Sunday, September 8, 2024

ACC asks government institutions to join fight against corruption


The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in North-western province has called on government institutions and all state actors to join hands with it in the fight against the vice.

Provincial Investigation Officer, Mweemba Shaduka, said the fight against corruption can only be effectively won when every citizen takes personal responsibility to refuse to be corrupted and report any corrupt activities.

“There is need for all of us to put our hands together in terms of the fight against corruption,” he said.

Mr Shaduka said the commission is resolved to fight the vice at all levels.

He made the call during an awareness meeting with staff and management from the district town council, civic leaders and members of the Constituency Development Fund Committee (CDFC).

Mr Shaduka said corruption is a cancer that has potential to slow down the economic growth of the country as the vice makes resources not to reach the intended target of development.

He has since called on various institutions in the district to respond to Cabinet’s directive of setting up integrity committees in their workplaces as an important step in the efforts to arrest possible corruption activities in work places.

And Mwinilunga Deputy Council Secretary, John Musonda, warned his staff against engaging themselves in corrupt practices saying it impedes and disturbs government’s vision of delivering meaningful development to its people.

Mr Musonda urged his staff to be vigilant against corruption and encouraged them to report any suspected corrupt activities without fear of being victimised.

“You must report, don’t fear, don’t sweep it under the carpet, if you do so you will be part of that corrupt activity,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mwinilunga Town Council chairperson, Jonathan Chinyimba, appealed for the permanent presence of the ACC in the district in view of decentralisation and increased Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

Mr Chinyimba said ACC must not be viewed as an enemy but should be embraced by everyone as an aid to prudent use of public resources and encouraged the commission to take keen interest in activities happening in government offices in the district.


  1. You can’t win the fight against corruption through threats and warnings in Africa. Talking will only go to the level of the ear.
    The A.C.C must first sanitize all Permanent secretaries on corruption mitigation. Each ministry must set up anti-corruption officesthat then must oversee all the depts falling under that ministry.
    We have talked a lot about corruption but it’s time for action.

  2. I’m not pessimist… each one of these wants to survive… it’s like asking a goat to look after corn.
    The ACC must take interest in their work by looking at lifestyles… it’s the easiest way of knowing that people are stealing.
    Currently the commission is also full of corrupt elements.

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