Friday, January 24, 2025

Zambia Police signs MOU with SACCORD and DCAF on Public Order Management


The Zambia Police Service today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Southern African Centre for Constructive Resolution of Dispute SACCORD and the Geneva Centre for Security Centre Governance (DCAF) aimed at enhancing the effective management of public order in the country.

Zambia Police Service Deputy Inspector General for Administration, Doris Chibombe said the MoU will help strengthen service delivery for the Zambia Police in its quest to maintain public order and upholding of human rights in the country.

“The corporation between the three parties will alleviate the current challenges faced in the management of public order act, rule of law, respect of human rights and subsequently creating an enabling environment for economic and social development for all,” she said.

She said the cooperation between the SACCORD, DCAF and the Zambia Police Service will help alleviate the many challenges that are faced in the management of public order, rule of law, respect of human rights and creation of an enabling environment for social and economic development.

“This Memorandum of Understanding being signed today marks a great milestone made towards strengthening partnerships and cooperation between the Zambia Police, DCAF and SACCORD in promoting public order management and upholding the rule of law,” she added.

And speaking at the same event, SACCORD Executive Director Boniface Cheembe said the partnership through the MoU is expected to foster the process of law reforms around public order and further ensure that its implementation is centred on the promotion, observance and protection of human rights.

Mr. Cheembe said the partnership will further provide and facilitate for platforms for peaceful dialogue among stakeholders and has thanked the Zambia Police Service for welcoming the partnership with the stakeholders involved.

“It is expected that through this strategic partnership that we are witnessing today, the process of law reforms around public order will be fostered. Furthermore, that once the new law is in place our partnership will seek to ensure that its implementation will be citizen centred with due respect given to the observance, promotion, and protection of human rights,” he said.

Zambia Police Service Deputy Inspector General for Administration, Doris Chibombe

Meanwhile, DCAF Representative, Alexander Burian, who is Principle Programme Manager said the signing of the MoU is timely, especially that the country has a new public order act and provides an opportunity to reflect on models and doctrines that the Zambia Police can use to effect the new law.

“With the anticipation that Zambia will have a new POA, this is a timely opportunity to reflect on what doctrine and operational model the police need to effectively implement both the spirit and intent of the new law. Ultimately, this will require a change in command practice, procedures, accountability safeguards, and general awareness both within the Police but also amongst all stakeholders,” he said.


  1. There is no such thing as zambia police. What you mean is upnd secret police. Remember hh promised to do away with POA and defamation laws. Has any of that happened

    • Look at this forgetful UK based Troll today it shamelessly says there is no ZP but for the last 10 years has been using the police as tool to detain citzens without charge then handing out Nolles after inconveniencing them

  2. We know Holloween is around the corner but Doris Chibombe please reduce on the cake of make up on your face …you look awful be proud of your skin tone just look at your junior female ZP officer standing next to you with zero to less make up on her face and natural hair under her hat no weave. In fact if I was IG or Minster of Home Affairs I would ban wigs, too much make up and dresses in ZP.

  3. What we need is more philosophers, physicist and the GRZist,

    Without an indestructible GRZist, political parties are very dangerous to Fragile state.

    “ALL THE PROGRESS of human civilization, from the invention of the first tools to our nascent quantum technologies, is the result of the disciplined application of the imagination.
    Imagination is the organ that allows us to thrive on the cusp between danger and opportunity; it is an adaptation to the reality of time”- Lee Smolin.

    But all political parties want to do is to destroy civilization.

    GRZ what’s going on?

    grzist: a person who advocates or supports a system of government in which several provinces unite under a central authority.

    • Over the years Zambian govts have been pushing for decentralisation and you who is based in US is talking about the opposite with your own phrases.

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