Saturday, January 25, 2025

Kampyongo and wife, plead not guilty to possession of property suspected for be proceeds of crime


FORMER Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo and his wife, Wanizya, have pleaded not guilty to possession of property suspected for be proceeds of crime.

Three weeks ago, the Anti-Corruption Commission arrested Kampyongo and Chirwa for possession of property worth over K29 million suspected of being proceeds of crime.

Yesterday, the duo appeared before Lusaka Magistrate Sylvia Munyinya facing 11 counts of possession of property reasonably suspected to proceeds.

They are facing 11 counts of possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime.

It is alleged that between January 1, 2012 and 3 September 30, 2022, the couple had property number F/135/4301 and property number F/179/4301 located in Eureka off Kafue Road valued at K11,100,000, property reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime.

It is alleged in count two that between the same dates, Kampyongo did possess property number LUS/38467 located off Twin Palm Road, Ibex Hill valued at K1,600,000, property reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime.

In the third count, it is alleged that between the damage dates, Kampyongo did possess a residential house namely stand number LUS/24406 located off Lilayi Road Libala South valued K860,000, property reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime.

In the fourth count, it is alleged that between the same dates, Kampyongo did possess property number KAF/LN_59832/8 and KAF/LN 59832/9 in Chifwema Lusaka valued at K1,600,000, property reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime.

It is alleged in the fifth count that Wanziya and Kampyongo did possess property number F/33/A/F/2470 and property number F/33/A/F/2471 located in Meanwood Ndeke Lusaka valued at K2,100,000, property reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime.

In the sixth count, it is alleged that the couple pdid possess F/609/E/77/A48 and property number F/609/E/77/A48 located in Foxdale Lusaka valued at K5,200,000 property reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime.

In the seventh count, it is alleged that between the same period, Wanziya did possess property number L/2131/M/A/2/C1/11 valued at K 1,200,000, property reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime.

Further in count eight, it is alleged that between the same dates, Wanziya did possess property number L/2131/M/A/2/C1/10 valued at K 1,200,000, in Ibex Hill Lusaka, property reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime.

In count nine, allegations are that between the same period, Wanziya did possess property number L/30168/M and property number L/30167/M located in Mikango Lusaka worth K2,110,000, property reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime.

Further in the 10th count, allegations are that between the dame period, Wanizya was in possession of K1,382,513.84 in a bank account, property reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime.

Lastly, it is alleged that during the same period, Wanziya did possess money amounting to K 1,200,000 in a bank account, property reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime.

After the charges were read before magistrate Sylvia Munyinya, the duo pleaded not guilty.

Trial will start on November 16,2022.


    • To all future leaders and fellow citizens PF provided us with enough lessons on arrogance and lack of integrity, lets learn from them. It is very easy to get excited and drunk with power, especially if you are home affairs ministers. Steven Kampyongo is a good example, he brought Katondo Street into his office – abusive, making false accusations…
      Every dog has its day!
      Watch “PF MP Steven Kampyongo never thought Hakainde Hichilema would be president” on YouTube

  1. When i get very rich i will not invest into properties will just be tonga and spend all my hard earned money on them. Its not worth investing in Zambia anymore.

    • We don’t blame you son. Under upnd only hh and his worshippers are allowed to have wealth. Go on and doda their women. That is only way to get rid of a tribal group. Intermarriage with their women

  2. Its crazy how these PF Ministers made the rest of us law-abiding citizens look like second class citizens in our own country.
    Where the hell did this guy get the money to own all this property mwebantu ???? I didnt know him before PF came into power so most likely he was a nobody until Sata appointed him…. what is a Minister’s salary ???? Obviously he WONT be able to prove that he earned this wealth genuinely so the law of forfeiture MUST come into play… set an example to others that crime does NOT pay !!!

  3. You couple are shameless thieves. There is no way anyone is goona believe you that you made all that money through salaries. Unless you have some businesses running, in which case you have to show your returns and other statutory remittances, you have to justify how you bought all that property. The case against you is that you store, prove the prosecution otherwise. Its simple

  4. Fred M’membe: You are tribal and you have taken advantage of HH and the UPND. What you have written in your article is sugar coating your malicious rantings. You exaggerate your intelligence and insult other people. We can read in-between your words and sentences. You consciously constructed your defense in order to strengthen your lies about HH and the UPND. Your story is not well thought of and the more excuses you concoct, the more immature you sound and appear. Your poorly arranged background has no substance and you have not contributed value to unity or a debate. Implicit in your latest dogma is that your are accusing HH of being tribal. Most Tongas are not tribal. You and your likes are rebirthing this tribal nonsense. You are tribal and you cannot deny it.

  5. Iwe parlykampyongoment stop wasting the court’s time and plead guilty. Where in the civil service can anyone get K29 million worth of wealth in five years even 30 years of service baba.
    That’s the corruption we talk about. How come you become so monies after joining politics? When even a goldmines can’t make that much. These politicians!

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