Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tayali invites private sector to join Greenfield Rail project


Minister of Transport and Logistics, Frank Tayali, has called on the private sector to partner with the government in the Greenfield railway project.

Mr. Tayali said the partnership between government and the private sector in developing the rail line will facilitate linkages in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region.

He noted that collaboration with the private sector is key towards the implementation of regional rail projects and could open up critical railway corridors which will enable trains to operate seamlessly across the SADC region and beyond.

According to a statement made available to the media in Lusaka today by Zambia High Commission to South Africa First Secretary and Public Relations Tamara Nyirenda, the minister was speaking in Johannesburg, South Africa, after delivering a speech at the Southern African Railways Association (SARA) Rail Conference and Exhibition.

“Zambia is accelerating efforts to ensure that the railway sector improves its efficiency and contributes to the movement of heavy and bulk cargo in the region, thereby preserving the road infrastructure,’’ he said.

Mr.Tayali said some of the routes are the Livingstone via Kazungula to Sesheke railway spanning 200 kilometres, Livingstone via Kazungula Bridge to Mosetse in Botswana covering 430 kilometres on North-South corridor, Nseliuka-Mpulungu railway covering 192 kilometres, the Chipata via Petauke to Serenje railway stretching 388 kilometres on the Nacala corridor to the port of Nacala and lastly the Kafue to Lion’s Den in Zimbabwe covering 210 kilometres on the Beira corridor which connects to the port of Beira in Mozambique.

Mr. Tayali added that the Zambian government has developed a national transport infrastructure master plan which contains the comprehensive expansion of domestic rail networks that are designed to link into the regional networks.

‘’This is in line with the government’s aspiration in the transport sector, to create an efficient and integrated inter-modal transport system which will provide for inter-linkages among the four modes of transport which are, rail, road, air and water,’’ stated Mr. Tayali.

The Southern African Railway Associations (SARA) event is Africa’s only railway event hosted by railway operators.

The event attracts Transport Ministers from the region, companies, customers, suppliers and captains of industry.


    • Kavindele is the most dubious conman Zambia has ever produced. He was expecting foreigners to put money and he was expecting big payment outside. Conman number 1.

  1. It wont work…….you want to kill our trucking business! Truckers employ thousands of drivers, mechanics and lorry mates. In addition goverment gets lots of revenue at the the toIl gates . RATSA equally benefits from this sector. A look at the long queues of trucks heading to Kasumba Lesa will tell you how big an employer this sector is. Putting up raliway lines across the country and the region will kill thousands of jobs. A train will have 40 wagons equivalent to 40 truckers. ONE train driver will replace 40 TRUCK drivers. Tayali this twice!!!! mwila butukila fye!

  2. From South Africa all the way to Lubumbashi and From Dar to Lubumbanshi there are thousands of $ex workers that provide conjugal services to our hard working drivers. Trains will negatively affect this and bring poverty among the $ex workers in the region.

  3. Very fat guy. Why do Zambian men let themselves go so much. Yucky! My hubby is fit and healthy. Yes he is whlte!


    Pf member, Scotland branch

  4. This is all copy and paste statement government officials makes!! why don’t they revamp the rail network system for people within the country first. people are dying on road accidents eveyday because of not having sufficient transport sytems in place,, by doing this somehow will reduce the number of road accidents!! and again people will spoil for choices in teams of transportion!!

  5. Every firt politcian is corrupt, selfish and big mouth.

    The drunkard Tolly knows nothing about transport, just yapping. Is his sigarmomy going to finance so many routes?

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