Sunday, September 8, 2024

Make your own desks, Kabompo schools told


Kabompo District Commissioner, Hubert Chinyanga, has encouraged schools in the area to embark on desk production in order to address the deficit of desks.

Mr. Chinyanga said school administrations should partner with communities to make desks using the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

He was speaking when he visited Mufuli Wanjamba primary school yesterday where he found pupils carrying desks from the neighbouring school which is five kilometres away to sit for grade seven examinations.

“Headteacher sir, as school administration work with your ward development committee to apply for CDF and embark on the production of desks as the materials are readily available,” he advised.

He said it was saddening to see pupils carry desks on their heads from another school which is far away just to write their examinations.

And Mufuli Wanjamba primary school headteacher, Cosmas Namakando said his institution has embarked on renovating some damaged desks using various frames available.

“Sir as we try to address the desk deficit crisis at our school, we have engaged some community members to work on the old damaged desks as we await support from government on the desk issue,” he said.

Mr. Namakando has since thanked government for the increased school grants which have improved the operations of schools in the country.


  1. Hmmm boss.., the job of the school is to educate and not to manufacture desks. Focusing on making desks will compromise the quality of education

    • Umuntu the school must have a management in place that oversees other this apart from teaching…Admin is able to plan on issues to do with desks, books for the other essentials necessary to ensure teaching becomes easy for the masses

  2. “…..Kabompo District Commissioner, Hubert Chinyanga, has encouraged schools in the area to embark on desk production in order to address the deficit of desks…”

    The DC is a lazy useless bum………

    As the first responded observed, schools are to educate not manufacture desks…..

  3. Some how I concur with the DC.However I would encourage manufacturing for pupils in lower grades(grades 2 to 4).They could use CDF to make those common domestic stools made out of cattle or goat hide with pieces of wood together with a portable chip board for simple writig,.This could be a temporal solution as government stocks them with standard desks

  4. I think this call is for anyone who calls themselves entrepreneur to pickup a few tools, ask the government to provide some of the confiscated timber and get to work. Making desks is not rocket science common guys. The funds are there, I wish I was back home…I would have gone to make some money quietly.

  5. The District Commissioner is right.
    I always quote the maxim, “Things don’t just happen, you have got to make it happen”.
    Money will be available, why can’t the school commissions people to make them.
    That is the thing with many of you Africans, you are always expecting others to do things for you all.
    Think outside the box people.
    #1 Umuntu you must think more when writing in.

  6. Umuntu the school must have a management in place that oversees other things apart from teaching…Admin is able to plan on issues to do with desks, books and the other essentials necessary to ensure teaching becomes easy for the masses. The problem we have is that under PF people were stealing money from the poor schools despite having fee paying schools, everything in PF was a sample for a cadre or some chap in high office. Its high time the schools took advantage of the CDF to develop their respective schools.

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