Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Itezhi-Tezhi is technically now part of Southern Province-Central Province PS


Itezhi –Tezhi district has technically been handed over to Southern in order for the district to benefit from the national budget for 2023. Central Province Permanent Secretary Milner Mwanakampwe says Itezhi-Tezhi District is now part of the Southern province budgeted for in the 2023 national budget.

Mr. Mwanakampwe explains that the district has been retained to Southern province so that it can realise its economic potential and effectively contribute to the nation.

Speaking during a meeting held at Itezhi -Tezhi Town council chamber, the Permanent Secretary emphasised that the district’s poor road network has hampered many potential investors, causing it to lag in development.

The district has abundant resources and can effectively contribute to revenue from tourism, fishing, and farming.

Mr. Mwanakampwe for this reason urged heads of department to ensure that projects undertaken in the area benefits the entire community.

He was perplexed that buildings built in the 1970s were still standing and rarely had their roofs blown off, whereas new buildings were being damaged, annually .

“Those of us in charge of procuring government projects should do serious introspection and have a heart for the poor people who require government services,” Mr. Mwanakampwe said.

And Southern Province Permanent Secretary Namani Monze said he was looking forward to working with Itezhi-Tezhi to meet the people’s expectations.

He also urged civil servants to use government resources wisely in order to provide quality services to the people.

“We are not employed in order to get a salary but to provide services” Dr. Monze said.

Meanwhile, Itezhi-Tezhi Council Chairperson Oliver Sitengu has urged Southern Province administration to complete the D769 road as soon as possible.

“The issue of access to Itezhi-Tezhi should be addressed urgently because we are losing investment opportunities such as tourism.” Mr. Sitengu said.

He cited a missed opportunity by Parmalat, which planned to establish milk collection centres but was unable to do so due to poor road networks.

Mr. Sitengu has also requested that Central Province expedite the numbering of plots surveyed in Itezhi -Tezhi.

The formal transfer of the Itezhi -Tezhi district to the southern provision will take place before the end of 2022.

During the Patriotic Front regime , the area was part of Central province.


  1. Is this how things are now done in Zambia whereby PSs can go around designating districts to Provinces they do NOT belong to and they are NOT gazetted as such? If Itehzi-tehzi is lagging behind in terms of development, the reason is NOT because of the Province to which it belongs. The problem is Govt, both previous ones and current. Every year money is apportioned proportionally to all Provinces, including Central, so why has Itehzi-tehzi getting its fair share from the Provincial Administration? And why should the budget for Southern Province include a District that belongs to another Province. By the way, what does “Itehzi-tehzi TECHNICALLY belongs to Southern Province” even mean? Please respect gazette Provincial boundaries before you start creating unnecessary conflicts in the…

    • Itezhi tezhi has always belonged to Southern Province. The people in Itezhi Itezhi are Ila, which means they are Tonga. The tribalists took Itezhi and Siavonga, another Tonga district from Southern Province so that they could reduce the richness of the country, since these two districts generate most of the electricity in Zambia. Siavonga and Itezhi tezhi lag in development because in keeping with tribal agendas of the governments that have ruled the country since Kaunda, they want to loot Southern and Northwestern Province in order to build to a University in the artifically created Muchinga, another in Northern Province and another in Luapula Province, all 3 of which provinces have never contributed anything substantial to economy of the country. Leave us alone and stop trying steal our…

    • Technically just means someone wants to steal money. Money meant for one province will be claimed by a fake district and we wont see this money because it will be pocketted. Watch out!

    • You Tonga-hating tribalists are the ones who tried to advance your agenda by taking productive districts from Southern Province and weakening it. As you know, Southern Province has the most diverse and powerful economy in Zambia, that includes agriculture, tourism, mining and power generation, all at profitable levels. Since Chiluba, all you people have done is to try and destroy that province and its people. Your government excluded people from Southern, Western or Nortwestern Province. All money made in Southern and Northwestern Province was sent to make projects in your provinces. You are the tribalists.

  2. Itehzi- tehzi has always historically been part of southern province as it is a Tonga / Ila region so its only right that it has been ‘ RETURNED’ to the south as the article says.

    • Thank you. We should do also subject the constitution to a referendum, so that going forward, anyone wanting to change the constitution should a get a majority vote in 70% of the provinces. The provincial and district boundaries must be set in stone. No one should be able to change, create or destroy districts on the whim.

    • Are Provincial lines/boundaries drawn based on Tribal in Zambia now? Do you even understand what you are suggesting here? Be careful what you wish for; you might just get it! If we let this Tribe thing become predominant and start guiding our Central Govt decisions, I can assure you Zambia as we have known it is f@$#ked and finished.

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