Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hichilema calls for mindset change, hard work to fight poverty


President Hakainde Hichilema has called for mindset change among Zambians for them to embrace hard work in fighting poverty.

President Hichilema says it is his desire that economic growth takes centre stage in his administration in order to reduce poverty in the country.

Mr Hichilema said Zambia has no choice but to fully focus on the economic recovery agenda.

The President says his government has an ambitious target to meet three million tons of copper produced in the next decade.

He was speaking in Lusaka today at the first ever economic growth forum which government and the International Growth Centre have co-hosted.

The forum, which is under the theme, ‘delivering economic growth for Zambia,’ is focusing on the agriculture and mining sectors as well as governance, with a particular concern on how the two industries link with job creation and poverty reduction.

The Head of State also stated that agriculture should not just be looked at in terms of production but productivity, which he said connotes efficiency.

He has further noted that there is need to connect agriculture to climate change, emphasising the need to plant trees.

And President Hichilema has said the attitude and work ethic of the public sector is key in attaining economic growth.

“The public sector historically, if it does not function, it would drag us down. And I am sure in our conversations, the Secretary to the Cabinet knows the specifics that we need to work on in order to unlock the rigidity in the system,” Mr Hichilema said.

Speaking at the same event, Finance and National Planning Minister, Situmbeko Musokotwane, said the country, through the Eighth National Development Plan (8NDP), has outlined a number of economic and governance issues that are aimed at making the economy function effectively.

Dr Musokotwane said one of the biggest challenges being faced is creating sustainable livelihoods to tackle poverty, which the 8NDP is desiring to achieve.

The minister however said government stands ready to learn despite having the development plan and other programmes already in place.

“We look forward to hearing some of those experiences. But we also look forward to specific suggestions on what we need to do on top of what we agreed in our own programme,” Dr Musokotwane said

Meanwhile, International Growth Centre (IGC) Executive Director, Jonathan Leape, said the centre’s goal is to help governments learn faster, through close ongoing collaborations between policymakers and researchers.

Professor Leape disclosed that IGC has been working closely with government on the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

“Our most advanced engagement since we began almost a year ago, focuses on the CDF reforms and is built on a close collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government,” he said.


  1. Mr. President , our mindset are intact and need not any change. Your govt mindset is the one which must change. Remove the following from your cabinet: 1. Mutolo 2. Nkombo.3 Chushi and change your entire advisory team at state house. Then we can talk midset.

  2. Zambians open your eyes s lot of homosexuality, gay rights are have a lot of meetings in our country…it’s like someone has agreed to the conditions given by the USA to allow homosexuality in our nation. We are in trouble

    • TIKKI 2.1

      Just keep dipping your manhood and tongue into another man’s dirty hole. You are a sick man – that can enjoy these acts. Worse than animals. If anything you are the one still in the Dark. What darkness. You are sick in your mind, you don’t just realize.

  3. “President Hichilema says it is his desire that economic growth takes centre stage in his administration in order to reduce poverty in the country” LT. There’s no variation there then.

    Evolution occurs only in a population and not in any particular individual, as evolution may occur due to change in gene frequencies in a population.

    The administration doesn’t remind us of the importance of intellectual properties, because of the way it addresses the Republic.

    GRZ what is going on?

  4. He is right, all Africans need to change their mindset.
    You all are so backward and believe in a lot mumbo jumbo, superstition and witchcraft. Things that have place in the modern world

  5. Yes, change mindset, The question is :
    After 58yaers of independence who and how should it be done?
    What deliberate mindset change programs is the new dawn promoting?
    Please, we are looking for leadership direction without blaming the economic victims.

  6. In my opinion Roughly only 40% of Zambians have the right work ethic and are honest…………

    The rest 60 to 70 % are lazy and dishonest and would do substandard work on most occasions.

    40% can not carry the country………

    I hope I am wrong with the numbers

  7. He changed his mind set to get out of poverty. He chose farming, no lan and no money….so what next?
    There are few people with opportunities which means poverty will continue to haunt us.

  8. With all due respect sir, you need to look in the mirror and make a change first. We see trouble and iceberg ahead. You still have time to steer the ship on the right path.

  9. i strongly believe the president has no touch of his people, its shocking to hear such statements that zambians must change the mindset from been lazy to hard working. the mind set change he is talking about is forget the PF and join UPND i believe, us zambian are very hard working even in this time were times are hard no no money in circulation we still wake up go do what we always do to put food on the table for our families. so what the president is talking about i strongly believe he has no clue of the people he is leading or maybe he is telling his fellow politicians


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