Sunday, September 8, 2024

Twelve people injured in a stampede at a recruitment Jobs event in Solwezi


Twelve people have been injured in a stampede at the Zambia Correctional Service Solwezi regional offices when hundreds of youths turned up for job interviews.

The incident has resulted in the admission of three people to Solwezi General Hospital for treatment, while nine have been discharged after having received treatment.

According to Solwezi General Hospital Medical Superintendent, Dr Kikanda Sondashi, most of the victims sustained minor injuries.

Eyewitness accounts gathered by Diamond News reveal that the ordeal was triggered by desperate youths in the group that wanted to be ahead of others to attend interviews hence the occurrence of the stampede.

Following the chaotic scenes, some concerned citizens have since urged the government to decentralize the process to avoid the reoccurrence of such an incident that nearly took lives.

The recent recruitment in the Zambia Army and Zambia Airforce also experienced record numbers of young applicants desperate to seek employment in the Ministry of Defense as well as in the Zambia Correctional Service under the Ministry of Home Affairs.


  1. This is sad in that the training that all those in uniform undergo involves tactics on how to handle large gatherings of people. The officers weren’t ready to handle this large gathering, let alone the process. This is common in most govt departments as officers aren’t serious in the manner they handle people. Let’s treat people with dignity. Why can’t the Correctional Service get applications then call people for physical assessments in phases. It’s not possible to properly assess and pick the best candidates in such a manner. How do we expect them to interview others when they themselves lack basic intelligence?

    • My brother professionalism is dead in all of Zambia. It started with the demise in educational standards. Tertiary institutions followed because they were recruiting from a substandard pool. Our police, army, correctional services therefore have poor disciplined staff who are not professional enough to follow a simple work plan like you are suggesting. Let’s have a complete overhaul of our education system. Tackle the choking corruption around ECZ exam council of Zed and look for a president who can do a Kagame revolution on lusaka

    • @ Richard Yes corruption is part of the current national fibre. As long as our current president doesn’t convince the youth that he didn’t get rich out of privatisation deals, as long as our previous president doesn’t explain how his wife got money to buy expensive flats in Lusaka our youths will see corruption as the path to wealth in Zambia.
      Right now all politicians are seen to be looking for deals-not for ways to develop Zambia

  2. Look out for the Afrikaconnector Digital Marketing workshop coming to Solwezi very soon and jobs will be guaranteed for workshop participants. Contact Becky for details on 0969242882/0770795122 or email [email protected]

  3. Yes corruption is part of the current national Fibre. As long as our current president doesn’t convince the youth that he didn’t get rich out of privatization deals, as long as our previous president doesn’t explain how his wife got money to buy huge flats in Lusaka our youths will see corruption as the path to wealth in Zambia. Right now all politicians are seen to be looking for deals not for ways to develop Zambia


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