Mr. Kalaba said.


  1. His biggest mistake was leaving the pf. We pf in uk believe this man had a bright future in pf until he thought he could fly before he could walk

  2. “…..It was brought to my attention that the Republican President had taken keen interest in my application and instructions were given from his office to ensure that all efforts are…….”

    HK is delusional to the extreme……….

    HK has only a hand full of folowers and has absolutely no bearing on any political discourse in the country………..

    His best option to to work with the UPND GRZ where integrity and honesty will take him far…………

    • Why even give him that option to work with UPND GRZ, when he is a dunderheard? Let him rote in opposition, that where these useless leaders belong.

  3. You should have waited for Liberty Party to be approved otherwise CFP will kick you out like what the ka other Party did. Back to square one. While you have been away, Sean kuuno afunta, the binoculars dropped a few times then the lenses smashed, Bulldozer and Bonanza where literally wrestled and manhandled in hate end lost ama seats mu parley. Bally is being physical, taking a leaf from the previous gang in power.

  4. This is worse than I thought the opposition would be………………just a thought that HH , will be in office in order to have an interest in Kalaba`s application is just ……..I don`t know…..I am mau-less !!!!
    And you all brag you have the best opposition leaders, is this the quality and calibr of leaders you wish to have in Zambia?
    He can’t even complete a proper application for his party, and he blames HH for that…..really??

  5. Installed by whom? This dwarf man is just greedy that’s why they were wrangles at DP…he wants to eat monies from his rich Malawian Pastor friend donated to the party alone yet he claims to be a christian.

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